Rabbi Daniel Lapin



Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.


  • Ep 1 | The Real Reason Why There Have Always Been So Many Jews in Comedy

    05/01/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    If you’ve read my book, Thou Shall Prosper-The Ten Commandments for Making Money, then you already know why Jews are disproportionately good with money. You’ve probably already adopted those timeless truths into your own financial life to good effect, but none of that explains why over 80 percent of American comedians of the past 80 years are Jewish. While we’re talking laughter, why are the wicked villains of television and movies characterized by their evil laugh? Was Samson really a comedian? The only one in all of the Bible? Also, why do most jokes revolve around the bedroom, the bathroom, and the church/synagogue? There is some really terrible news for South Africa. The University of Cape Town claims that "1 + 1 = 2" only according to the old, white, colonial way of thinking. Why did Wrestlemania take off so successfully in the 1980s? And we reveal the reason why a shared sense of humor is vital for couples contemplating marriage. Enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 52 | One Of The Dumbest Things That Smart People Like Us Do All The Time.

    29/12/2018 Duración: 51min

    What is the semi-addictive behavior in which most of us engage to our own detriment?  To what activity do most of us devote a shockingly high number of hours each week for which we get zero benefit?  What is worse, this activity not only brings no benefit but it actually causes damage to us.  If evil enemies wanted to harm the United States of America and render it weak both economically and militarily, they couldn’t have come up with a better plot than this one in which we willingly collaborate.  Not surprisingly, those weakest members of society, the least productive and most destructive, spend most time on this harmful thing.  Do you really want to promote uniformity of thought? Do you really want to eliminate all individuality and all diversity of outlook?  Well, just continue doing what you’re already doing and encourage others to do the same.  Is there a solution?  Of course!  Do you really think your rabbi would leave you dangling? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 51 | Feminism was Caused by Boys Who Never Matured into Men

    22/12/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Why did The Donna Reed Show help marriages while The Gilmore Girls hurt them? And how did boys start reneging on the social contract to become men back during the 1960s? Until then, boys sought to grow into men who would marry and who would cherish and protect their wives. Then, in what will turn out to be history’s most remarkable case of mass arrested development, little boys grew into big boys and big boys became 40 year-old adolescents. Men surrendered their natural authority in relationships; then they renounced responsibility. So understandably, the women had to step in; for whether in politics, business, or male/female relationships, nature abhors a vacuum. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 50 | Never Say “Happy Holidays” | No! Save Civilization by Saying “Merry Christmas”

    15/12/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    Culture is not the same as civilization. There are thousands of cultures but only one civilization. Banks & bathrooms in Beijing, Bombay, and Bangkok grew to resemble such institutions in Boston, Birmingham, and Berlin; not the other way around. Along with millions of others who voted with their feet, you and I also prefer civilization to any of the countless cultures we could have lived in. The problem is that civilization is a frighteningly fragile flower. What happens when we clip that flower off its roots? Why does it take so much more work and time to build a house than to demolish it? What does that have to do with the advantages that liberalism, progressivism, and socialism seem to possess among young voters in many countries? And why politicians and bureaucrats exempt themselves from the laws and regulations they religiously impose upon others. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 49 | Don’t Be a Digital Dunce: Know Your Numbers & Achieve!

    08/12/2018 Duración: 47min

    Numbers are your portal to progress.  What happened to England when all Jews were expelled? What happened to England when they returned?  Start devoting a few hours every week to improving your numerical literacy.  Stop telling yourself you can’t do math.  Nothing too complicated, just start on becoming more familiar with numbers than you are.  In Hebrew all five verbs for counting each also mean aristocrat (count) or prominence, power, and prestige.  Amazing Biblical coincidences.   When you can effectively number something, you can effectively change it.  Your weight, your bank balance, your number of friends, your charitable giving. Numbering everything is a key to success.  Gradually grow in numerical literacy to the point you’ll get to understand statistics, probability and calculus.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 48 | Making Money Means Mastering Money: Here’s How

