#flipmyfunnel Podcast



The #FlipMyFunnel Podcast is a daily podcast hosted by entrepreneur, CMO, and founder of the #FlipMyFunnel movement, Sangram Vajre. On this show, youll find a mix of interviews with sales and marketing experts, keynotes from #FlipMyFunnel events, conversations about staying aligned across an entire organization, fundamental leadership principles, and commentary on great content thats been published on the #FlipMyFunnel blog. Ultimately, this podcast is dedicated to helping B2B marketing, sales, and customer success professionals become masters of their craft. Each episode features topics like: leadership, sales and marketing alignment, account-based marketing (ABM), content marketing, marketing technology (MarTech), B2B marketing, B2B sales, customer success, strategic partnerships, agile marketing, buyer personas, content creation and promotion, social media and more.


  • 368: Sangram’s Thoughts on Fatherhood

    27/08/2019 Duración: 34min

    Sangram’s not only a great leader of the fastest-growing ABM company, but he’s also a thoughtful parent. Recently, he was invited on the Dad the Best I Can Show to discuss parenting and growing up in India, and answer some rapid-fire personal questions. We took that interview and turned it into a #FlipMyFunnel podcast. Sangram dives deep into his childhood, and what it was like growing up in a joint family house with 15 people. He also discusses life lessons he learned from his parents, and what he hopes to pass on. Whether you’re a parent or another leader, this is the podcast for you.

  • 369: How Do You Go from Immigrant to Sales Leader in a Few Years? w/ Lyuda Rogers

    27/08/2019 Duración: 13min

    Want some inspiration? Want to see if the American dream is alive and well? Just speak with Lyuda Rogers. As an immigrant to the US, she had to create a mindset that would allow her to make her own opportunities. Rogers joined us on the #FlipMyFunnel podcast to talk about how her immigrant experience has helped shape her into one of Terminus’ top Sales Development Representatives.  

  • 370: Flashback - Relationships Don’t Scale - But Build Them Anyway

    27/08/2019 Duración: 07min

    Relationships don’t scale. But doing unscalable things can build relationships.As a leader, as a marketer, as a salesperson - what are the things you can do to build relationships? That’s what I talked about in the latest Big Idea episode for the #FlipMyFunnel podcast. You can scale businesses but you can’t scale people. You need to think of unscalable things to do to build your relationships. So, think of what you can do for your direct reports that will make them remember that you care, even when you are not there every day with them in the trenches.Think of how to make your customers and future customers special and unique. Scale your business, not your people.

  • 371: Here’s Why Sales Isn’t Sleazy Anymore w/ Daniel Pink

    27/08/2019 Duración: 31min

    I’m guessing one or two of you have heard of a guy named Daniel Pink. He’s the author of To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others and When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing. He came on the show and shared some amazing insights about how we are “selling” something every day in our jobs, how the explosion of information in the world has radically changed the job of the salesperson today, and how there’s real science to prove you’re not crazy for feeling drained during different parts of the day. Two big ideas: 1) Sales isn’t universally taught in schools, but it’s a skill that every single person needs in life. 2) The nature of expertise has changed from having access to information nobody had to curating the welter of information that everybody has.

  • 372: Leadership Quality Communications w/ Joe Yazbeck

    27/08/2019 Duración: 26min

    What’s your biggest fear? If you’re anything like the rest of the world, public speaking is probably one of your top three. But what if that was one thing holding you back from taking your business to the next level? Would you do something about it? Would you finally lead the staff meeting, write that book or say yes to that speaking engagement? Joe Yazbeck wrote No Fear Speaking to help leaders get over this common fear. As a leadership and public speaking trainer, he helps people master the art of effective communication--in public. He also coined the term leadership-quality communications while writing his book. A practice he now travels the world teaching on because he deeply believes you can’t become an effective leader if you're not a confident, dynamic communicator. On this episode, we talk about how any personality style can become a better communicator, how to build your influence, and so much more.

  • 373: Is Hustling Making Us Happy? w/ Bryan Kramer

    27/08/2019 Duración: 18min

    You know how to “hustle.” Everyone’s talking about it — TV, the internet, books … content everywhere is reminding us to take part of the “rise, grind, and make it happen” mentality. But is there a difference between hard work and hustle, and is this “hustle mindset” really helping business leaders and employees achieve their goals? On this episode the #FlipMyFunnel podcast, our #TakeoverTuesday host Carlos Hidalgo interviews Bryan Kramer. Bryan is an author, a speaker, a coach, and President and CEO of PureMatter, an #H2H company. Bryan takes us through his life’s journey, which led him to a 30-person agency, before he purposely toppled everything and started over, with just his wife. He tossed out the “hustle” mindset, and started approaching everyday with his true goals in mind. The result? He got his health back, his family back, and he actually makes more money.

