Tallberg Foundation Podcast



The Tällberg Foundation is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit educational organization with offices in Stockholm, Sweden and New York, U.S.A. For more than thirty years, the Foundation has encouraged a global conversation about issues that are critical to the evolution of our societies. We operate under an umbrella of intellectual freedom and through an open-ended learning approach that is unrestricted by special interests, political correctness or the boundaries of cultures and disciplines. In these podcasts you can hear conversations, interviews and reflections from our ongoing conversations around the world and online.


  • Sometimes History Rhymes

    20/08/2020 Duración: 27min

    One hundred years ago to the month, the collapsing Ottoman Empire was finally out of its misery in the Treaty of Sevre. However, in an echo of American author Mark Twain’s dictum that history never repeats, but sometimes rhymes, President Erdogan of Turkey today seems set on creating a new Ottoman power. He is playing a high stakes game that some think could even lead to war between Turkey and Greece or Egypt. Egypt’s Nabil Fahmy and Turkey’s Cengiz Çandar discuss what Erdogan wants with Alan Stoga.

  • Are We Really All in This Together?

    13/08/2020 Duración: 27min

    Why do we seem unable to work together to manage our common home? Is the Covid pandemic considered “global” while Ebola was not, because Covid has laid waste to rich countries, while Ebola did not? Is the failure of governments that we see almost everywhere actually the failure of citizens for not demanding more of their leaders? Cardinal Michael Czerny, who heads the Vatican’s work on refugees and migrants, offers uncomfortable answers in this conversation with Alan Stoga.

  • African Possibilities

    06/08/2020 Duración: 29min

    At least so far, what plagues Africa is less Covid-19, than its consequences: collapsed economies, an industrial world that is closing to Africa, severe climate change, and the urgent need to grow and develop faster to serve its young, demanding population. How can Africa cope? Are solutions—or, at least, possibilities—to be found at the local, national or regional level? Alan Stoga talks to Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, mayor of Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown, and Carole Wainaina, a leader of Africa50


    30/07/2020 Duración: 21min

    Why do nations, rich and poor, tolerate widespread slavery, human trafficking and even the buying and selling of young children in the 21st century?  These abominations exist everywhere and at a scale that makes them one of the largest global criminal enterprises.  How is that possible? In this episode Alan Stoga explores the darkness of slavery—which consumes even very young children—with India’s Sunitha Krishnan.  Sunitha, leads a dangerous, discouraging fight to rescue the enslaved and stop t

  • The Covid Economy: Your Bust, My Boom

    23/07/2020 Duración: 28min

    Like everything in life, Covid is producing losers and winners, not the least from the global recession it has spawned. It’s even possible that the economic effects will linger long after the pandemic has faded—and that the winners will still be winners. That’s one of the issues explored in the conversation with German business leader Kurt Lauk and long-time top American central banker Terry Checki. What happens when the global economy collapses, but global financial markets boom?

  • Is America Finished?

    10/07/2020 Duración: 27min

    Why has the US stopped investing in itself? Why do things—from cell phones to highways to schools to trains—work better in countries that used to look to the US as their model?  We speak with Christine Loh who is a Hong Kong-based academic, environmentalist, and former government official with deep ties to the United States. Her conversation with Alan Stoga raises questions about how and if the country can recover its dynamism.  Not to be trite or political but can America be great again?

  • America: Darkness Before the Crack of Dawn?

    02/07/2020 Duración: 25min

    Maybe this mess—a pandemic, collapsing economy and racial inequalities laid bare—is exactly what the US needs. Maybe the outcome will be a more normal country, instead of one that thinks it is exceptional. That might be better for Americans and the rest of the world, argues Jorge Castañeda, a Mexican educator, author and former Foreign Minister. In this episode, Castañeda talks about his latest book, “America Through Foreign Eyes” and explains why the US is headed in exactly the right direction.

  • Are “we” capable of fixing all that is breaking? Or is it too late?

    26/06/2020 Duración: 31min

    Looking for silver linings may be an integral part of the human condition. Even during the bleakest moments—like during a global pandemic, leadership failures and profound social stress everywhere—we try to find bits and pieces of positive energy and new ideas. Juan Enriquez, one of the world’s leading authorities on the economic and political impact of life science technology, and Fio Omenetto, who works at the cutting edge of living materials engineering, on a search for the upside of the global mes

  • Is America Racist — if so, will it ever not be?

    18/06/2020 Duración: 31min

    American Carnage or American Dream? It matters to everyone everywhere whether or not the US is in terminal decline or resetting the basis of its democracy and its society. If the former, the global order will change in incalculable ways. If the latter, life after the pandemic could actually be better. Three global thinkers—a Mexican journalist (Ana Paula Ordorica), a Kenyan poet (Sitawa Namwalie) and a Congolese choreographer (Faustin Linyekula)—what they think is happening in America now.

