Star Trek Podcast: Trekcast



The Star Trek Podcast where our team of geeks discuss all things Star Trek and Sci-fi. Weekly Star Trek Online News, Star Trek Movie information from Las Vegas Nevada


  • Trekcast Episode 44: Man's Best Friend

    28/09/2009 Duración: 01h11min

    Welcome Trekcasters to the next installment of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast, this week we present to you our faithful listeners another episode of Create your own Star Trek episode.This week we thought instead of just supplying fan service (which we love to do by the way) we thought we could bring you something we wanted more of  Star Trek Enterprise (yeah we know you hate the theme song but here it is if you want to open the episode with it) the only other Trek show to run less than seven years since the original series. We decided we would bring you an fun episode of Enterprise in the same vane as the TNG episode Data’s Day, staring everyone’s favorite Beagel Porthos played by Prada and Breezy just in case you didnt know there were two of them.Also with a drum roll Jerad Formby presents in association with Trekcast an audio journey into Hey Star Trek so if you haven't read the blog’s here is an auditory version of Hey Star Trek so enjoyAs always thank you for listening to Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, w

  • Trekcast Episode 43: One year old!

    21/09/2009 Duración: 01h14min

    Hello all and welcome to our next exciting episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast we are back, Doctor Phlox has found a cure for the Borg Nanoprobes that were giving David such a hard time he is still recovering but on the road to a complete recovery.This week we celebrated a little thing the one year anniversary of Trekcast can you believe it has been a whole year since David Ivy and Jason Voss started up this, the best Star Trek podcast around so wont you join us as we give you our take on this last year as we review some of our highest points of the year. Who doesn't remember some of the great moments of the last year including V'Qha and my butt hole in your face, the release of that little film this year Star Trek, and of course the passing of a couple great people this year Majel Barrett Roddenberry and Ricardo Montalban.So that's a wrap from Trekcast's year in review we will be back next week for another great episode in the meantime remember that Chairman Koval from the Tal Shiar loves those five st

  • Trekcast Episode 42: Best of Trek "Balance of Terror"

    08/09/2009 Duración: 01h21min

    Welcome to Trekcast the Star Trek podcast episode 42 this week we promised you some reviews of some of the finest episodes of Star Trek way back in the first supplemental. This week David and I are joined by our friend Kerstan Szczepanski from the Las Vegas Sci- Fi Examiner and now without further ado here it is Trekcast presents Star Trek best of the best with our review of The Original Series episode Balance of Terror so sit back relax and enjoy our thoughts and opinions of Balance of Terror you can even watch the episode here.Subscribe on iTunes

  • Trekcast Episode 41: Making up is hard to do

    31/08/2009 Duración: 01h04min

    Hello and welcome to the next great episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, and thank you Thot Gor for that moving introduction (he is a cool guy). We open up this weeks episode with some of our thoughts on lens flare love them or hate them they are now part of the most successful Star Trek film. Then I share a nice surprise our friend Yuji has made action figure versions of the Trekcast crew and they are cool.This weeks our friend Jerad joins us and if you haven't already read Hey Star Trek its awesome get over there and read it now. This weeks topic we delve deeply into the world of Star Trek makeup where we discuss our favorite alien makeup and of course our favorite forehead of the week. If you would like to see some great videos of how to apply makeup by Michael Westmore check out Vernon Wilmers documentary Star Trek: My Experience, and Jerad even gives us the lowdown on how those aliens from the Star Trek: Experience applied there makeup as well.We also talk a little about the new mini series from ID

  • Trekcast Supplemental Episode 30: Star Trek The Assault

    27/08/2009 Duración: 56min

    Hello and welcome to the latest installment of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcasts weekly supplemental where we David, Darren, and Alicia answer all your burning Star Trek questions, ponder your thoughts, and hear about some of the things we have missed on previous episodes via our Hailing Frequencies (emails) and Subspace Signals (call-ins).Once again we would like to thank you our listeners for making us the number one rated Star Trek podcast in the Galaxy or at least the Alpha Quadrant, and we still love all your feedback so keep the 5 star reviews coming on iTunes and those emails coming as well you can reach either of us David is at and myself or you can just drop us an email at you can also follow David @Trekcast or myself @Quarksbartender on twitter as well, so drop us a line we would love to hear form you what you like about Star Trek, what you like about Trekcast, where you listen to the show.So until next time get your Spock on or was that Kling

