Growing Great Families Dr Richard And Jane Horowitz



Parenting is a life long journey. Unfortunately, children do not arrive with an instruction book and navigating family life has become more hazardous in our instant communication, highly competitive and relationship challenged environment. This informational show is dedicated to join you on the parenting journey and help you find the greatest fulfillment and happiness can be accomplished in your role as a parent and to the life of your family.


  • Growing Great Families – ADHD On The Rise: Is It A Cause For Alarm Or Just Better Diagnosing? Part 1


    More and more children are getting a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to new data from the (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The percentage of children with the condition rose from 7% in 1998-2000 to 9% in 2007-2009, for both boys and girls. In some areas of the United States those […] The post Growing Great Families – ADHD On The Rise: Is It A Cause For Alarm Or Just Better Diagnosing? Part 1 appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Child Safety – Are we over protecting our kids or are we asleep at the wheel? Part 2


    This week we continue our conversation with our two experts on child safety. If you missed Part 1, please go to our archives and listen – there’s lots of great information there! No one would disagree that making sure our children, often referred to as our most important natural resource, are safe is the number […] The post Growing Great Families – Child Safety – Are we over protecting our kids or are we asleep at the wheel? Part 2 appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Child Safety – Are we over protecting our kids or are we asleep at the wheel? Part I


    No one would disagree that making sure our children, often referred to as our most important natural resource, are safe is the number one priority for parents and for society at large. Therefore, we decided to focus this show and the next on child safety. We present data to frame the core issues involved in […] The post Growing Great Families – Child Safety – Are we over protecting our kids or are we asleep at the wheel? Part I appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Back to School – Mixed Emotions


    Given the displays in stores, ads on TV and the hopeful look on the faces of many parents, school is either starting soon or has just begun. However, we realize that it is a mixed bag for both parents and kids. Parents look forward to the stricter routines dictated by the school calendar yet will […] The post Growing Great Families – Back to School – Mixed Emotions appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – The traditional family, a thing of the past?


    In Family Centered Parenting we have been mindful not to place a set definition of what constitutes a family. Despite the implication on the part of parents listening that we are not talking only about a traditional family defined as children living with their biological mother and father, our message is that whatever way a […] The post Growing Great Families – The traditional family, a thing of the past? appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Kids & Money


    From toddlers putting coins in their piggy banks to teenagers paying for car insurance, money management is huge issue in the life of a family. When not handled thoughtfully, issues surrounding money can become a constant area of family friction and disharmony. Parents need guidelines and suggestions on how to establish and share their values […] The post Growing Great Families – Kids & Money appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Teenagers: Where parents fear to tread.


    Philosopher Raymond Duncan wrote – “The best substitute for experience is being sixteen.” Then there is an old Yiddish proverb that tells us that, “Small children disturb your sleep, big children your life.” Today we explore why the parenting of adolescents so fraught with angst for parents and what parents can do to not only […] The post Growing Great Families – Teenagers: Where parents fear to tread. appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Parent Blunders: You don’t have to be perfect to be a good parent


    With so much parenting information and advice now available in books, magazines, internet blogs and “ezines”, parents are feeling tremendous pressure in figuring out how to precisely navigate the parenting journey. In addition, advice from friends and relatives – especially grandparents – makes the experience even more confusing. This week we will relieve some of […] The post Growing Great Families – Parent Blunders: You don’t have to be perfect to be a good parent appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – He Just Doesn’t Listen: Is there something wrong with him or could it be us?


    Countless articles on parenting and TV reality shows like “Super Nanny” highlight issues about kids out of control or who rarely listen to their parents. Even early childhood educators report increasing violent or anti-social behavior among their students. Are we experiencing and epidemic on what is labeled by the mental health community as Oppositional Defiant […] The post Growing Great Families – He Just Doesn’t Listen: Is there something wrong with him or could it be us? appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Being A Parent Doesn’t Mean Being a Martyr


    A print advertisement for a luxury minivan was titled, “Being a parent doesn’t mean being a martyr.” The implication is that if you do have to drive an un-cool minivan for the sake of the kids at least you can tart it up. A bumper sticker on a passing vehicle stated, “I have no life […] The post Growing Great Families – Being A Parent Doesn’t Mean Being a Martyr appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – My 24 year old son is coming home. Can we handle this?


