Stephen J. Kosmyna



Inspiration Meditations and Messages


  • Law and Its Operation - Part 2 - Feeling is the Secret

    25/03/2021 Duración: 22min

    In the prior episode we began exploring Neville Goddard's classic work, Feeling is the Secret. We didn't get through the whole first chapter in that episode so today's entry is the balance of chapter one, Law and Its Operation. This chapter will help you identify one of the biggest areas where people get stuck when it comes to moving their ideas and dreams from the formless world of our imagination into the objective world of form. If you are not yet experiencing the life you would love to live you must devour this information, embody it, comprehend it in every cell and fiber of your being. Don't just read, study. Don't just listen, apply and FEEL. "What you feel you are always dominates what you feel you would like to be; therefore, to be realized, the wish must be felt as a state that is rather than a state that is not." - Neville When you master the material in this chapter and make the feeling of having already that which you desire - your dominant feeling, then the thing is as good as yours. You will b

  • Feeling is the Secret – Law and Its Operation – Neville

    18/03/2021 Duración: 22min

    In the previous episode, we just wrapped up Neville Goddard's, The Power of Awareness. Moving forward, naturally the question came up; what's next? After reflecting on this for awhile and considering how infinitely spectacular this material is, I decided to stay with Neville for a little while longer. The previous work has had a tremendous impact and influence on so many. I continue to hear about dreams coming true every day, so let's stay with this work and continue to learn how to make manifest in our world of form, all we wish to be, do, and have. This is about studying, embracing and incorporating these teachings in our own lives. This is NOT about reading another book. In fact, stop doing that! Yes, stop merely reading and start learning, studying and applying; prove it true in your own life. We have to remember the law is at work at all times whether we are aware of it and cooperating with it or not. The key is to learn the workings of the law so that we may intentionally and deliberately experience our

  • Reverence – Neville

    11/03/2021 Duración: 23min

    We have made to the final chapter in Neville Goddard's classic work, The Power of Awareness, titled Reverence. It would be easy to gloss over this chapter and simply move on to something else. However if you can feel into what you actually are, the realization of what your consciousness actually is, you would drop to your knees in reverential awe. I encourage you to stay with this chapter for a period of time, working with what is being shared here because this is truly ineffable. Once you move into this awareness and realization, you'll never go back, and the manifestation of all that you desire will begin to flow effortlessly into your field experience. Here's a peak inside; Neville writes, "In all creation, in all eternity, in all the realms of your infinite being, the most wonderful fact is that which is stressed in the first chapter of this book. You are God. You are the 'I Am that I Am.' You are consciousness. You are the creator. This is the mystery, this is the great secret known by the seers, prophet

  • Destiny - Neville

    04/03/2021 Duración: 19min

    As we approach the finish line with only one chapter left after today's entry, we explore another very, very short chapter in The Power of Awareness; Destiny. In my opinion it is one of the most powerful chapters in the entire book. This is because it is actually handing the power of what our lives will be, back over to us. This is a wake up call to all those who have been sleeping. So often when we think about our destiny and our fate, we consider that those are things that have already been established for us by some kind of entity separate from ourselves and we are powerless to change them. Another fallacy is that we have only one grand destiny. Neville tells us, "Since life is infinite, the concept of an ultimate destiny is inconceivable. It is your destiny to rise to higher and higher states of consciousness, and to bring into manifestation more and more of creation's infinite wonders. Actually, you are destined to reach a point where you realize that, through your own desire, you can consciously create

  • Faith - Neville

    26/02/2021 Duración: 19min

    Neville Goddard opens his twenty-fifth chapter in his classic work, The Power of Awareness with this familiar quote that we find in Hebrews, chapter 11:1; "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Neville then goes on to tell us that the very reason for the law of assumption is contained in this quote. To further that he says; "If there was not a deep-seated awareness that that which you hoped for had substance and was possible of attainment, it would be impossible to assume the consciousness of being or having it." We also know that we would not even be able to have the dream, the desire, if we were not capable of achieving it; which is to say moving it from our imagination and non-form into the visible world of form. The desire is the thing itself being birthed and beginning its journey into form. “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ― Napoleon Hill So we must have faith, a faith that is a strong believing faith, and an absolute knowing, that th

