Night Owls



The surreal, supernatural, and shlocky old film fun.


  • Modern movie reviews

    25/02/2023 Duración: 16min

    Some modern horror-monster movie reviews for you, at last! At least.. 'modern' by Miss  X   standards! Including 'Get out'  and more. 

  • Unidentified flying object over Alaska

    11/02/2023 Duración: 31min

      It is exactly 8 months until Miss X' s  birthday, and on Feb. 10, 2023... was there a UFO over Alaska?? The report so far says the object is still unidentified as of this broadcast. We give you the latest on this tonite at 11:30 pm EST . Plus, a brief episode of Dimension X, from 1951.

  • Wacky stories of the week

    29/01/2023 Duración: 16min

    If you have listened to night owls radio for any length of time, you know we hardly ever get any phone calls into the show, but something tells me tonight's going to be different. The mysterious Miss X takes you up into the 3 am hour instead of the midnite hour on this show .  

  • Are crop circles still a thing?

    19/01/2023 Duración: 30min

      Really sick and tired of the same information spewed on talk radio for the last decades.. and none of it is funny.    All while your host, Miss X, gruels through Grad school for her MBA April, 2023.     Crop circles.. are they still a thing?

  • My creepy drive through Helltown

    13/01/2023 Duración: 20min

    Urban legends also occur in rural areas! Many years ago, Miss X was driving through an area and, being very intuitive, had a dark and odd feeling, to the point that she was physically affected and immediately turned around and left .   Only many years later did she realize she had been near an area known as 'Helltown'. That 

  • A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

    18/12/2022 Duración: 33min

    Scrooge is a miser who lost his business partner, Jacob Marley, on Christmas Eve.  On Christmas eve years later, he is visited by three ghosts identified as his Past, Present, and Future and shown how his life has affected others.  Originally broadcast on Christmas Eve, 1939 by Campbell Playhouse, Lionel Barrymore as Scrooge, with additional narration and parts by actress Wendy W.  All material played is in the public domain. From Miss X to you and your family,  Merry Christmas, and a wonderful New Year.    

  • Sasquatch stories

    10/12/2022 Duración: 21min

    Miss X invited "Minnesota Sasquatch" story from youtube video to call in to the show tonite to share sighting stories that appear to be the creature called 'Bigfoot.'   Anyone with a Sasquatch sighting should call in tonite.    Instead, you get to hear "SASQUATCH IN MY SUBDIVSION"    

  • Spiritual beings on Earth

    12/11/2022 Duración: 26min

    Solving the World's mysteries here on Night owls radio as usual, we tell you the reasons people act as they do on Earth, and to remind yourself that you are a spiritual being having an earthly experience.   Work of Tielhard de Chardin.    

  • Celebrating 14 years of Night Owls Radio this week

    05/11/2022 Duración: 20min

    Celebrating with Miss X's favorite horror film of all time 'Carnival of Souls', 1962. Night Owls radio began broadcasting one week after Halloween in 2008. Miss X had just received work on cable television's 'Spook Show' and was so happy to be continuing the horror movie hosting tradition that began in the 1960's in her hometown and continued throughout the 1970's, 80's and beyond!     When she discovered all the hosts she grew up watching had gone off the air, she decided to form Night Owls Radio here on blogtalkradio, making her the pioneering, FIRST FEMALE horror movie host to come from her hometown area, which had well-known horror hosts such as The Ghoul, Ghoulardi and Houlihan and Big Chuck, dating back to 1963.    The show is a unique compilation of horror movie clips, strange sightings and paranormal events, as well as a segment created by Miss X known as "The Wacky story of the week" to show the oddities of this planet.

  • Ghost Host, all Hallow's Eve Legend of Sleepy Hollow show, 14th year in a row

    31/10/2022 Duración: 29min

    CALL IN TO SHARE your horror stories with The Ghost Host. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, our yearly Halloween night show, plus all the scary soundtracks you can handle!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!  When the trick-or-treating is over, the true terror begins.......

  • The Corridor of Doom

    17/10/2022 Duración: 32min

    Really creepy Boris Karloff episode of the old-time radio show Inner Sanctum, in which a man keeps telling the hospital not to sedate him, as it will make him return to a repetitive corridor that includes a door bearing his name. Life and 'death', as we call it, is explored in this radio program, as it is explored in so many art forms as we try to come to grips with our mortality and wonderment about what is after this life.. in the meanwhile, be good on this Earth, it may be the only chance you get, and we may be here for a purpose unknown.  Such is the point of this Paranormal radio show, Night Owls.