    This is a question that is being asked by more and more parents then ever before. According to a recent article, 26% or more than 1-4 adults ages 23 – 28 lives with his or her parents. Even more startling is survey results which revealed that 80% of college graduates moved back home after getting […] The post Growing Great Families – My 24 year old son is coming home. Can we handle this? appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Summer Time – Family Stress or Family Fun?


    Summer time – kids out of school, vacation opportunities, kick back time yet also the potential for family stress. Multiple choices, lack of structure, kid’s brain drain, and limited resources can make the summer a negative experience for a family. The unintended message of a recent commercial for a GPS device provides some clues to […] The post Growing Great Families – Summer Time – Family Stress or Family Fun? appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Is There Really a difference between Mothering & Fathering?


    What do fathers bring to parenting that is unique? Is a poor father better than no father? How do fathers inspire their kids to achieve? What do single parents have to do to replace the energy not present in the household? What do men have to do to be better fathers? With Father’s day around […] The post Growing Great Families – Is There Really a difference between Mothering & Fathering? appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Bullying – The Whole Story (Part 2)


    Not surprising, the bullying story hasn’t faded away. Parents and educators are seeking answers on why bullying seems to be on the increase and what are the appropriate means to respond. Schools have adopted strict anti-bullying policies yet there is no certainty that they are effective. This is particularly the case with cyber bullying – […] The post Growing Great Families – Bullying – The Whole Story (Part 2) appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Bullying – The Whole Story (Part 1)


    Are you confused by all of the stories in the news about bullying? The bullying story doesn’t go away. It seems that each day there is another report in the news about a bullying incident. The most tragic concern children who have committed suicide allegedly as a response to being bullied. Legislators across the country […] The post Growing Great Families – Bullying – The Whole Story (Part 1) appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Kid’s Sports – What’s the Purpose? Has the need to win gone too far and limited participation?


    Are you an over-involved parent? Have you taken the time to figure out what you want your child to gain from the sport’s experience? Are parents sacrificing their needs and the needs of the entire family to chase the myth of fame? Are parents over identifying with their child’s success and pushing them for a […] The post Growing Great Families – Kid’s Sports – What’s the Purpose? Has the need to win gone too far and limited participation? appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Motivating Your Child to Achieve


    The Tiger mom used shame and punishment as strategies to motivate her kids. Is there an alternative? Richard & Jane along with their guest Dr. Alan Levine, mathematician and tutor, discuss alternative strategies to raise high achieving kids without raising stress levels that can be destructive for the child and the parents. The post Growing Great Families – Motivating Your Child to Achieve appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – You Want Them To Talk, You Better Listen!


    Are you listening so your children want to talk with you? Is your car breaking up your family? Isn’t punishment and discipline the same thing? The post Growing Great Families – You Want Them To Talk, You Better Listen! appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – So Whose Values Are They Anyway?


    Join us to find out how a fortune cookie can help make a breakthrough in your parenting style. Also, are your pre-teen’s clothes too suggestive? And, finally, what to do when getting your child dressed in the morning becomes a struggle. The post Growing Great Families – So Whose Values Are They Anyway? appeared first on

  • Growing Great Families – Programming Your Parenting GPS


    In a recent interview, Ralph Macchio, the original Karate Kid and current Dancing With The Stars contestant, said that parenting “is the toughest job on the planet.” He’s right on! Join us as we talk about the life-long journey of parenting, what we can learn from a recent tragic family story in the news and […] The post Growing Great Families – Programming Your Parenting GPS appeared first on

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