  • Failure - Neville

    19/02/2021 Duración: 22min

    I hear it and see it all the time on social media, "I tried it and it doesn't work for me!" or "After three days, nothing!" or even this: "It doesn't work period!" Of course I'm speaking about of the Law of Assumption. There is a reason it's called the Law of Assumption and not the Theory of Assumption. Law is law. It's always working, just like gravity is always working here on earth. Just like 2 + 2 = 4 within the law of mathematics. Law has already been established and it is our task to learn how to cooperate and work in harmony with these universal, cosmic laws of infinite potential in order to make manifest all we wish to be, do and have. In this chapter, number twenty-four in Neville's book, The Power of Awareness, we examine the reasons behind our seeming failure to experience the manifestation of our desires. Here's a hint: Does it feel natural to you when you live from your dream in your imagination? For the details surrounding failure and a deep dive explanation, you'll have to listen to this enti

  • Persistence – Neville

    10/02/2021 Duración: 26min

    In this chapter, Neville takes us into Scripture again to illustrate, through stories, how our wish must ultimately come to pass through simply persisting in maintaining the consciousness and the feeling of the desired state, all we wish to be, do and have, already fulfilled. Neville writes, "Ask, seek and knock mean assuming the consciousness of already having what you desire." He continues; "Here, to pray means to give thanks for already having what you desire. Only persistency in the assumption of the wish fulfilled can cause those subtle changes in your mind which result in the desired change in your life; all must respond in harmony with your persistent assumption." He closes this chapter with these words: "Your assumption, to be effective, cannot be a single isolated act; it must be a maintained attitude of the wish fulfilled. And that maintained attitude that gets you there, so that you think from your wish fulfilled instead of thinking about your wish, is aided by assuming the feeling of the wish fulf

  • Free Will – Neville

    04/02/2021 Duración: 21min

    "THE QUESTION IS OFTEN ASKED, "What Should be done between the assumption of the wish fulfilled and its realization?" Nothing. It is a delusion that, other than assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you can do anything to aid the realization of your desire. You think that you can do something, you want to do something; but actually you can do nothing. The illusion of the free will to do is but ignorance of the law of assumption upon which all action is based. Everything happens automatically. All that befalls you, all that is done by you - happens. Your assumptions, conscious or unconscious, direct all thought and action to their fulfillment." - Neville Goddard, Free Will - The Power of Awareness After hearing that you may be saying and or thinking; "WHAT?" or even "WTF?" Asking; "Shouldn't I intentionally and deliberately use my free will to discern what massive action I must take to see my dream come true?" Indeed this can be very confusing until we comprehend exactly what is being said and have move

  • Righteousness – Neville

    28/01/2021 Duración: 21min

    Neville defines righteousness for us as "...the consciousness of already being what you want to be." He shares that, "...this is the the true psychological meaning and obviously does not refer to adherence to moral codes, civil laws or religious precepts." And I would add that 'righteousness' metaphysically defined is "A state of  harmony established in consciousness through the right use of God-given attributes." - Charles Fillmore, Revealing Word So working within the study of conscious awareness and the law of assumption, righteousness is the right use of our consciousness and spiritual tools or attributes, establishing the state of feeling our wish fulfilled. The opposite of this would be sin, again, not what you think. Sin is missing the mark, not being and living all you wish to be, do and have. Your dream is real, already created in your imagination. Live there. Feel it real. Never waiver. This is your calling, this is the light you must shine and only you can shine in the un

  • Essentials - Neville

    21/01/2021 Duración: 18min

    This is it! Broken down into three essential steps to make manifest in your world of form, the life you would love to live. It's simple, perhaps not always easy but this is how you make a difference in your life, this is where you begin and this is where you finish. This is creation. Today we dive into chapter nineteen in Neville Goddard's classic work, The Power of Awareness. Neville breaks down the essential points for the successful use of the law of assumption. Get right to it! Hit that play button and begin at once to make the move into your wish fulfilled. This is how we make all our dreams come true! Dr. Koz (and effect!) Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D. The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

