Solo Parent Society



Solo Parent Society is hosted by author and founder of Solo Parent Society, Robert Beeson, along with radio personality and single parenting expert, Kimberley Mitchell. This weekly podcast includes conversations with other parents who have walked or are still walking the 'Solo Parent path, sharing experiences, advice and insights. SPS also features interviews and suggestions from experts in the fields that Solo Parents deal with the most.


  • Bill & Laurie Lokey- Is Forgiveness Even Possible After Trauma?

    20/09/2021 Duración: 55min

    We regularly hear from single parents who have experienced abuse of some kind and sometimes from more than one perpetrator. The pain of trauma is so deep and life-altering, is it possible to forgive those who hurt us? Therapists Laurie and Bill Lokey share their perspectives on this significant and complex question. Laurie Lokey is a licensed counselor who has worked at Onsite Workshops for ten years and in private practice in middle Tennessee. Her husband, Bill Lokey served as the senior clinical director for Onsite Workshops supervising over seventy therapists throughout the United States. Bill shares that defining trauma is fraught with preconceptions. Some think of trauma as life-threatening events, and those events do create trauma in our brain as well as emotional pain, but trauma is broader. Bill says trauma involves emotional and physical pain as well as a sense of helplessness. Trauma sets us up to feel continually unsure of our safety and to be on high alert all the time. Our bodies are in a state o

  • Jake Smith - Forgiving People In The Church

    13/09/2021 Duración: 49min

    Church was God’s idea for the wellbeing of his kids. It is a vital and important component in our spiritual lives. Unfortunately, though, sometimes some of us get hurt by people in the church or those in ministry. Much of the time, these hurts were unintended. Regardless, it is important for us to experience the freedom of forgiveness related to things that happen even from those in ministry.  Jake Smith, Jr., founder of Plumline, an organization focused on wholeness and growing healthy relationships joined the podcast to talk further about this very topic. As a former pastor and church planter he helped build thriving ministries but like many of us, he too has experienced his share of hurt and the journey of forgiveness as a result.  As someone who has been both a church member and a church leader, Jake has a perspective from both positions. Jake shares that hurt is the feeling when we have been harmed emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or physically. Harm results in feeling hurt. Another feeling

  • "But I Don’t Want To Forgive"

    06/09/2021 Duración: 39min

    Forgiveness is a tough topic but an important one. Sometimes we feel entitled to hang on to unforgiveness and letting go seems like letting someone off the hook, but we are called to forgive and there are benefits. Releasing things and being proactive with forgiveness can help us move forward and heal.   This week, single mom, Amber, shares some of her journey to forgive even when she didn’t want to. Like many divorced solo parents, Amber got married expecting it to last forever. But after 17 years, her marriage hit a crisis that ended in separation. She longed to see her marriage saved, and over the course of a three years, she waited, fasted, prayed, and sought wise counsel. She did everything possible, including many things driven by control and codependency, to avoid divorce. Ultimately, though, her ex was never fully on board to work on the relationship so, after 21 years, her marriage ended. From a place of painful devastation, Amber found herself on the difficult journey of needing to forgiv

  • Max Lucado - Helping our Kids Build Courage

    30/08/2021 Duración: 35min

    Anxiousness and fear among our kids is on the rise. As single parents it is hard to know how to help them, and it is SO hard to watch. It’s hard to give them the courage they need when we feel like we don’t have it ourselves. Today, to discuss Helping Our Kids Build Courage our guest is Max Lucado. He has served in churches around the world, and is America’s best selling inspirational author with more than 145 million products in print. His recent releases - a full color childrens book - ‘Where’d my giggle go?’ and ‘Anxious for Nothing for Young Readers: Living above Anxiousness and Loneliness’, are specifically for young readers to help them find relief from anxiety and regain their peace and joy. We are so honored to have him with us today. For the full show notes, tips and links click visit Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book click Join our daily meditational devotional Download our free app - APPLE | ANDROID