  • Trekcast Episode 40: Romance is for solids

    24/08/2009 Duración: 01h01min

    Welcome to this weeks episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast the number 1 Star Trek podcast to listen to while enjoying a nice glass of Klingon Warnog Ale or maybe you drink it from a metal cup if you really are Klingon.This week, we here at Trekcast take our charities serious so we are starting up a new charity lets find a home for all the displaced Vulcan's they did lose there planet this year (anybody watch that Star Trek movie this summer).Well now that we are doing our part to find the Vulcan's a new planet we get onto the Topic of the week via one of our regular listeners Stu Cooper thanks for that, and the topic is (drum-roll please) Star Trek romances we talk about all the romances serious and not so serious and even ponder the potential of some romances that we didn't get to see on Trek. We even delve into the bromance who doesn't believe that O'Brien and Bashir didn't have the greatest in all the Trek series.Thanks for joining us once again for this our 40th episode of Trekcast well be back late

  • Trekcast Supplemental 29: Jumja Sticks

    20/08/2009 Duración: 01h05min

    Who doesnt like a nice Jumja Stickin the sweltering summer heat. Hello and welcome to the next Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, this week we get things back to normal with the supplemental (if you haven't last weeks craziness download it now) and answer some of the burning question you our favorite people our listeners have to say about what we have talked about on the show, or just anything you want to here about Star Trek.Also to all of you fans get out there and pick up the first issue of Days Missing available now at your local comics shopsThanks once again for joining us for this weeks episode of the supplemental and remember we love your subspace signals (emails) keep them coming. We also love those 5 star reviews on iTunes as well, and thanks to you we are the number 1 rated Star Trek podcast on iTunes. So keep living long and prospering and well be talking to you soon on episode 40 of Trekcast.

  • Trekcast Episode 39: Jonathan Livingston Seagul Dukat

    17/08/2009 Duración: 44min

    Welcome to the next episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, with the con behind us and the dust settling from the greatness that was Grand Slam in Las Vegas we get back to all the things you love about Trekcast.This week we bring you an exclusive interview with straight form the Breen Confederacy Thot Gor right here with us in the Trekcast studios, then we also have a brand new What's what with Brandi T is that Cardassian or Kardashian well Brandi is here to let us know.For our topic on this weeks Trekcast since we had so much fun at this years convention we have decided to give everyone a recap that doesn't involve copious amounts of Romulan Ale and we also talk about some of the things we might like to see in upcoming conventions.Well there it is for your listening pleasure whether you listen with lobes pointed ears or just regular old human ears we hope you enjoy this episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast.

  • Trekcast Supplemental 28: Party like a Spock Star

    13/08/2009 Duración: 01h11min

    This is it the grand daddy of all Star Trek conventions and this is Trekcast the Star Trek Podcasts coverage from all over the COOOONNNN!!!.  So join as we party like Spock stars at our meet ups with DVDGeeks,, and all started Wednesday with our first meet up at the Spacequest casino (thanks to all those that came you are awesome). Then continued on Thursday with the party for Days Missing at Body English, and Rod definitely knows how to throw a party. Then on Friday we had a screening of Star Trek and we sold out the theater with and the USS Las Vegas crew we also gave away a bunch of great swag courtesy of Paramount and Bad Robot. Then Saturday was just a mellow night (yeah right) there was a Warp Core Breach party up in the suites. And on the final night a Star Trek The Experience reunion which was an amazing night for all us ex cast members.Thanks to everyone who showed up to all of our events we had a blast so enjoy this wild ride that we are

  • Trekcast Episode 38: Salt of the Earth

    03/08/2009 Duración: 01h17min

    Hello and welcome to the next fantastic episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast this week is the mother of all Star Trek conventions here in Las Vegas, Nevada and we talk about some of our upcoming events including our Trekcast meet-up with DVDGeeks and Trekmovie on Wednesday, August 5th at 9pm at the Spacequest casino at the Las Vegas Hilton. We will be attending a special screening of Star Trek (come see it one last time with a bunch of fellow Trekkies) on Friday, August 7th at 9:55 at at the Tropicana theater. Also we have one more very special event a Star Trek: The Experience cast reunion (come say hello to some of your old friends) at the Spacequest Casino in the Las Vegas Hilton on Sunday, August 9th at 7pm so come celebrate with all of us from Trekcast, DVDGeeks and Trekmovie. These events are all going to be a blast so make sure you come on by and say hello we would love to meet everyone.If all that info wasn’t enough for you we also have a special interview with Anthony Pascale from

