Discovering America Podcast



This podcast will be a history narrative collected from various sources. I will be covering the stories of events and people that played a part in creating America. My goal is to give the listener an entertaining dialog of history and walk away (or ear away) with a, I didnt know that, feeling.


  • 108-Sir Ferdinando Gorges

    10/11/2017 Duración: 48min

    There were many tied to the colonization efforts, I think none more than Captain John Smith and that of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. Through his patents acquired a substantial amount of North America land, even against the vocal discontent of the London Company. Gorges had the necessary royal pull on his side. England was not a quiet place, a war with Spain which would later involve France. Gorges helped where he could, mostly with his insight of what England must do to protect its sovereign lands, including the New World.

  • 107-Christopher Levett

    03/10/2017 Duración: 34min

    Christopher Levett was determined to make his mark on New England. Finally gaining a patent for 6000 acres, he turned to his friends in Yorkshire but, they didn’t have the same burning ambition that Levett embodied. Finally sailing off in 1623 after exploring and meeting with New England’s neighbors, he put his stamp near Portland harbor, a place he named York. Within the year 1624, the settlement was gone. Politics back in England such as they were, Levett never made it back to his “York”. He was one of many that further lit a torch to the beauty, the possibilities and desires to plant a seed in America.

  • 106-Plymouth Colony Continues On

    18/09/2017 Duración: 54min

    The Plymouth colony continues to grow and prosper. Bradford would on and off for the next several years act as their governor with others filling in as elected. What became the biggest problem was the paying down on the debt incurred by shipping supplies and people from Leyden. The beaver and otter skins trade was paying down money owed. It was the purchase of two ships, the Friendship and the White Angel that upset the adventurers or investors in England. The increase was above an acceptable level. Was Isaac Allerton acting as the agent in England delivering the goods ordered for the betterment of the colony or treating his voyages as a side business? James Sherley and William Bradford let the dealings concerning Allerton side too long. But in the end the crops were plentiful and able to sell off the excess to the outlying communities and the Indians. Life in Plymouth looked pretty good

  • 105-Plymouth Colony 1623-1625

    29/08/2017 Duración: 38min

    Bradford was a well respected Governor and was not allowed to retire. He and the colonists had to put up with what Weston’s group had done among the Indians and the Plymouth trouble makers John Lyford and Oldame passing letters filled with untruths back to England. Captain Standish led his group against a group of Indians who were planning to attack Weston’s group and Plymouth. Through all these mishaps the colony was progressing even though they did experience a six week drought.

  • 104-Pilgrims Proving Themselves

    06/08/2017 Duración: 45min

    With the arrival of the Fortune, more colonists were added to Plymouth and not being well prepared, more of a hindrance than anything else. Next to show up is a group of adventurers posing to establish a new colony in Virginia. An unruly bunch counters to the civilized Puritans.  The Puritans had demonstrated their worth in Indian relations and their husbandry of the land. Weston’s crowd was causing trouble with Indians and a headache for those of Plymouth. The Indian interpreter, Squanto passes away and Winslow saves the life of Massasoyt.

  • 103-Pilgrims Meeting the Neighbors

    20/07/2017 Duración: 46min

    Half of the original colonists made it through that first winter; they were still bound and determined to make a go of it. They had a valuable ally in the Indian interpreter, Tisquantum or called by Bradford, Squanto. He would introduce the colonists to their surrounding neighbors and relations were developing well. Massasoyt and many of his followers joined in with the colony’s first thanksgiving, and finally letters that were later sent home to encourage others to make the trip and join the Plymouth colony. The pilgrims had built a successful home for themselves.

  • 102-Pilgrims Start Setting Up Shop

    04/07/2017 Duración: 36min

    After a couple more ventures to pick that final spot, construction started on the Pilgrims new home. Many of these first colonists had already passed away from the cold. It was mentioned that this was a “mild” winter, what if it had been a normal one? They were finally visited by an Indian who knew the English people and spoke their language well, enough to give them a history of why so many fields and houses had been left empty. The years 1616-1619 were an absolutely terrible time period for these Indians especially the Massachusetts. The English king looked upon this as a great opportunity for his people. So starts the Plymouth colony.

  • 101-Pilgrims Searching for Ideal Spot

    20/06/2017 Duración: 45min

    While the Mayflower sat anchored, many ventured forward searching for the perfect location to start a colony. Time was of the essence, winter was all around them and they must start building shelter or else the health and safety of many could be in jeopardy. Coasting and exploring the land of Cape Cod Bay, the brave party of men finally laid their eyes upon the land which would proof to be most advantageous for their new home.

  • 100th Episode

    13/06/2017 Duración: 33min

    To celebrate my 100th episode, family and friends were directed to ask me questions about history. I tried to make the answers not so serious but, then history is a serious matter. Come listen to a question and answer episode and what makes the Discovering America podcast tick.

  • 99-Starting Point for the Pilgrims

    04/05/2017 Duración: 41min

    The so-called pilgrims had to find a country where their Puritan beliefs could be practiced without persecution. The King of England had his own beliefs and his own supremacy of which must be followed and obeyed. The group made their way to the Low Countries and lived for a few years successfully.  To start a new, in a new land, that would be the ultimate freedom. So starts the idea of sailing across the ocean for purpose of establishing a colony, which would be the perfect scenario. But, a land under the jurisdiction of England may not be the such a good plan, let’s try it anyway.

