Elder Law Report



Get the scoop on issues that directly affect your estate planning and retirement. Brought to you by Attorney, Greg McIntyre and McIntyre Elder Law, where we protect the American People from the American Government.


  • Understanding the Foundations of Estate Planning: From Power of Attorney to Wills

    24/11/2023 Duración: 21min

    What if one document could prevent your assets from freezing, provide another person the power to manage your financial affairs, or negate the need for a court-initiated guardianship in the event of incapacity? Brace yourselves as we dissect the fundamental aspects of estate planning, focusing on the General Durable Power of Attorney, a crucial document that holds the power to do just that! We'll also guide you through the importance of including a HIPAA authorization in a Healthcare Power of Attorney, and the necessity of appointing an agent for mental health care. With these in place, you can be assured that not only your wishes will be carried out, but your rights will also be protected.Did you know that a will doesn't automatically avoid the probate process? Join us as we debunk this common myth, and delve into the differences between a living will and a last will. Learn how including religious concerns in a living will can substantiate your testament. As we traverse through the realm of estate

  • Unraveling the Mysteries of Will Caveats with Wesley White

    24/11/2023 Duración: 07min

    Ever wondered how a legal challenge to the validity of a will unfolds? Wesley White of McIntyre Elder Law is here to unravel the intricacies of will caveats and shine a light on the often-misunderstood process. We journey into the fascinating world of will validation, exploring common grounds for a challenge like the testator's lack of capacity or undue influence during the signing. Wesley speaks to the heart of these issues, providing important lessons for anyone grappling with estate planning or an impending will caveat.Our discussion takes a riveting turn as we delve into real-life scenarios that might lead to a caveat. Imagine a situation where an elderly individual under the influence of a manipulative caretaker signs off their property. Or what if a will was forged, bearing signatures that the deceased never signed? Wesley breaks these down in plain language, giving you a whole new perspective on the significance of last wills and testaments. Get ready for an episode that’s not only informative but

  • Navigating Deed Protection and Estate Planning: The Magic of the Ladybird Deed

    23/11/2023 Duración: 07min

    Ever wondered about the most effective ways to protect your home deed and navigate the often complex world of estate planning? Prepare to pull back the curtain on the realities of transferring property into your child's name, as we analyze the potential pitfalls of such a decision and the significant capital gains tax bill it could generate for your loved ones. In this engaging dialogue, we unpack the magic of a tool known as a Ladybird deed, or an enhanced life estate deed, that allows you to maintain control of your property and seamlessly transition it to a loved one upon passing, all while sidestepping the probate process. We also take an intriguing look at the look-back period for long-term care Medicaid, offering invaluable insights to guide your decision-making process. So, buckle up, and get ready for an enlightening journey through deed protection and estate planning.

  • Conquering the Complexities of Trusts and Estate Planning

    15/11/2023 Duración: 10min

    Ever feel tangled in the complex web of trusts and estate planning? Fear not, we've got your back! In this enlightening episode, we layer back the mystique of trust drafting, diving straight into the heart of revocable living trusts, irrevocable trusts, and the stealthy convertible trust. We take a magnifying glass to the unique features nestled within each type, demonstrating how you can harness them to serve your specific needs. You'll see how an irrevocable trust, despite its sturdy exterior, can protect your assets while still allowing you to draw an income, all under the watchful eye of a trusted fiduciary. Turning the page to estate planning, we illustrate the sheer power of a trust in your estate plan. Want to talk to an estate planning and elder law attorney for free? We share the golden path to free legal advice and set the stage for what to expect during a no-strings-attached consultation with an attorney about your estate plan. We also dispel common concerns about irrevocable trusts, brin

  • Estate Planning Masterclass: Navigating Estate and Elder Law Planning: Importance, Risks, and Tools

    08/11/2023 Duración: 36min

    Ever thought about what happens when you're no longer competent to make decisions or handle your financial affairs? Join us as Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorneys Greg McIntyre and Brenton Begley unravel the complexities of estate and elder law planning, highlighting the importance of legal documents like general durable power of attorney, healthcare power of attorney, living will, and will. We shed light on the high stakes of not having these documents in place, such as the complications and restrictions of guardianship proceedings.Navigating the intricate world of wills and deed protection can be a daunting task, but we've got you covered. Learn more about how an executor plays a critical role in the probate process and what pitfalls they may face. Greg and Brenton help us consider the potential financial risks, especially those related to long-term care costs and the possible claim of creditors on your assets. Moreover, we discuss the protective role a will plays in this context and the serio