  • 374: How To Take Your Marketing From Good To Great

    27/08/2019 Duración: 35min

    I gave a talk about this topic of taking your marketing from good to great at several different events, but one of the events in Phoenix, Arizona, B2BMX, sent me a recording of it and I thought it'd be a really cool idea to play it on our podcast. In this talk, I explain why it’s so important to reevaluate what you’re focusing on as a company, how to cut marketing efforts that aren’t working, why you need to stop buying more marketing tools, and so many more tips to help you take your marketing to the next level. I based this talk on two books that I highly recommend every marketing, sales leader read: "Good to Great" and "Twenty-Two Immutable Laws of Marketing."

  • 375: Are You a Leader Or A Manager?

    27/08/2019 Duración: 07min

    A lot of people have trouble differentiating whether they’re a leader or a manager. It’s not good or bad to be one or the other. They both are equally important. Here’s why: -Without good managers, we’d all just be daydreaming because leaders are dreamers. -Without good leaders, we wouldn’t know where we’re going. Personally, I think we put too much emphasis on leadership and not enough on management. In other words, there is too much emphasis on thinkers and not enough on do-ers. This was emphasized over and over again at the leadership conference I attended: Leadercast. Andy Stanley, one of the best communicators of our time, defined a high-performance team like this: High-performance teams are comprised of people with extraordinary clarity around the what, why, and how along with a predisposition towards execution. That definition literally screams that a high-performance team is a combination of leaders and managers.So how do you know if you are a leader or a manager? Tune in to hear the three questions y

  • 376: What Do You Do With A Gun Pointed In Your Face? w/ Erik Seversen

    27/08/2019 Duración: 26min

    Fear can be devastating. On the other hand, as Erik Seversen discovered, it can be one of the most energizing forces around. On today’s episode of the FlipMyFunnel podcast, Erik, the author of Ordinary to Extraordinary, shared how the lesson he learned while a gun was pointed straight at his head has helped him in business.

  • 377: The Power of Communication For Success In Leadership w/ Joe Yazbeck (Part 2)

    27/08/2019 Duración: 26min

    Communication is the single most important activity for any leader, professional, or executive, but why is that? How does effective communication lead to more success? According to Joe Yazbeck, the best-selling author of No Fear Speaking, it’s because communication is the tool that connects people, creates agreement with ideals and ideas and projects, and makes for a productive function within an organization. Listen in as Joe Kerner interviews Joe Yazbeck in part 2 of why communication is so important to leadership success. Be sure to check out NoFearSpeaking.com for more of Yazbeck’s work.

  • 378: The Dark Side of the Word “Hustle” w/ Jill Rowley

    27/08/2019 Duración: 48min

    Jill Rowley has been exceptionally vulnerable on social media about her work/life balance. Work is her great passion in life, and her career has taken a high percentage of her time and energy. But now, stepping into a new space as a Partner at Stage 2 Capital, she’s working on changing her lifestyle to achieve more balance in her life. One major way she’s doing it is becoming allergic to the word “hustle,” the idea of the never-stopping, never-slowing grind that can easily become an addiction for professionals. She’s got an amazingly vulnerable story of how she’s learning what actually matters in life and work, and she was kind enough to share it on the podcast in an interview with guest host Carlos Hidalgo.

  • 379: Bringing Oracle’s Account-Based Strategy To Life: A Tale Of Two Campaigns

    27/08/2019 Duración: 47min

    The closing session at the B2B Marketing Exchange was really fantastic. It was all about ABM — specifically how Oracle brought their ABM strategy to life. During the session Jungah Lee, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Oracle Cloud for Finance, and Lynn Barnhart, Senior Director, Demand Generation for Human Capital Management Cloud Solutions at Oracle, talked about how they successfully deployed their ABM strategy through two very different campaigns. The campaigns focused on two different audience groups with two different sets of goals and objectives, two different orchestrations, and two very different timelines. Even though these campaigns were vastly different, the ABM framework they used allowed them to achieve success in each campaign. So, on this episode of the #FlipMyFunnel podcast, I’m sharing our biggest takeaways from this session on how to implement a great ABM strategy.