    01/12/2018 Duración: 56min

    By far, the majority of people around you understand money as well as they understand magnetic resonance imaging. Which is to say, not much! As a not-very-successful fisherman in the cool, deep waters of British Columbia, I learned that you can’t possibly put salmon on your grill without understanding salmon. Similarly, you can’t put money in your bank without understanding money. And putting money in your bank is important. In 1925, President Calvin Coolidge said, “The chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world.” Isn’t that true for you? The spiritual nature of money and why the week should be five days long but isn’t. Why secular fundamentalists equate economic prosperity with moral depravity. Why atheists usually see profit as plunder. Why no atheistic society has ever created a vibrant economy. How this can help you in your work. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 47 | Happy Wife—Happy Life: True Testament Or Silly Slogan?

    26/11/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    Men are hardwired to want to make their wives happy.  We genuinely are happier when our wives are happy.  And we are miserable when our wives cry.  The problem is that most of us men are pretty clueless as to how to make wives happy.  And what makes it even harder is that wives never want to tell husbands how to make them happy.  While not disparaging gifts, remembering important dates, and breakfast in bed, in this show we explore the other really important things that make wives happy.  For maximum happiness, a newly married man should strive every day to be worthy of his wife’s admiration.  When can he finally relax and just be himself?  When he dies!  How building a beautiful bridge resembles building a beautiful marriage—and how it differs.  A man’s body will always follow the logic of his deepest convictions; he will be attracted to the woman who reflects his noblest vision of himself.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 46 | The Real Reason The Left Silences Conservative Speakers and Suppresses Pro-Family Voices

    19/11/2018 Duración: 01h06min

    Conservatives frequently misunderstand the battleground.  They try to refute beliefs with facts.  Won’t work!  Never has; never will.  Crusaders will always defeat accountants.  Believers will always defeat policy wonks.  The committed will always defeat the complacent.  Remember when the Moors invaded Spain?  Well, one afternoon in the year 720, a brave Catholic priest bravely confronted the Moslem mob saying, “We should get together and hold a big symposium about the future of religious pluralism on the Iberian peninsula.”  The Moslems removed his head, desecrated his church and converted it into a mosque. They then moved on to the next town where the same scenario was repeated. The religious believer doesn’t engage in discussion and debate with heretics.  The religious believer silences, suppresses, and if necessary, does away with the heretic.  Nothing but unconditional surrender is acceptable in religious warfare. Compromise is anathema.  In this show I prove all the above and clearly demonstrate that at

  • Ep. 45 | Increase Your Productivity by Never Sleeping In Your Day Clothing. Really?

    10/11/2018 Duración: 01h05min

    I always thought that the fashion industry was just decadent, but apparently not.  Clothing possesses a profoundly spiritual aspect.  Most male birds like peacocks and cardinals are strikingly colorful while the female looks dull. However, last time I was at a charity banquet, the men were all bland and drab in black suits and white shirts while the women were resplendent in every color of the rainbow.  Does the difference suggest something useful about male/female relationships? Is the Bible, man’s book about God, or God’s book about mankind?  How to make a squirrel hibernate in July. The most effective way to wake up in the morning.  Making your subconscious work for you. Why last week’s podcast was withdrawn. Why the euphemism of ‘sleeping’ with someone makes sense. What happens when we don’t get enough sleep.  Why God just hates unisex clothing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 43 | Do You Recycle Your Household Trash? If Yes, You Are Devoutly Pious

    27/10/2018 Duración: 56min

    Welcome to the church of Secular Fundamentalism.  Many, and probably most American cities dump their carefully collected “recyclables” into the local landfill!  That’s right!  After you laboriously separate your pizza boxes and beer cans from your papaya skins and T-Bone steak left-overs, after you arduously rinse out spaghetti sauce jars and baked bean cans, and after you religiously do all this and place each in its designated container, your city picks it up and dumps it all into exactly the same landfill into which they put your baby’s dirty diapers and the avocado pits from yesterday’s guacamole.  China is tired of being the trash dump for North America.  “Recycling” is impossibly expensive and hopelessly uneconomical, in other words, if you did manufacture plastic or glass bottles out of trash produced by your city, nobody would purchase your products as they’d cost so much more than freshly manufactured equivalents.  How companies lie when they tell you their products contain 30% recycled material.  Th

