Mel Moon's Podcast



Mel Moon's weekly sermons


  • God With Us!


    It is Jesus that makes Christianity different from all the religions of the world. It is unique! Because of Christ, it stands alone!

  • When Christmas Really Began


    What we celebrate as Christmas, namely Christ coming into the world as Savior and Redeemer, began much earlier than most people suspect--like in eternity past!

  • The Silence is Shattered


    The events in the early chapters of Luke's Gospel shatter some 400 years of silence as a new age of mankind is about to begin!

  • Where is Your Heart?


    Learning to walk by faith in God and obedience as it relates to our daily management of time, talent and treasures.

  • First things First


    In this passage, we lean more about the power of God to heal and recreate broken lives, and we also get an incredible lesson about priorities, gratitude, thankfulness, and worship.

  • Hope that Purifies


    The hope we have as followers of Christ should impact ever part of our lives.

  • The Resurrection of Creation


    What is going to happen to this planet and all the stuff we have accumulated here? Will this universe, including Planet Earth, still be around for us to enjoy after the end of time?

  • Heaven on Earth!


    Jesus spoke about the meek inheriting the earth. What is going to happen to this planet and the whole universe? What will heaven be like in its final form?

  • Legit FoMO


    “FoMO” stands for the fear of missing out. The enemy uses it to trick us, so we end up missing out on all the awesome things of God. There is a legitimate Fear of Missing Out, and that one that should motivate us. It is the fear of missing out on...

  • Fighting FoMO


    “FoMO” stands for the fear of missing out. Fueled by social media, it is one of the biggest influencing and motivating factors these days. It is a problem faced by young and old alike. The enemy uses it to trick us, so we end up missing out on all the...

  • The Basics of Belonging - Part 3


    God has not just called you to believe, but also to belong. ...Wrapping up the seven basics of belonging.

  • The Basics of Belonging - Part 2


    God has not only called us to believe but also to belong. Here we explore three more of the Basics of Belonging and being a member of the body of Christ.

  • The Church: The Basics of Belonging


    God has not just called us to believe but also to belong. When you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior, you not only receive salvation, you also receive a new family and become part of what Paul calls the body of Christ Here, we look at the first...

  • Be the Church: Defining Our Purpose


    The word "church" in our English Bibles never indicates a building. It always indicates a people. As His church, what is our purpose, and how can we be about that?

  • How To Recognize God's Voice


    How can we know that we are truly hearing from God?

  • Take Care How You Hear


    One of the most incredible truths that comes out of the Bible is that God speaks to people. He wants to have a relationship with you that is deep and personal. A basic part of any relationship is communication. Jesus has just told the parable of the...

  • Nations Under God


    Finding our place in "His-Story!"

  • Wedlock or Deadlock?


    Principles on marriage

  • What it Means to Love


    It is God's own love that flows through the body of Christ. Instead of talking about what love is, Paul describes what this love DOES.

  • Called Out to Love


    We are called out of this world of darkness into God's Kingdom of light. Not only are we His children, we are also all part of the Body of Christ. We are connected to Christ, who is the head, and we are connected to each other. Each member has a...

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