  • You're braver Than You Think: Solo Stories of Courage

    23/08/2021 Duración: 27min

    All of us have had to face hard stuff, scary stuff. And most of us might feel like we just scraped by. That’s why we are stopping to reflect on some of your stories this week. You are doing better than you think. Most of us beat up on ourselves, so we want to shine a spotlight… or get you to shine a spotlight on those times you have faced really scary stuff and shown more courage than you may have given yourself credit for. The discipline of remembering has come up time and time again in this podcast, the simple act of remembering can propel us forward. So that is what we are going to do this week.  We asked single parents to reflect on an example of a time in their life when they had to exhibit courage in one of the following ways: Courage to Surrender Courage to Keep Going Courage to Embrace Chaos Courage to Be Silent It is essential to be deliberate about looking for the glimpses that God gives that sometimes exceed what we thought possible. So, as you hear these stories, we encourage you to take a fe

  • Am I being Courageous or just Stupid

    16/08/2021 Duración: 37min

    This topic is ALL of our story at one point or another. At one point or another we have all thought that we were being courageous and brave, but when we look back, we say - "What was I thinking? That was so obviously stupid!" So, as we build our lives again, how do we tell the difference between courage and stupidity. Well, today, we are going to get to the bottom of this.  Courage, not stupidity, can be identified by the following characteristics that we explore in more detail. What does Jesus say about Courage? Courage is Humility. Courage seeks counsel. Courage will bear good fruit. For the full show notes, tips and links click visit Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book click Join our daily meditational devotional Download our free app - APPLE | ANDROID

  • Green Beret, Scott Mann: The Courage to Face Myself

    09/08/2021 Duración: 40min

    Courage is an important topic so it’s appropriate to have an expert on the topic join us today, a decorated Green Beret whose story of facing himself, his shortcomings, his doubts and all of the things is a perfect way for us to focus on this week's topic, which is finding the courage to face myself.  We know we need to own our stuff, but it takes courage to face it. And that is precisely why this conversation is so important. None of us like admitting mistakes and faults. It's hard to face the times that we have fallen short.  A lot of times, especially for single parents, if you've gone through a divorce, it's so easy to blame the other person rather than admit, “Hmm, maybe I have some stuff I've got to work on.”  Our guest today is Scott Mann who spent 23 years in the United States Army, 18 of those as a Green Beret. He specialized in high-impact missions all over the world, including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He appears frequently on CNN, Bloomberg Fox, Fox new

  • Chip Dodd - Courage: The gift of hurt

    02/08/2021 Duración: 46min

    On so many levels, the life of a single parent can be heartbreaking, over and over again. After experiencing repeated hurts, it can be hard to believe that something good will come. Our focus this month is on courage and this week, on the podcast, Dr. Chip Dodd joins Robert and Kimberley to talk about having the courage to find the gift of hurt.  Dr. Chip Dodd is the best-selling author of seven books including one which serves as a foundational tool for many of the things we do here at Solo Parent Society, called “The Voice of the Heart.” For over 30 years, Chip has poured his heart and experience in education into serving others. He is a counselor, mentor, speaker, author, a friend of ours, and he is committed to helping people know themselves better by living fully in relationship with each other and, ultimately, with God.   So much fruit has come from Dr. Dodd’s work. In his book “The Voice of the Heart”, he shares that courage is the “gift of hurt” and, in order for each of us to reach tha

  • Two Essential Communities for Single Parents with David and Helen Smallbone

    26/07/2021 Duración: 49min

    Guests David and Helen Smallbone joined the Solo Parent Society podcast with Robert and Kimberly to talk about the importance of two essential communities for single parents:  Cross-generational community and  Habitual community. These communities are significant. Cross-generational relationships are more than mother-daughter or father-son connections. The Bible is full of stories of the younger generation being mentored and taught by the older generation and we see countless examples of elders passing on wisdom.  Anchoring relationships like these are so important particularly during times of struggle. David and Helen Smallbone moved from Australia to the United States many years ago with no money, with their six kids and another one on the way. God used their most difficult circumstances and seemingly impossible season to build an incredible story and influence around the world. Helen homeschooled all seven of their children while David set out to provide for his family in the music industry.