  • John Lear's research into the area of unidentified flying objects

    08/10/2022 Duración: 24min

          And tonite, turn out the light! Because we are getting into the works of John Lear and UFO research. Mr. Lear passed away earlier this year, 2022.                              This puts well Miss X's long-time opinion on the absolute weirdness as a child when Close Encounters film came out, and we explore tonite- TURN OUT THE LIGHTS-    the discoveries of John Lear and UFO'S.    Mr. Lear passed away in March of 2022.  Let's continue the tradition as Art Bell Generation II of these reasearchers into the paranormal who are passing away. 

  • Tales of the bizarre

    17/09/2022 Duración: 25min

    Queen Elizabeth II was England's longest-reigning Monarch in history, and she is recognized on tonite's show.  Come closer!!!   Come CLOSER!!!!! Walk on through....  the walls are wet with grey and black stones.. you never know what might... JUMP OUT at you when listening to Night Owls radio.      Have I helped you with your insomnia yet????

  • Bigfoot's Basement Labor Day weekend tradition

    04/09/2022 Duración: 17min

      Labor Day Weekend tradition continues with another LIVE IN THE FIELD ON AIR search for Sasquatch, as we look for Bigfoot's basement in an area known for its sightings of Bigfoot, a creature variously described as bipedal, sometimes crouching, with long reddish brown to dark brown hair, sometimes white haired.      We return to the area of Sasquatch sightings and see if we can't find Bigfoot's 'basement'.   And keep the Labor Day Weekend giving tradition alive by giving to your favorite charity this weekend, please! 

  • Miss X tests Positive for Covid

    23/05/2022 Duración: 16min

    Plague, planet.. more craziness piled on the Paranormal. My little Night owls-- I have some scary school stories for you on this segment. True life paranormal stories.    

  • A talk with horror movie expert Joe Flynn of the Grim and Bloody podcast

    07/05/2022 Duración: 34min

    Imagine waking up out of the anesthetic after an operation and , years later wondering: Were my experiences an OBE? We discuss people who have experienced OBE's and continued living on Earth,  of those who feel they must be tough because their fathers instilled that in them, as mine did, and we speak of solving the World's mysteries here... on Night Owls radio.   AND.... Miss X opens the phone lines to ask 'Are you a Ghost'?  If so , call in and tell us about it! NOW IN ITS 14TH SEASON OF BROADCASTING..  Night owls radio for night owls.

  • Squatchiest State and strange sightings in Knoxville, Tennessee

    30/04/2022 Duración: 33min

      It's SPRINGTIME along the Lake Eeeerie coast and you know what that means, Bigfoot search time!   Considered one of the "Squatchiest States",  a recent film shows a Bigfoot sighting in Rootstown, where Miss X spent some of the happiest times of her childhood. It appears to be fake. Miss X has heard online that apparently there are a lot of Bigfoot sightings down in the Knoxville, Tennessee USA area, and ghostly sightings as well! We explore these sightings tonight with information from the Angry Grandma and 'Sam'.  (First photo is from you tube monster quest on Grassman still, not for monetary gain, educational and entertainment purposes only- Flicker photo credit given; entertainment and no financial gain)  

  • Cow abductions done by aliens??

    23/04/2022 Duración: 16min

    Well,  'cows flying through the air' on a dairy farm years ago, what the heck does all this mean??!  Some think aliens are abducting these cows, but why?   ALSO, A "WACKY STORY OF THE WEEK" segment.   Miss X has never weighed in on this subject.. until tonite.. humans eat cows, you think aliens are experimenting or abducting the cows---- you figure it out! Duh.   Miss X explains more tonite live on Night Owls radio.

  • Let Sleeping Corpses Lie

    16/04/2022 Duración: 34min

    Midnight Monster Movie with Miss X for your Weekend ....   " Let Sleeping Corpses lie"- from 1974, in which radioactive means meant to stop insects instead effects corpses in a cemetery.    ALSO, A WACKY STORY OF THE WEEK for you, a segment we have not done in a very long time.

  • Horror movie 'conventions'

    09/04/2022 Duración: 18min

      We update you on various things in the horror monster movie world of the past.

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