  • Understanding the Versatile Role of Trusts in Wealth Management and Estate Planning

    01/11/2023 Duración: 10min

    Ever wondered how a trust can serve as more than just a vessel for your assets? Ever pondered, how it can protect your wealth that isn't even there yet? My law partner, Britton Begley, an estate planning expert with an LLM in taxation, and I, Greg McIntyre, bring you a lively discussion unraveling these intricate concepts. We shine a light on the trust, not just as a holder, but as a receiver of assets, exploring its role in safeguarding your wealth and shielding your spouse from potential liabilities. We’re talking about everything from IRAs to life insurance, and how you can use a trust to ensure they serve your best interests. Beyond just a holder and receiver, we delve into how a trust can also act as a 'conduit', aligning with the IRS code and effectively controlling the distribution of pre-taxed money to your beneficiaries. Discover how the trust can protect special needs individuals, help manage potential liabilities, and even influence how a young, inexperienced beneficiary spends their

  • Understanding Intestate Succession: A Critical Discussion on the Importance of a Will with Attorney Wesley White

    29/10/2023 Duración: 07min

    Ever wondered what happens when you pass away without a will? We had an illuminating conversation with Attorney Wesley White, who sheds light on this topic and explains why it's critical to have a will in place. Wesley, with his legal expertise, took us through the maze of intestate succession laws - the rules that come into play when someone dies 'intestate' or without a will. He painted different scenarios to help us understand how property division occurs if the deceased has a spouse, children, or parents.Wesley underscored the importance of a will as it serves as a roadmap to the division and distribution of your property. He highlighted how to circumnavigate the intestate laws and ensure your loved ones get their fair share. No matter where you're located, Wesley is ready to offer a helping hand to guide you through estate planning. So, if you are interested in understanding how your property will be distributed after your demise, this episode is a must-listen! Enjoy a sense of clarit

  • Mastering Probate: Maximizing Estates and Minimizing Taxes

    21/10/2023 Duración: 16min

    Ready to conquer the complexities of probate? Join us in a riveting dialogue with our esteemed colleague, Wesley White, as we unravel the labyrinth of probate and estate planning. We promise to offer you valuable insights into why avoiding probate can save you from the headaches associated with the court system and creditors. Listen in as we share strategic ways to maximize your estate, minimize taxes, and ensure a smoother transition for your heirs.If you thought probate was a daunting task, prepare to transform your perspective! This episode is a treasure trove of guidance, shedding light on the critical role of seasoned attorneys in the probate process. We chat with experts like Wesley and others who help dispel the myths surrounding probate and make it more accessible. Beyond that, we reveal the importance of proactive planning to circumvent debt, creditor claims, and other potential hiccups that might put your estate's worth at risk. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on this enlightening journe

  • Nursing Home Costs: Don't Let Them Drain Your Savings

    14/10/2023 Duración: 05min

    Are you worried about the skyrocketing costs of nursing home care eating into your savings? Fret not. We've got expert advice from attorneys Greg McIntyre and Brenton Begley, authorities in estate planning and elder law, that could help protect your hard-earned assets. Armed with insights that seven out of ten people will require long-term care, they draw on their extensive experience to guide you through this intricate process and help you steer clear of potential pitfalls.This episode is a treasure trove of practical tips to safeguard your assets and secure government benefits. Greg and Brenton thoughtfully explain why you shouldn't give away your assets or your house, how to strategically apply at the right time, and why the devil is in the details in your application. They also emphasize the importance of early and regular planning with professional consultation. Remember, every month of delay might cost you a private pay month that could have had benefits covering your care. So, be proactive an

  • Unlocking the Mystery of High Interest Rates in Real Estate Market and the Role of Estate Planning

    01/09/2023 Duración: 13min

    Ready to unlock the mysteries of high interest rates in the real estate market? Together with investment guru Britton Begley, we'll show you how these rates can impact your estate planning and investments. Buckle up as we dismantle the fear-based approach to investing, and discuss why, when rates surge, it can be smarter to go against the flow. We'll reveal how high interest rates can actually cause a dip in housing prices and how you can seize this opportunity. It's time to understand why the housing market value appreciates - it's not competition, but the devaluation of the dollar.Switching gears, we'll venture into the intricate world of asset protection and estate planning. Listen closely as we examine the implications of increasing interest rates on your real property investments. Discover how a meticulously crafted, customized approach to estate planning can be your shield in these volatile times. We'll arm you with expert advice on the pros and cons of the market, potentia