  • Ep. 42 | Go See The New Movie About Abortionist Kermit Gosnell | However You Vote

    20/10/2018 Duración: 43min

    If Americans in favor of abortion  knew some truths about the abortion industry, would they change their minds?   Is that fear  causing suppression of the new Gosnell movie, “Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer”?  Kermit Gosnell was a cruel and callous murderer operating an abortion mill staffed by unqualified teenagers.  Why wasn’t he subject to the health inspections that even dentists and nail salons endure? How could he kill babies and adults in disgustingly filthy surroundings for so long?   Susan joins me to discuss the movie and why, even if you don’t want to, you should see it.  We also talk about why women who starve themselves because they wrongly think they are fat, are appropriately treated medically, but men who think they are women are indulged.  What does “therefore choose life” actually mean in the Bible.  Does revoking Roe v. Wade make abortion illegal? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 41 | The Bad News & The Good News Is That You Still Must Go To Work This Monday Morning

    13/10/2018 Duración: 48min

    We're all fallible outside our areas of expertise, even famous heart-surgeons, and billionaires. The only way the government can give some people money is by first taking it from others. It does so by imposing confiscatory rates of taxation and by printing money. Why both activities leave you with less of your own money. Many intelligent and accomplished people who lack all wisdom have been predicting the end of work since 1801; tech advances will put millions out of work. Why they always have been wrong and always will be wrong.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 40 | America’s Real War Is A Religious War Between Two Incompatible Faiths

    08/10/2018 Duración: 01h13min

    Virtually all political  debate, conflict, and hostility today is between the state religion of the American government and ruling classes, namely Secular Progressive Fundamentalism and the more conservative outlook springing from the Bible-based Judeo-Christian tradition.  This religion, SPF,  has also been embraced by the European Economic Union and by almost all universities and educational systems. They worship the small ‘g’ of government.  On the other side is arrayed a loose alliance of citizens ranging from those who do not subscribe to any religion but resent the way that the Left forces its faith down their throats all the way to fervent Christian and Jewish Bible believers who turn to the big ‘G’ of  God.  The passage of time and events is making almost everyone become more fervent devotees of whatever side of the great cultural divide on which they have placed themselves. Secular Progressive Fundamentalism views the Biblically-based Judeo-Christian system as a terrible obstacle to progressive hegem

  • Ep. 39 | A Tyrannical State Frequently Destroys The Lives Of Law-Abiding American Citizens

    29/09/2018 Duración: 01h19min

    Don’t be overwhelmed by today’s events in your business, family, or our politics. Seek understanding of the original causes. A tyrannical state, through hysterically emotional courtrooms, ruthlessly ambitious and corrupt prosecutors, and political-wind-sniffing judges, frequently destroys the lives of law-abiding American citizens. Sarah Good and 4 other innocent women were executed in Massachusetts 1692 for being witches! With no conviction ever, Ray Buckey spent 5 years of his life in jail in the Mc Martin preschool case in Southern California during the 1980s. Members of the Amirault family of Massachusetts spent even longer in jail for crimes they never committed in the shamefully notorious Fells Acres Day Care Center case in the same decade.  In 1987, Judge Robert Bork had his career and reputation severely damaged by U.S. senators led by Ted Kennedy preaching sanctimoniously to Judge Bork and denouncing him for imperiling the lives of women.  This, less than 20 years after Kennedy had killed Mary Jo Kop

  • Ep. 38 | Become One Person: Fix Your Finances, Friendships, Faith, & Family

    23/09/2018 Duración: 01h21min

    “I do want to get married.  I just haven’t found the right girl yet” he said to me.  In this show you’ll hear what I said to him.  You will probably never guess when the right time is to start your child’s moral education. These are two of the questions I discuss in this show which is a speech I delivered in Dallas last Sunday.  I speculate on why I sound different when I speak to a live audience from how I usually sound on this show.  Some of the other questions I answer are these: why God chose Abraham. The surprising reason that Hitler and his Nazi war machine invaded Russia in summer 1941 instead of finishing off England. Did Hitler really never hear about Napoleon’s ill-fated attempt to do the same thing in 1812?  Can a multi-divorced person become a good marriage therapist?  The surprising four areas of human development that enable us to become fully integrated people.  How Bible study resembles landing a jet fighter on the deck of an aircraft carrier.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone

  • Ep. 36 | I Know You NEED Your Smartphone, But Has It Really Improved Your Life?