  • Trekcast Episode 37: Mirror's Edge

    27/07/2009 Duración: 01h05min

    You loved it and asked for more, well Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast is bringing it to you. Our next installment of the create your own Star Trek adventure we dig deep into our Trekkie souls and come up with new ideas for stories things we have wanted to see on the television series that were never produced and flush them out without any pre-planning what you here is completely on the fly with no rehearsals. So without further ado here it is and enjoy.One last thing if you hadn't heard yet Trekcast with our friends over at DVDGeeks are getting together for a pre Star Trek convention party at the Spacequest casino right next to where the Star Trek Experience was on Wednesday, August 6th at 9.p.m be there its going to be a blast. Listen on iTunes

  • Trekcast Supplemental 27:Bread and Circuses

    23/07/2009 Duración: 49min

    Hello Trekcaster's, sounds good I think maybe Trekcaster's will become a whole sub-genre of Star Trek (what do you think?) and if your at Comic-Con dont forget to let the rest of the world know how much you love Trekcast, if you show us some Comic-Con love maybe we will return the favor by showering you in Trekcast love. This week we continue to bring you our listeners more of your thoughts and voices via sub-space signals and hailing frequencies (keep them coming we love them) where we here what you have to say whats happening in the Star Trek universe as well as the Trekcast universe.Also just so you know we will be having a meet up for Trekcast and DVDGeeks coming soon on the Wednesday before the big Star Trek convention here in Las Vegas at the Spacequest casino and we look forward to meeting you all (additional details to follow).Thanks again for joining us for this episode of the supplemental, from your humble team of geeks and remember we always love those generous subscribers (whom also receive our Tr

  • Trekcast Episode 36: The Wrath of Con-vention

    20/07/2009 Duración: 57min

    Alright so this week since Comic-Con in San Diego is this weekend and the big Las Vegas Star Trek Con is quickly approaching we have decided to talk about some Convention goodies, and we are joined in this endeavor by our good friend Dayton Ward (author of Star Trek Vanguard: Open Secrets) who shares with us some of his convention experiences from Trek Expo and Shore Leave this year. Dayton also lets us know whats coming up next year for the Star Trek novels.We also talk about some of the great goodies you can find at Comic-Con this year including Tribbles at the Paramount booth Genki Wear has an exclusive KHAAANNN!!!! cologne and Funko has a really cool Spock bobble head so if you happen to be at the San Diego Comic -Con this weekend pick some of these up.Also in non Convention related news Romulan Ale is back and you can purchase it at BevMo get some its great stuff, the team of geeks knows we have experienced it many a time. Well thanks again for joining us for our COOONNN!!! episode of Trekcast look for m

  • Trekcast Supplemental 26: Music To Our Ears

    16/07/2009 Duración: 01h09min

    Hello Trekcaster's thanks for joining us whether your on your way to work, listening while at work, or just listening for the heck of it we, and I mean the team of geeks appreciate it. This week as well as the last couple weeks we have changed the supplemental to what it is you are talking about Star Trek and your opinions of Trekcast and of course as always some general geekery (trust me you'll here it in a bit).Thanks again for listening and remember we love those five star reviews on iTunes (keep them coming) and of course our subscribers you guys, gals, trekkers, and of course trekkies rock.Listen on iTunes

  • Trekcast Episode 35: The Next Estrogeneration

    13/07/2009 Duración: 01h05min

    Hello and welcome to the next great episode of Trekcast, this week we discuss some of the topics you are discussing on the Trekcast Forums, if your not signed up yet what are you doing get over there and sign up.This week we have some great Hailing Frequencies from you our listeners and even one from Romulan Ale our fellow team of geek member, admin on the forums, and resident of Ferenginar say hi to him over there. Then we also tackle one of the topics from the forums Women of Star Trek. Who is the hottest, who is the most able, who is the overall best Star Trek leading lady, my personal favorite Number 1 from the original pilot and also star of Star Trek: Crewa great comic from John Byrne and IDW comics.Well thanks again for joining us for this episode of The Star Trek podcast Trekcast and keep those Communicators at the ready for the Supplemental where we talk about what you our listeners are saying about Star Trek.