  • How to (re)fit into Community

    19/07/2021 Duración: 41min

    Sometimes during our solo season, we just don’t know where we fit in. We feel like neighbors are talking about us, like we are walking on eggshells, like the places we once belonged are no more for us. Friendships and relationships we had before seem different now. It can be awkward not knowing how or where you fit in as a single parent.  We hear often from single parents that they just don’t know where they belong anymore. And, unfortunately, there are some deep wounds that single parents have experienced from no longer feeling comfortable in communities they used to be part of, like church and small groups.  As we consider how to fit into community as single parents, we may need to look at potential messages we may be sending to others that can create an abyss between us and them. We may need to consider some of the things we are telling ourselves. To begin to fit into community again and not feel so alienated, we need to develop some new strategies. For the full show notes, tips and links visit S

  • How to Impact your Community as a Solo Parent Family

    12/07/2021 Duración: 34min

    Serving in your community can be a powerful way for families to remember they can make a difference. As single parents, we can feel busy and overwhelmed, and our lives may look different now, but we still have something to give.  As we talk about community, Brian Myers, single dad of five kids, pastor, and leader of several non-profits with a heart for outreach shares more. Serving played a huge part in his solo journey. He was already in ministry and serving in the church world when he became a solo parent. His kids were already involved in serving with him from time to time, but God revealed to Brian during that time to have them do even more. Even if there were times the serving came from a sense of duty, obligation, or even some guilt, Brian saw God do something beautiful with it regardless of the motivation.  The benefits of serving as a family allowed Brian to see attributes in each of his kids that were unique to them. He saw their strengths and he saw them change and grow. Where once there m

  • You Belong Here: Inside the Solo Parent Community

    05/07/2021 Duración: 42min

    Our theme this month is community and what better place to start than talking about the community we create in our weekly Solo Parent Society groups. Life is so full of surprises as single parents, the last thing we may want to do is jump into something unknown with potential strangers and sharing. We hear from so many single parents that they love the idea of Solo Parent Society, but they’re scared to join. And this makes sense! After hurt, you want to guard your heart and it can feel uncomfortable.  We know community is important. It can be very intimidating jumping into something out of our comfort zone. Who will be in the group? Will there be people with ulterior motives?  Today we are taking a glimpse into what happens in our groups and what single parents can expect. When Solo Parent Society first started, our groups met in person in different places across the U.S. When Covid hit, our groups stopped meeting until one of our leaders, single mom, Elizabeth, approached Robert and asked about sta

  • Dr. John Deloney - Calming anxiety

    28/06/2021 Duración: 49min

    Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults and are the most common mental diagnosis in America. Dr. John Delony, best-selling author, mental health expert, host of “The Dr. John Delony show”, joins Robert and Kim to talk about how to calm anxiety. He has two doctorate degrees and over two decades of experience in counseling, crisis response and higher education. He is also part of the Dave Ramsey team of personalities.  Dr. Delony shares that, “At its core, anxiety is our body telling us we are out of step relationally, that we are in a situation that isn’t safe, or that, as we look into the future, we cannot control what is coming next. It’s not a sign that we’re broken or that our brains are malfunctioning. It’s the other way around. It’s telling us that our brain is working great. It’s designed to tell us we are under a threat and we need to look at our entire universe to find out what is going on.” He also shares that cognitive dissonance is when we have two different competing thoughts or emotions a

  • How to have Peace in Conflict

    21/06/2021 Duración: 24min

    Each one of us has conflict in our lives right now in some way or another. Discovering how to have peace even during times of conflict is invaluable. The word peace appears 237 times in the Old Testament. Peace is NOT the absence of conflict. It’s the sense of well-being during conflict. The Hebrew word translated as peace is shalom. According to Strong’s Concordance, shalom means completeness, wholeness, soundness, and welfare. It comes from the root word to make amends and make whole and complete. We are not running from conflict How do we find peace and wellness even during conflict? In finding peace, there’s an action step. We can proactively make peace or seek it out. Oswald Chambers says we have to be active about kicking moods out of our lives, “Moods nearly always our rooted in some physical circumstance not in our true inner self. It is a continual struggle not to listen to the moods which arise because of our physical condition, but we must never submit to them for a second. We have to pick ourselv

  • Cultivating peace at home

    14/06/2021 Duración: 29min

    Single parents can face a lot of chaos at home with their kids. Whether with siblings fighting, the struggle to maintain routine, or trying to calm the troops when everyone is tired or hungry, some days can feel like a pressure cooker. Our fuses can get short and our attitudes can escalate. What can we do, as single parents, to cultivate more peace at home, for ourselves and our kids? We all want a peaceful environment at home but that can be difficult to create and to maintain while juggling so many things. We want our kids to have a sense of normalcy even with the messiness of being parented alone for anyone reason. As parents, it is up to us to take responsibility for cultivating peace at home. We set the mood with our kids. For the full show notes, tips and links click - To receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book click - Join our daily meditational dev

