


Munch is a twice-monthly podcast where our three hosts cook elaborate meals in response to (often, but not always) mediocre films. Join us on a journey of sight, sound and taste in an audio medium. Its more entertaining than it sounds, we promise!


  • 010 xXx


    This week on munch, in the presence of the xXx “threequel” now in theaters, we talk about the impossibility of searching for xXx on Google, dangerous youtube searches around parents, Xander Cage as an unlikely ...

  • 009 iTunes Roulette: The Switch


    This week, we talk about The Switch and how we ended up watching that movie in the first place. It’s a little different from our norm. We debate whether Jason Bateman is decent or despicable, and ...

  • 008 Star Wars Holiday Special


    This week, we talk about the disaster that was the Star Wars Holiday Special. We have important, thoughful discussions on the sexiest man of the year, Carrie Fisher’s fling with Harrison Ford, and wookie erotica. Spoilers ...

  • 007 (500) Days of Summer


    This week, we do a long discussion on the actual movie for once, but we also cover the correct pronunciation of JGL, mix up spoofs and goofs, and close out on a debate as to what ...

  • 006 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


    This week, we dive into the world of Harry Potter with local Harry Potter expert and friend of the podcast, Francis Chiem. We talk food, film, and fashion in this podcast, sometimes with a British accent, ...

  • 005 Face/Off


    What better way to follow up a shot of Con Air than with a Face/Off chaser? We revisit the ridiculous 90’s Travolta/Cage sci-fi action thriller where they swap faces, and spend way too much time talking about sex and ...

  • 004 Con Air


    The Munchkins revisit their roots with Con Air. Although it was never publicized, Con Air was the first movie the Munchkins sat down and watched together, accompanied by some explosive food to match the theme of the ...

  • 003 Minority Report


    With the forthcoming Jack Reacher film coming out, we sat down and watched another Tom Cruise film: Minority Report. We talk to Steven Spielberg, John Williams, and even Hayden Christensen to get their takes on ...

  • 002 Jesus Christ Superstar


    Inspired by our love for the musical Hamilton, we watched the musical that inspired aspects of it: Jesus Christ Superstar. With its 70s charm and killer soundtrack, we talk about our love for the music, ...

  • 001 Beginners


    We're podcast beginners, but we're food and movie experts. Here, we cover the film Beginners.

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