  • Trekcast Supplemental 25: Highballs and Cocktails

    09/07/2009 Duración: 51min

    Hello and welcome to the next installment of the Trekcast Supplemental, where we bring YOU our thoughts on your questions and your different takes from different aspects of the Star Trek Universe.So some of you may have noticed we missed the regular episode last week well we just wanted to let everyone know we just took the weekend off to celebrate the 4th of July and have some fun with family, friends, and fellow Trekkies of course (I launched a couple Photon Torpedoes myself).Thanks again for joining us for the Supplemental and remember keep sending us those Subspace Signals (emails) and Hailing Frequencies (Skype calls) we LOVE to hear what you guys think and want to discuss so keep on living, long, and prospering.Listen on iTunes

  • Trekcast Supplemental 24: Hear Hear!

    02/07/2009 Duración: 01h17min

    Captain's log Supplemental (I always wanted to write that in a post) since you are glorious listeners have given us so many great things to talk about, such as trivia, what ifs, ideas for different topics, likes, and of course dislikes, we have decided to drop the Sci-Fi from the Supplemental and bring you more of your Hailing Frequencies and Subspace Signals. You may ask why, but we here at Trekcast just love including the thoughts and ideas you pose to us every week and we cant help but let everyone else listen to what you all had to say.So here it is for your listening pleasure the Trekcast Supplemental enjoy and remember to keep on sending us your thought and your call-ins via Skype and you all know how much we love those 5 star reviews on iTunes. Also just so you know we have a new subscriber area that we will be posting some very special commentaries for various episodes throughout all the Star Trek series. So if your loving Trekcast and want more please feel free to subscribe and help us bring even mo

  • Trekcast Episode 34: Nerding out in two time zones

    29/06/2009 Duración: 01h16min

    Hey Trekcaster's welcome back for our latest episode where we your team of geeks from around the world bring you all the latest and greatest from the world of Star Trek. This week a brand new "Whats What with Brandi T" she reveals to us her other nerd passion wonder what it could be?Also in this weeks episode we have a special guest, author of many great Star Trek novels, contributor to the Star Trek Communicator and the Star Trek Magazine Kevin Dilmore. Of course as with most Trekcast interview we just have fun and Nerd out with Kevin.Lastly we review the all new Diamond Select Toys TNG Enterprise D from "All Good Things", and it definitly is all good pick this up.Thanks again for joining us for this the latest episode of Trekcast see you in a couple days for the Sci-FI Supplemental.Listen on iTunes

  • Trekcast Supplement 23: Andorian In the Bowl

    25/06/2009 Duración: 01h01min

    Hey Choo!! (had to do it @super_spock) Ready for another action packed exciting episode of the Sci-Fi supplemental where you our listeners provide the dilithiumthat powers Trekcast we answer your Hailing Frequencies as well as respond to your Subspace Signals, which by the way are your Skype call-ins and emails if you didn't know keep them coming see if you can stump us or just let us now your views on whatever it is you'd like to here about in the wide universe that is Star Trek. Alos you have heard us talking to our friend Dayton Ward on the show a couple times, well you can meet him and his writing partner Kevin Dilmore this weekend at the Trek Exposo get down there if your in the area tell them Trekcast says hi!Listen on iTunes

  • Trekcast Episode 33: Conspiracy Part II

    22/06/2009 Duración: 01h11min

    Hey Star Trek! This week on Trekcast Super Spock joins us one again for an epic undertaking, this week the team of geeks takes on the creation process for an episode of Star Trek (I wonder if this is what Rick Berman and Brannon Braga went through) hope you enjoy this epic adventure we have created for your listening pleasure.Thanks again for joining us for this our first episode of create your own Star Trek Adventure (remember that place from Universal Studios). we will be back later in the week for the Sci-FI Supplement so Live,Long and Prosper.Listen on iTunes

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