  • First, help yourself - A Moroccan leader on coping with life after Covid

    10/06/2020 Duración: 29min

    Like everywhere else, Morocco must cope with the potentially overwhelming health, economic and political consequences of the pandemic. But unlike most places, the country has a well-designed, focused strategy to mitigate the worst of what is happening and, possibly, to position itself—and the rest of Africa—for a better future. In this episode Ahmed Reda Chami—President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of Morocco—discussed the challenges facing his country as well as the rest of

  • The Millennial Future

    04/06/2020 Duración: 31min

    In the midst of a global pandemic, leaders and people have turned local. That is not all bad: some people are working to strengthen their local communities, exploring new grassroots solutions and showing support for local businesses. Could these contribute to a new normal that is more people-oriented and more sustainable? Listen to Rosario Diaz Garavito, The Millennials Movement, Baiqu Gonkar, Art Represent and David Ross, Copia, discuss the different future that could emerge from the Covid crisis.

  • Is it possible to be optimistic about climate change?

    28/05/2020 Duración: 30min

    Tomas Anker Christensen, Denmark’s Climate Ambassador, and Daniel Martinez-Valle, CEO of Orbia, discusses both the need and opportunity for urgent, positive creative climate activism in the wake of the pandemic. Also the need to develop effective partnerships between government and corporations, to find a better balance between globalism and nationalism, and to innovate solutions that assure the transformation to a low carbon economy creates, rather than destroys, jobs, growth and economic opportunity.

  • Is Europe’s future green or black?

    21/05/2020 Duración: 24min

    The global Covid-19 pandemic has exposed deep fissures in the global political and economic fabric. For democracy to survive, the social contract needs to be reimagined; economies needs to be re-engineered and climate change needs to be confronted. In this episode, Danish politician and former President of the UN General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft argues that these inter-related challenges demand urgent action—and that if humanity moves fast, we could find new paths to a new, shared prosperity.

  • The American Condition

    14/05/2020 Duración: 30min

    What is the state of the union? Has the American dream become an American carnage? The Covid-19 epidemic has laid bare many pre-existing fissures and deep distress in American society. These are some of the questions Scott Miller, CEO of the Core Strategy Group and co-founder of Sawyer/ Miller Strategic Consulting Group, and Joshua Steiner, Chairman of Castleton Commodities and Senior Advisor to Bloomberg LP, address in this episode.

  • Climate after Covid

    30/04/2020 Duración: 23min

    Christiana Figueres passionately believes that the pandemic offers a unique opportunity to focus on constructive climate action. She discusses the possibility of leveraging the massive political and economic resources that governments around the world are mobilizing to stimulate the global, regional, national, corporate, and individual actions needed to cut emissions in half by the end of the decade. Is it possible to overcome “politics as usual” to inject some green into massive recovery spending?

  • The value(s) of democracy

    23/04/2020 Duración: 22min

    Democracy is under huge pressure everywhere, made worse by the global pandemic. Too many governments in too many places are failing to deliver on the basic social contract with their citizens. Celebrated photographer and human rights activist Shahidul Alam of Bangladesh discusses these issues from the perspective of a country which struggles to conduct fair elections, where inequality is extreme and poverty even more so, and where failures of democratic institutions are condoned by great powers.

  • Will Democracy Survive Covid-19?

    16/04/2020 Duración: 29min

    Democracy and democratic institutions were under severe pressure well before the novel Coronavirus appeared. Could the added burden of the pandemic break the back of democracy as we have known it? Gabriela Cuevas, Mexican Congresswoman and Inter-Parliamentary Union President, and Paula DiPerna, strategic environmental advisor and former U.S. congressional candidate, discuss the risk that our democracies could be another casualty of Covid-19—and what we should do about it.

  • Understanding Coronavirus and its Implications

    09/04/2020 Duración: 30min

    Anne Goldfeld, 2019 Tällberg/Eliasson Global Leadership Prize winner, is a clinician and a medical doctor with long experience—in the lab and on the front lines of care—with epidemics. Together with Alan Stoga, the Tällberg Foundation’s chairman, she discusses what we know about Covid19 and what we still need to learn--and why it is a global problem that needs a global response.

  • What is a thought?

    02/04/2020 Duración: 27min

    Rafael Yuste, a professor of biological sciences at Columbia University and a 2018 Tällberg Eliasson Global Leader speaks with Alan Stoga, the Tällberg Foundation’s chairman about recent and prospective progress in neuroscience.  Could our evolving understanding of the human brain lead to a new Renaissance?  What are the implications of this new knowledge?  How do we protect each individual’s neural identity?

  • Grappling with the Unknown

    19/03/2020 Duración: 24min

    The three 2019 Tällberg/Eliasson Global Leadership Prize winners, Anne Goldfield, Faustin Linyekula and Saul Griffith share their perspectives on the future and their relationship with it. Together they discover how their respective expertise - medicine, dance and fighting climate change - are all fueled by the mystery of the unknown and desire to explore it.

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