    08/09/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    Isn’t technology wonderful? Sure; it’s given us marvelous medicines, instantaneous communication, & spectacular entertainment. But it’s also given us hackers who can steal our identities, bosses who expect responses from us at midnight, and a cornucopia of pornography. In other words, technology increases the possibility of good but it also amplifies the bad. Good societies use it to spread information and participation while rogue regimes use it to repress and control. Technology can assist good educators while it allows bad educators to distract their students. When did technology begin? What word in the Bible provides tech’s moral edict? Have there been periods of faster and also slower technological transformation? What you need to know about the next ten years. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 35 | King Solomon Learned Some Things From Ants. We Can Learn Others.

    01/09/2018 Duración: 45min

    Why you could have once watched me demolishing a huge ants nest. Why an utterly chaste nun in Florida contracts an STD while hedonistic people in California seem to cavort concupiscently with impunity? How even untrue ideas spread across groups of people and through entire societies with almost virus-like effectiveness. How a Belgian rogue plagiarized a brilliant South African scholar. If the Internet and telephone systems are the country’s nervous system, what is its digestive system? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 34 | Does It Really Matter that Some People Believe Humans Are Animals and Animals Are Humans?

    25/08/2018 Duración: 01h27min

    Why a large white llama wandered around the Lapin family’s dinner table. Why movements and organizations with no attractive young women involved are doomed. Does the animal rights movement attract young women? Are circuses, dolphin shows, and even zoos unethical? Who caused the changes in packaging for animal crackers? You don’t own your pet; you are a guardian to your animal companion. Admittedly it’s a sad choice but would you kill six bunny rabbits (or chimpanzees) in order to save the life of one child?  Not everyone agrees. You do not have to accept my definition of ethics.  The very real political peril caused by the animal rights movement. Toilet paper is unethical, really! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep. 33 | Physical Intimacy & Money Are Really Two Elements Of The Force Of Attraction

    18/08/2018 Duración: 01h27min

    The powerful attractions that most of us feel towards both physical intimacy and money are really no more than the two components of the force of attraction.  Both the pleasure of sensual fulfillment and the pleasure of acquiring money are attained only with the participation of another person.   Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to have more money? Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to have a joyous marriage and fulfilling family life?  There may be one or two outliers, but almost everyone we know, and we bet this is true for you as well, would like more income and great relationships. Just like making delicious omelets or performing delicate brain surgery, knowing exactly what you’re doing makes a successful outcome more likely.  And key to that is wrapping yourself around the shocking idea that male-female relationships and money are really just two sides of the same coin. How the Obama years indoctrinated millions of good people with bad ideas and infected them with destructive life strategies from whi

  • Ep. 32 | Let’s Face It! Everyone Needs Money. What If You Need A Little More? Or A Lot More?

    11/08/2018 Duración: 01h08min

    Never mind Harry Potter, but is making money ‘stinking sorcery’?   Hey Kids!  It’s easy to describe the hard work your dad does if he’s a bus driver, a fireman, or a pilot.  But what if he’s a mortgage broker,  a recruiter, or an investment banker?  Does he make money by just talking on the phone all day? Sounds like fun. LeBron James plays basketball and Ron Johnson built the Apple stores in all the malls. Each made about $30M a year. Why did so many people say Ron Jonson was overpaid at Apple while everybody thought LeBron James earned every penny of his pay?  The spirituality of money.  Why did Los Angelinos destroy Jewish-owned stores in the Watts Riots of 1965 and then Korean-owned stores in the Rodney King riots of 1992?  What did Boeing’s Alan Mulally have that Ford so desperately needed? 3 effective spiritual strategies for increasing your financial revenue. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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