West Pines Community Church



Podcast by West Pines Community Church


  • 10-19-13 Faith and Logic, Part 3: What about Evil?

    13/10/2019 Duración: 41min

    One of the most common logical challenges presented to Christianity is how can a good, all-powerful God could allow all of this evil to exist. This is a great question. And there are great answers to it. The presence of evil does not disprove the existence of God, but it actually may serve as evidence of God’s existence. But why does God not eradicate evil? The Bible addresses that question too...

  • 10-06-19 Faith and Logic 2, Part 2: Three Days

    06/10/2019 Duración: 43min

    There is a small, three-day window in human history that forever changed the world. What you believe actually happened during those three days is affecting your life right now in more ways than you can possibly quantify. So let’s use some logic and answer the question: why should anyone believe what the Bible says took place on those three fateful days?

  • Faith and Logic 2, Part 1: All Your Mind

    22/09/2019 Duración: 43min

    Does believing in God mean that we should unplug our minds? To the contrary, God wants us to pursue Him with all of our minds. When we do, it only deepens and strengthens our faith. Faith and Logic are not at odds. They go hand in hand.

  • Join the Miracle! by Robey Barnes

    15/09/2019 Duración: 49min

    The story of our church is a story of miracles. And we know this is just the beginning of what God wants to do in us and through us. But what is a church? A church is a body. And every person is a part of the body. Church is not something you attend. It is something you are! So be a part of the story. Join the miracle!

  • 7-9-19 Family Goals, Part 3: Calling

    08/09/2019 Duración: 46min

    One of the most difficult topics to discuss with your children is sex, and knowing how to teach God’s view of sex is a key part of that. Today’s teaching will help every parent prepare and plan for how to have that conversation.

  • 9-1-19 Praying Through A Storm

    01/09/2019 Duración: 46min

    Weeks like this give us a great opportunity to reflect on how to pray through a storm. Does our prayer accomplish anything? Why do we pray? What happens when God does not answer our prayers the way we wanted or expected?

  • 8-25-19 Family Goals, Part 2: Avoiding Snares

    25/08/2019 Duración: 50min

    Snares by definition have bait. There is something that looks good that draws its victim in. And while they are innocently enjoying what seems to be a good thing, they suddenly find themselves trapped. It is scary to think about the snares that today’s family is facing. But it doesn’t have to be. Parents and families can be equipped with resources, a gameplan and family goals to ensure their family thrives. Part 2 will help your family avoid snares.

  • 8-18-19 Family Goals, Part 1: Fortify Your Kids

    18/08/2019 Duración: 43min

    As parents... we worry. We can’t help it. Those little eyes look up at us and we see the vulnerability and our responsibility. We wonder, is there anything more I can do to make sure my kids are thriving? The Bible tells us that there is one thing in particular that can be a fortress for our kids. Having this, replaces worry with confidence.

  • 8-11-19 "Favor" by Robey Barnes

    11/08/2019 Duración: 45min

    Maybe you have had times where it feels like God is blessing everything we are doing. But, what do we do with the disappointments? In those times, did we lose God’s favor? How do we get it and keep it? This story in the Bible explains what it looks like to have God’s favor

  • 8-4-19 I Am Purified Because He Is Pure

    04/08/2019 Duración: 41min

    Ever wonder what the what the beach and Vicks Vapor Rub have to do with our salvation? Today we will be discussing about how Jesus provides the ultimate purification for our souls and our lives.

  • 7-28-19 I am Because He is, Part 5: An Exile

    28/07/2019 Duración: 38min

    At any second Jesus is returning. That changes something about who we are. This is not our home. Our home is in heaven. What would happen if we lived like we were exiles here? What if we lived like heaven was actually real? It is.

  • 07-21-19 I Am Because He Is, Part 4: Rescued

    21/07/2019 Duración: 47min

    Identity shapes activity. Who we see ourselves as first and foremost changes then how we live. If we understand that the work Jesus did to save us is the crescendo of the universe, it helps us reprioritize who we are. Before anything else, we are SAVED!

  • 07-14-19 I Am Because He Is, Part 3: Heir

    14/07/2019 Duración: 40min

    So often we find our identity by what we put our hope in. But there's only one hope that will never let us down. It is the Living Hope. We learn from the Bible that because he is risen, We are heirs, we will inherit far more than we possibly can imagine in eternity. There is nothing this world can offer us that compares with that.

  • I Am Because He Is, Part 1: Chosen

    30/06/2019 Duración: 45min

    Every person regardless of background, generation, spirituality...every single human deals with identity. The world tells us to pay no attention to the outside but to look to the inside. But that option does not give us something unmovable to anchor our identity to. The only unmovable place to anchor identity to is in who God is, and who He said we are.

  • 06-23-19 When Things Go Bad

    23/06/2019 Duración: 47min

    When we face suffering that is outside our control, it is Jesus, the ultimate promise that will pull us through. Also come and learn about how Bob Ross’ painting style is a perfect illustration of God’s involvement in our suffering.

  • 06-16-19 So Will I, Part 3: Everything That Has Breath

    16/06/2019 Duración: 40min

    Churches spend a lot of time singing together. And you may wonder...why are we singing so much? What's the purpose behind it? Psalm 150 helps us understand that our purpose as part of his creation is to sing but there's also a power that it works in us. It brings transformation in our lives as we take ourselves off the throne and put God back on the throne. That helps us overcome some of the deepest battles we have in our life right now.

  • 06-09-19 So Will I Part 2: Hallelujah

    09/06/2019 Duración: 41min

    Today we are looking at Psalm 149 at the meaning of the word hallelujah and why this word ought to be the anchor for every area of our lives.

  • 06-02-19 So Will I Part 1: The Great Sabotage

    03/06/2019 Duración: 46min

    The Bible is explicitly clear that God made everything. Everything belongs to Him and the function of all creation is to bring glory to Him but there's one part of His creation that does so willingly, He made them in His image with a will to choose to praise Him and worship Him. It's humility. The question is will we lead the way with all the stars and all the galaxies and all the creatures and all the mountains bringing praise to the One who made us.

  • 05-26-19 Wisdom, Part 2

    26/05/2019 Duración: 46min

    There are parts of this world that so easily overwhelm us. Tall mountains, the deeps of the ocean, the magnitude of the universe, and it humbles us. Proverbs 8 picks up that theme and reminds us who wields the entire universe who invented it and who created it. That should humble us before God and remind us that the one who governs all of the universe is pleading with us to let him govern our lives. If we're wise, we will humble ourselves before God.

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