20 By Seventy



The Committee of Seventy is Philadelphia's advocate for effective, ethical government, and fair, clean elections.


  • Episode 12: The Disruption Episode

    05/04/2017 Duración: 32min

    We take a look at how tech concepts such as data-mining, crowd-funding and network effects are disrupting the settled arrangements of politics (which, Lord knows, could do with some disrupting). TJ.Hurst of Jefferson's List explains how he hopes to disrupt the world of political consulting, and an underdog who used crowdfunding to upset a candidate anointed by the Philadelphia machine recounts how he did it.

  • Episode 11: The young, the involved and the hopeful

    14/03/2017 Duración: 37min

    What do you get when you bring dozens of students from an Ivy League university together with dozens of students from a Christian college to talk about the election? Well, in a recent experiment in civil dialogue, what you got were insights gained and friendships made. Call it a tendril of hope in a sour time. Continuing the hopeful theme, hear from Bekah Gable, the dynamic new head of Young Involved Philadelphia, on what her group is up to. And hear from cynical old head Chris Brennan, as the political columnist explains why there's at least a chance of slaying the gerrymander in Pennsylvania.

  • Episode 10: What Bill Murray, South Park and Selma tell us about today's headlines

    07/02/2017 Duración: 34min

    Thanks to the iconic film, the term "Groundhog Day" has become code for living the same lousy experience over and over again. To figure out how to avoid Groundhog Day syndrome in policy and politics, the 20 by 70 podcast takes a rollicking tour through ... the wit and wisdom of Bill Murray, the South Park underpants gnomes, something called "logic models," a new play about John Lewis and the Selma bridge, the Women's Marches and Indivisible. Oh, and how to plan a wedding, too.

  • Episode 9 - Keep the Republic, or, there is a cure for those election-time blues

    16/01/2017 Duración: 37min

    While last year's election left some people bruised and apathetic, it has made others feel a call to political renewal. Committee of Seventy head David Thornburgh talks about how his nonprofit will try to heed the call, including a campaign against gerrymandering. Alison Perelman of Philadelphia 3.0 talks about efforts to recruit millenials into the trenches of local politics. And an expert on a different election system called "ranked-choice voting" explains how it could transform the sour status quo.

  • Episode 8: Were you born to run? Most say no, baby, but a few give a resounding yes

    06/12/2016 Duración: 32min

    The "Election Hangover" episode of 20 by 70. After what we just went through, why would anyone think of running for political office? Well, listen to some of the 270 young Philadelphians who attended the recent Born To Run event because they are thinking of doing just that. Hear 70's head honcho, David Thornburgh, lay out the ways Philly has to tighten up how it runs an election. And listen to top political journalist Holly Otterbein (pictured) as she talks (with host Chris Satullo (her old boss)) about fake news, the need for media literacy and all the ways journalists screwed up coverage of Election 2016.

  • Episode 7: The truth about voter fraud in Philly (plus, a word on 'Tinder for voters'!)

    31/10/2016 Duración: 25min

    Donald Trump claims massive voter fraud will happen next week in Philadelphia in a bid to steal the election from him. David Thornburgh, president and CEO of Philadelphia's chief civic watchdog, the Committee of Seventy, explains crisply and thoroughly why this claim is a bunch of hooey. Also, in this episode, Seventy's guide to the new array of election apps that aim to help you make your choices at the polls. Finally, to cleanse your palate from the bad taste of this election, a few words from new, immigrant voters who are just thrilled to be voting in an American election.

  • Episode 6: Tired of the political menu? Here are some new recipes

    30/09/2016 Duración: 26min

    This election season has left many people unhappy with the choices on the menu. So the Committee of Seventy podcast proposes some new ingredients: open primaries for more compelling elections; rapid-response digital polling to capture the public voice; a grassroots uprising against complacent corruption. Plus jerk chicken and crabcakes, too. (Pictured: Nina Hoe of BeHeardPhilly.)

  • Episode 5 (DNC-American Experiments): How civic tech aims to form a more perfect union

    04/08/2016 Duración: 26min

    In a sour election year, what does hope sound like? Hear it percolating in this episode taped at the American Experiments event in Philadelphia on the Democratic National Convention's first day. Civic tech and election reform leaders gathered to compare ideas for improving our politics, while showing off apps and handing out swag to a steady stream of curious voters. Six took part in a lightning pitch contest (what's your hot idea for fixing democracy by 2024?) before a lively crowd. You'll hear from one of the winners, Democracy Works, and one of the judges, Adam Ambrogi of the Democracy Fund.

  • Episode 4: City Hall and civic tech - not yet perfect together, but still trying

    13/07/2016 Duración: 25min

    Philly is to civic tech what Nashville is to country music. Or so it once was said. Lately, though, sounds of discord emanate from City Hall. Juliana Reyes of Technical.ly Philly shares her reporting on an exodus of tech talent from the new Kenney administration. Producer Sophie Reid listens in as a new city resident struggles with the city website. Still, Dawn McDougall of Code for Philly offers a more upbeat report on the state of civic tech (i.e. wrangling ones and zeroes for the public good). Finally, Committee of 70 CEO David Thornburgh reminds us what it takes to push innovation inside government.

  • Episode 3 (REMIX!): Millennials dilemma: Good living vs. bad services

    08/06/2016 Duración: 24min

    OK, so we had some audio problems with Episode 3, which prevented some of you from hearing the cool conversation with Mark Dent of Billy Penn about who Philly's Millennials are and what they care about, or to hear David and Chris rant about how corruption could cost Philly its current momentum. The audio snafu is not totally fixed, but somewhat. Here's the deal: listening on your laptop should be fine. On your smartphone, you need headphones. In your car, Bluetooth should be fine. Let us know how it works for you..

  • Episode 3: Philly's Millennial face-off - good living vs. bad schools

    01/06/2016 Duración: 24min

    In this latest podcast on Philadelphia issues and politics, writer Mark Dent of BillyPenn.com talks about what's been attracting Millennials in droves to Philadelphia, and what could drive them away in equal numbers. And David Thornburgh and Chris Satullo of the Committee of Seventy talk about the hidden, hopeful message inside the recent cascade of political corruption cases coming out of Philly.

  • Episode 2: What Philly could learn from Uber, and how to keep a good man down

    20/04/2016 Duración: 22min

    The latest podcast from Committee of Seventy, Philadelphia's civic watchdog. We look at the "pain points" of living in Philly neighborhoods, and how Silicon Valley-style innovation might soothe them. We hear from a bright young political star who was urged by the city's power brokers to stand down. And we ponder what Hamilton, the man and the musical, can teach our city.

  • Episode 1: What to do when a guy just won't do the job he's elected to do

    02/03/2016 Duración: 20min

    Pilot of "20 by Seventy," a new podcast from Committee of Seventy, Philadelphia's independent nonpartisan advocate for better government. News, discussion and commentary about our fascinating, frustrating city.

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