  • Planning Ahead: The Key to Protecting Your Assets

    23/08/2023 Duración: 01min

    Greg McIntyre and Brenton Begley emphasize the importance of proactive planning when it comes to safeguarding one's money and property. They discuss the challenges families face when they delay planning and the ease that comes with early action. Brenton highlights their offer of a free consultation to ensure there are no barriers to strategizing for the future. Greg concludes by urging listeners to seize the moment and schedule their consultation for a worry-free tomorrow.

  • Navigating the Stormy Seas of Probate and Estate Administration

    23/08/2023 Duración: 03min

    Navigating the treacherous waters of Probate and Estate Administration can feel like a solo voyage in a storm. The intricate process can lead you off course, with potential pitfalls including court complications or even jail time if mishandled. Let us be your compass, guiding you safely through the intricacies of this legal labyrinth. We delve into the subtleties of what should and should not pass through probate, and expose the potential dangers of exposing assets to claims or seizures.We don't stop at the shore; we also venture into the complex terrain of dealing with claims. Uncover the secrets of recognizing a valid claim, and learn when it's appropriate to reject one. We also chart the statutory periods for making a claim and share strategies for negotiating claims to preserve the assets for the heirs. For those needing a more personalized map, we offer a free consultation to discuss your journey through Probate or Estate Administration. Tune in and let us navigate you through this potentially

  • Securing Your Wealth and A Lasting Legacy: A Conversation with Greg McIntyre

    23/08/2023 Duración: 02min

    Join us in a crucial conversation with Greg McIntyre, the brain behind McIntyre Elder Law. Greg's life-changing mission to protect the hard-earned properties and retirement savings of families was fueled by his own grandfather's experience. He's spent years safeguarding thousands of assets and setting up estate plans, witnessing firsthand both the relief of those who plan ahead and the despair of those who don't.In sharing his wisdom, Greg underscores the importance of maintaining dignity, and shielding oneself from any potential exploitation that comes with age. His tireless work is motivated by the desire to help individuals secure their earned wealth and property, creating a lasting legacy for their loved ones. If you're curious about fortifying your financial future, Greg is generously offering a free consultation. Tune in, schedule your consultation, and set out on your path towards a secure and serene tomorrow.

  • Securing Your Loved Ones' Future: A Comprehensive Guide to Estate Planning with Britton

    23/08/2023 Duración: 03min

    Imagine setting the stage for your loved ones' financial future, ensuring they inherit your wealth seamlessly and without unnecessary hassles. Now imagine doing it with the guidance of an expert in estate planning, Britton. This episode offers a well-structured discussion on estate planning, starting with foundational documents, moving onto deed protection, and culminating in a detailed explanation of trusts. Britton takes us on a tour through the necessity of having a general durable power of attorney, the healthcare power of attorney, the living will, and the will itself. And there's more! Have you ever considered how deed protection could be a game-changer for your real estate assets? Our conversation with Britton delves into this concept, revealing how tools like ladybird deeds can secure your property and ensure a smooth transition to your children. Furthermore, find out how trusts, both revocable and irrevocable, can serve as shields to protect your assets from potential risks such as long-ter

  • Elder Law Unveiled: Understanding Litigation and Safeguarding Your Estate

    23/08/2023 Duración: 02min

    Ready to challenge your understanding of elder law? Beyond the pages of estate planning and will signing, the courtroom battlefield awaits. This episode focuses on the less-explored facet of elder law, litigation - a crucial element often overlooked. As your host, I guarantee that by the end of this conversation, you'll see the value of a seasoned elder law attorney ready to assert your rights when they're infringed upon, and safeguard your hard-earned wealth, whether it's through estate, trust, or powers of attorney issues.Let's strip away the confusion surrounding litigation in elder law. We'll tackle the necessary measures you can take today to fortify your tomorrow, ensuring a peaceful future for yourself and your loved ones. Be part of the crucial discussion where we debunk misconceptions and offer you a free consultation to address any litigation issues that you or your loved ones might be grappling with, related to your estates. Don't miss out on this enlightening conversa