  • 380: To Break Through, Be Willing to Break Your Routine

    27/08/2019 Duración: 06min

    You’ve heard the advice: Wake up at 5 am and get your routine right Take cold showers to spark up your creative brain Have a routine to gain maximum productivity Eat like a tadpole and not like a frog (what does that even mean?) These types of advice are not about doing the things themselves. Instead, the underlying truth is when you’re stuck, you should break your routine and try something new.

  • 381: Why And How To Create A LinkedIn Course w/ Joshua Mitchell

    27/08/2019 Duración: 27min

    We at #FlipMyFunnel are huge fans of LinkedIn--it’s evident in how much we post and engage with others on the platform. Recently, our Co-Founder even launched a course on account-based marketing on LinkedIn. It was such a great experience for our team that we thought it’d be so beneficial to have an expert come on the show and walk you through the (long) process. Joshua Mitchell is the head of marketing learning strategy at LinkedIn. He’s basically a headhunter who’s constantly on the prowl for trending thought leaders who have a heart to teach, and also happen to be great on camera. Could you be one of them? Well, it involves a long list of qualifications and experience. But, with consistency and some new habits, we believe you can get there. Tune in to find out how.

  • 382: What It Really Means to be a Leader Taking Action w/ Joe Kerner

    27/08/2019 Duración: 29min

    The point of leadership is to produce some desired and intended end result. To actually get something done. Think about the word “executive”. The word “execute” is right there at the heart of it. Leadership is all about taking action — and getting your team to take action, too. So, what are the keys to getting it done? How can you encourage your team to be productive and efficient? That’s exactly what we talked about on the latest #FlipMyFunnel episode. We’ve been doing a mini-series on leadership and for the past two episodes we’ve been focused on how important communication is to being a great leader. But now we’re switching gears. We’re taking a look at what it means to be a leader who takes action. And Joe Kerner, Partner and COO at Prestige Leadership Advisors, is here to share his expertise on the matter

  • 383: A View from The Other Side: Living with a Workaholic w/ Susanne Justice-Hidalgo

    27/08/2019 Duración: 30min

    It started with the occasional missed dinner. A few late emails here and there. But it didn’t stop. Workaholism isn’t always obvious; it’s an insidious force. And Carlos Hidalgo was no exception. In this episode, Carlos interviews his wife Susanne Justice-Hidalgo, Co-Founder and CFO/COO at VisumCx, about what it felt like to view the 90-hour work weeks from the other side of the glass—and what the toll was on their family. Be sure to check out Carlos’s book about their story at www.theunamericandream.com.

  • 384: Optimizing ABM Execution To Outperform Organizational Expectations

    27/08/2019 Duración: 47min

    One of the highlights for us at B2BMX was a panel discussion where four experts talked about ABM strategies they’ve deployed at their companies. The panel featured Som Puangladda, VP of Global Marketing at GumGum, Adam Goyette, VP of Marketing at G2 Crowd, Eric Martin, Senior Director of Demand Gen at SalesLoft, and Justin Gray, the well-known founder of LeadMD. Som, Adam, Eric, and Justin joined forces to address topics like deployment, personalization, scalability, measurement, and alignment. On this episode of #FlipMyFunnel, we’re sharing that discussion with you.

  • 386: How to Implement Radical Candor in Your Organization w/ Kim Scott

    27/08/2019 Duración: 28min

    Everybody struggles with radical candor.  To care personally about everyone you work with, but also to challenge them directly, is something we all constantly fail at. Kim Scott literally wrote the book on radical candor, so if she hasn’t perfected it, neither will you. Kim led a team of 700 people at Google, and it was like watching a slow-motion train wreck happening day after day. She admits that many times, she caused the wreck herself. “The reluctance to solicit feedback,” Kim told us in this episode, “to offer both praise and criticism, and to create an environment in which everybody is doing the same is one of the biggest problems in business.”  Three Big Ideas from this interview 1) Buy the book. Seriously, just do it. 2) As you go through this process, it’s OK to fail. Don’t judge yourself too harshly. 3) Ask for feedback before you share it.

  • 387: How to Avoid Creating a Corporate Culture by Accident w/ Joseph Kerner

    27/08/2019 Duración: 30min

    Culture is one of the hottest topics in business today. But don’t worry: for those of you who aren’t into buzzwords or generalities, there’s still plenty of meat on the “culture bone.”  Our guest host today is Joe Kerner, international speaker and Partner and COO at Prestige Leadership Advisors, once again interviewing Joe Yazbeck. In Joe Kerner’s words: “I believe culture determines the success or failure of any business or any type of organization for that matter.”  There are winning cultures, there are losing cultures and there are mediocre cultures—and how you design your culture from the beginning makes all the difference.

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