  • 98-Pocahontas

    11/04/2017 Duración: 25min

    So I have here my own take on the life of Pocahontas, from the writings of John Smith, letters written and authors, Charles D. Warner and Williams Simms. No it is not like the movie so many have watched but, you say how could that be? I’m not going to go there. Enjoy.

  • 97-John Smith the Writer

    30/03/2017 Duración: 38min

    After his accident, Smith returned to England, never to see Virginia again. During his down time and most likely recuperating form his injuries, he wrote and published in 1612, a descriptive book including a map about Virginia. Two years later he was ready to explorer more of the east coast of North America. He did a great job of mapping an area he would name New England, problem is nothing of great significant was found nor was the fishing enough to offset the cost of this voyage. The second voyage was a bust due to pirates or Frenchmen acting as such, that took away any possibility to further explore the coast. He could not muster enough funds to set off again and so started writing about early history to his present time and about his own experiences. A great debt is owed to Smith, who had laid the groundwork for others to follow, if they would only listen.

  • 96-John Smith Keeping Order

    17/03/2017 Duración: 36min

    John Smith had so much to contend with, settlers too lazy or it was beneath them to put out any labor to construct, plant, or do whatever else the colony needed instead, sold tools, arms and others items to the Indians for corn. This couldn’t continue and neither could the mutinous men who may have been conspiring with Powhatan. And then to see what at first was thought to be enemy ships, only to find out that England had sent over more people without regard on what the colony really needed. Smith knew his commission was coming to an end but, he didn’t give up, that is, until the accident.

  • 95-John Smith Gathering Provisions

    03/03/2017 Duración: 36min

    John Smith had to teach these “gentleman” from England what is was like to work a hard day’s labor. Work or starve that was the new motto and a necessary act if the colony was to feed itself. Presently, the provisions in the storehouse had not been properly stored. The English had no choice but to visit varies villages to force the Indians to make good on their promises to supply them with corn. It was soon evident that Powhatan had instructed his followers not to trade with them. So Smith thought it would be a good idea to surprise Powhatan and take, barter or whatever it took to get the provisions so desperately needed. That didn’t go so well and a similar experience unfolded at the Pamunkey village of Powhatan’s relative, Chief Opechancanough, where the English escaped with their lives due to Smith’s bravery and trying control in both situations. Even after such events, the English sailed home with the provisions they anticipated.

  • 94-John Smith and the Chesapeake Bay

    16/02/2017 Duración: 37min

    Back from one voyage, he set off within three days to finish mapping and visiting with any and all who he came in contact with on the Chesapeake Bay. Many of the Indian tribes were not on friendly terms with each other; he brought many diverse chiefs together and together worked out terms for peace. This did not always happen some just like to shoot arrows at the approaching ship. With all the flying arrows not an Englishman was lost. Once back at Jamestown, Smith is elevated to president of the council. A supply ship reaches Jamestown full of new arrivals, and yet still so much to be done.

  • 93-John Smith and His Activities

    27/01/2017 Duración: 36min

    John Smith was back at Jamestown but, like so many upstarts it needs to survive on its own. The colony still had to rely on the Indians for food. So far the relationship was congenial, to some extent. The Indians thought the world of English copper, and so what if a shovel came up missing. It’s when the stealing was blatant that Smith put his foot down and the outward challenge against him and others. After a visit from Pocahontas with a message from her father, Powhatan, peace and stolen items were returned. Since Smith was not allowed by decree and order of Newport to explore any inland areas, now was his chance to sail off on a voyage of discovery, the Chesapeake Bay.

  • 92-John Smith and Jamestown

    17/01/2017 Duración: 44min

    At first Smith was only a council member and arrived on American soil in chains, this would soon change and the charges were dropped but, he was not well liked by other council members. Smith would be captured by a powerful Chief named Powhatan. He was scheduled to be executed but, was saved by a young girl named Pocahontas, whereby gaining the respect from the chief and receiving needed supplies from his followers. Soon many of the people of the colony became sick and many died. Smith regained his strength and did what was needed to supply the colony with food by trading with the Indians and start construction projects for necessary shelter and buildings to make the colony safe.

  • 91 John Smith his Younger Years

    04/01/2017 Duración: 47min

    John Smith was a young boy when he began his life on the road. Although not a well taught school boy, what he experienced on the road you cannot learn from books. He grew into a strong and able fighter, some self-taught through reading and hard practicing. His survival, combat skills and others traits came from harrowing battles. This part describes his early years before the trip across the ocean.

  • Christmas message

    24/12/2016 Duración: 02min

    Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Grrrrrreat New Year. Thanks for listening to the Discovering America Podcast.

  • 90-Henry Hudson's Last Voyage

    18/11/2016 Duración: 46min

    The lower global attempt proved a failure in the search for the Northwest Passage. The fourth voyage carried them to the cold climate once again. Traveling west right about Iceland, some of the crew had words aimed at Hudson but, against his better judgment the little ship continued on. Ice and rocks were a problem eventually, making their way up and around the land mass and sailing as far south as the continent would allow, wintering at James Bay. In the spring, the less honorable men had a different opinion of the voyage’s goal, a parting of the crew, and the worst find of mutiny.

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