  • Strategic Ways to Navigate Medicaid Crisis Planning and Asset Protection

    23/08/2023 Duración: 02min

    Have you ever found yourself worried about the high costs of long-term care and how it could impact your life savings? The challenge of qualifying for benefits while protecting your assets is a real one and that's what we tackle in this episode. Join us as we venture into the often daunting territory of Medicaid crisis planning. We touch on the importance of having a sturdy plan in place and delve into the valuable tools you can utilize for this, including powers of attorney, trust deeds, and living wills. We also share insights into strategic asset protection, helping you understand how best to navigate the rules and work effectively with the Local Department of Social Services and the Department of Health and Human Services. More so, we urge you not to face the journey alone. With the help of a qualified elder law attorney, you can effectively protect your hard-earned assets and qualify for those all-important benefits. And don't forget - we offer a free consultation to help you discuss your needs

  • Protecting Your Assets: Understanding Probate and Strategies to Avoid It

    12/08/2023 Duración: 05min

    Imagine losing your home or assets to probate, the court process that reassigns assets after death. It’s a risky area where creditor claims can attach, and our expert guests Britton Begley and Greg McIntyre from McIntyre Oda Law are here to shed light on how to avoid this. We kick off the conversation with a clear explanation of probate and its potential risks, including the significant cost and time implications.But it's not all doom and gloom, as Britton and Greg also share three practical strategies to circumvent probate. We unpack the concept of a living trust and discover the protection a ladybird deed can offer your home. Additionally, we learn the importance of designating a beneficiary for assets such as bank accounts and life insurance. Be warned though; certain accounts can still be sucked into probate to satisfy claims. For a candid and insightful conversation, join us and learn how to protect your assets and secure your family's future.

  • Decoding Elder Law and Estate Planning: Myths, Taxes, and Protecting Your Assets

    15/07/2023 Duración: 05min

    What if we told you there's a vast and misunderstood aspect of estate planning that often leads to the loss of assets due to high long-term care costs? And that, contrary to popular notions, you might not necessarily have to pay hefty taxes upon death? In our warm and enlightening chat with Greg McIntyre and Attorney Britton Begley, we unmask the myths and complexities of elder law and estate planning.From the moment you set foot in McIntyre Elder Law office, you're made to feel right at home - greeted with homemade cookies and a friendly smile. Greg places immense importance on creating a comfortable environment for his clients before diving into the intricacies of their legal issues. We delve deep into the scary scenario of long-term care costs siphoning off an individual's assets, and Greg provides valuable insight on how to evade and manage such situations. Switching gears to taxes, Britton simplifies the often convoluted topic of estate tax, assuring most listeners that it won't be a

  • Planning Ahead: Safeguarding Your Assets from the Rising Costs of Long-Term Care

    07/07/2023 Duración: 05min

    Are you prepared for the shocking escalation of long-term care costs, now soaring to over $17,000 a month? Has the increasing cost of elder care and its potential impact on your financial health kept you awake at night? In this critical episode, I, Greg McIntyre of McIntyre Elder Law, walk you through this escalating concern and how best to safeguard your assets and those of your loved ones. I provide a comprehensive guide on foundational planning tools such as general durable powers of attorney, healthcare powers of attorney, wills, and trusts - all designed to protect your assets from the high costs of long-term care.I delve into the significance of proactive planning and the criticality of appointing a trusted person to manage your financial and legal affairs, should you become incompetent or incapacitated. We explore the nuts and bolts of practical tools like ladybird deeds that can protect your home and control until you pass, allowing assets to be transferred to loved ones without a claim for recovery f

  • Securing Your Family's Future: Navigating Estate Planning and Long-Term Care with Attorney Britton Begley

    17/06/2023 Duración: 03min

    What if you could protect your assets and ensure your family's security with a flexible estate plan? Our special guest, attorney Brenton Begley from McIntyre Elder Law, provides essential insights on estate planning and how it can prepare you for the future. In our discussion, Brenton highlights the two main risks people face with their money and property: the cost of long-term care and probate. He breaks down the probate process and explains why it's crucial to have a plan in place to protect your assets from government control.Don't be part of the 70% of individuals over the age of 65 who need long-term care and are unprepared. Britton shares valuable information on how to plan ahead, creating a flexible estate plan that safeguards your family and property in case of life-changing situations. Plus, learn how you can schedule a free consultation with Brenton and his team at mclderlaw.com for personalized advice and guidance on your estate planning needs. Tune in to this crucial conversation an

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