  • Making peace with our past

    07/06/2021 Duración: 42min

    Cultivating peace with our past is difficult but necessary. So, how do we find peace after experiencing hard things in our past? Whether we are the ones that left a relationship and left scars in our wake, or there have been things done to us that we replay in our minds, the accusations of others and even the voices from our youth can be overwhelming. Things from our past play out loud in our present. The enemy loves to remind us of our failures and the pain of our past. We can feel bombarded by old tapes, and, when we are walking alone, we have nobody to help us refute them.  All of us live with regrets and even lies from our past experiences that show up in our present lives. If we don’t deal with them, they will very likely repeat themselves. It isn’t fun to face hard, traumatic experiences or words spoken over us or things we have done. We’ve all done things we wish we hadn’t done or had done differently. To be free of them, there are steps we can take to experience peace. Elizabeth Cole joins Robert

  • The Growth We've Seen

    01/06/2021 Duración: 36min

    It is important to be deliberate about growing but equally important is paying attention to the little steps that cumulatively make big changes. Here are the questions we asked our solos that we discussed. Take time to reflect on your joinery and write down you answers. We would love to see your answers if you feel comfortable and post them on our social media pages. Email your answers to the questions to What are 2 areas that you recognize growth / accomplishments in your life in the last 12 months? What has been the hardest area of growth for you? What has been a surprising area of growth in your life in the last year? What has circumstance has caused the greatest growth recently? What area of life do you think God is growing you in right now?

  • Kathie Lee Gifford - Growing in Dark Times

    25/05/2021 Duración: 37min

    Kathie Lee Gifford is a shining example of love and grace, but her growth didn’t come easily. She has known hard times. She shares how she brings everything to God with honesty, telling Him when she’s angry or crushed, when she doesn’t feel close to Him, or even feels betrayed by Him, “Because He can take that kind of honesty. He’s made for it.”, she says.  One of her favorite stories of hardship is the story of Hagar, a single mom who ends up alone in the desert, heartbroken, and feeling invisible. God meets he her there and she calls Him “El Roi, the God Who Sees Me”. Kathie Lee collaborated with Nicole C. Mullens to write a song called, “The God Who Sees.” Kathie Lee reiterates that the same Gd who saw Hagar sees us five thousand years later too. That’s the amazing beauty of the scriptures and the song celebrates the story of Hagar, Ruth, David, and Mary Magdalene. God met each one where they were with love and provision.   Kathie Lee shares that after encountering God, Mary Magdalene and th

  • Kathie Lee Gifford - Growing in Grace

    18/05/2021 Duración: 37min

    When we talk about growing in grace, Kathie Lee Gifford is a shining example. She is an American icon, a talented actress, musical artist, and television personality. And she’s been through so many things. Yet, she continues to live a life epitomized by grace and love. When asked where her tenacity and drive come from, Kathie says she is a lifetime student of God’s word and reads it every day. And, when she reads it, “nobody in the Bible retired. They kept doing what God put them on this earth to do”. Kathie Lee loves to work and she thinks it’s a valuable gift God gives us for our purpose, our self-worth, and our growth. Being responsible to meet a deadline or keep people employed, and then mix that with the Holy Spirit, gives her purpose every morning and keeps her going. Kathie Lee says she learned from Paul Newman long ago that, “If I’ve got a pulse, I’ve got a purpose.” She has never entertained the idea of retirement. She has walked with the Lord since she was twelve years old, and while she doesn’t kno

  • How to build trust

    11/05/2021 Duración: 33min

    Trust is hard when you’ve felt betrayed and left alone. We wonder if we will ever be able to trust again. Trust can exist but there is a risk. This topic of rebuilding trust after hurt and destroyed relationships is one we hear often in our Solo Parent groups. So, how do we build trust again?  Single mom, Elizabeth, joins Robert and Kimberley to discuss rebuilding trust. As single parents, many of us have felt a breach of trust at some point or another. Our spouse’s affair, marital abandonment, and the fact that God would allow something bad to happen is difficult to process. This kind of hurt is one of the primary wounds we carry. The topic trust can be dark, heavy, hard, and scary. When we’ve experienced abandonment, not necessarily through divorce or loss but even early on in our childhoods, deep wounding and hurts occur. We carry those hurts with us into our relationships and then, when things fall apart, the pain and damage is even greater. We find ourselves asking again, “Who can I trust?” That que

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