  • Be Ye Doers - Neville

    14/01/2021 Duración: 18min

    "You must be doers of the law of assumption, for without application, the most profound understanding will not produce any desired result." - Neville Goddard We must abandon that which we no longer wish to be and we must be the ideal concept of our self we have created on the canvas of our mind. We drive out the old state only by replacing it with the state of consciousness that completely assumes the wish fulfilled. You have the power to determine if you will do this or not do this. Doing this you abandon everything you don't want and live ceaselessly identified with your ideal you. Just thinking about it, or wishful thinking about what you want only from time to time, will not make manifest in your world of form that which you desire. The realization of your dream comes from maintaining the feeling of your dream as your new reality already made manifest. Persisting in this state is the doing and this doing brings freedom from bondage. This is true liberty. Listen in for a deeper dive into being and doing

  • All Things Are Possible - Neville

    07/01/2021 Duración: 24min

    "Live your life in a sublime spirit of confidence and determination; disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be, for, in that determined assumption, you and your Infinite Being are merged in creative unity, and with your Infinite Being (God) all things are possible. God never fails." - Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness In today's episode we continue our deep dive into Neville Goddard's classic work, The Power of Awareness and today we learn we must master our assumptions in order to master our life. For every assumption we make and hold in consciousness, we see the outer world conforming to align with them and we actually see conditions and circumstances changing. This is how we make manifest the desires of our heart. It's important to realize that this is a law that is at work at all times. This means that if we are not assuming the state of consciousness of our wish fu

  • Personal Impotence - Neville

    01/01/2021 Duración: 15min

    "SELF-SURRENDER IS ESSENTIAL and by that is meant the confession of personal impotence." - Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness In one of the shortest chapters in Neville's classic work, The Power of Awareness, he quotes scripture after that opening statement sharing from John 5:30 which says: "I can of mine own self do nothing." This means that regardless of our personal efforts and our own insistence to try and force things to happen, we are powerless. The law is always at work. It's not an on again - off again theory. It's law. The power is harnessed when we cooperate with the law, when we work in harmony with the law. So often many of us exit the state of consciousness of the wish fulfilled because we don't feel results are showing up fast enough for us. Guess what? That doesn't change the law one iota. We want to either give up or do it our own way; outside or above the law. We will make a quantum leap in our experience as soon as we learn "I can of mine own self do nothing." Work in harmony with t

  • The Crown of Mysteries - Neville

    25/12/2020 Duración: 19min

    "THE ASSUMPTION OF THE WISH fulfilled is the ship that carries you over the unknown seas to the fulfillment of your dream. The assumption is everything; realization is subconscious and effortless." - Neville Goddard In this Christmas Day episode we look to the Immaculate Conception and how it relates to the birth of an idea within our own consciousness. This is a short chapter from Neville Goddard's classic work, The Power of Awareness, that we explore today, but don't be fooled, this is one of the most powerful episodes you'll experience when it comes to getting you excited about all you wish to be, do and have in your life. This episode holds another key to all you wish to move into your field of experience. It's time to take that wish and that big dream off the shelf of 'someday' and begin at once to assume it real here and now. Your dream, your wish, your desire is YOURS and you must express it, live it and move into it. No one else can do that like YOU can do that! Merry Christmas! Dr. Koz (and effect!

  • The Effortless Way - Neville

    17/12/2020 Duración: 18min

    "Because creation is finished, what you desire already exists. It is excluded from view because you can only see the contents of your own consciousness. It is the function of an assumption to call back the excluded view and restore full vision." - Neville Stop and think about that quote from this chapter I just shared. The life you would love to live, the life you have created and already hold in your imagination, ALREADY EXISTS! Rather than maintaining the state of consciousness that lives and feels from the desire being real now, most focus their attention on current circumstances and conditions that they don't want. Many keep "taking score," meaning they are always questioning why their results aren't different because they have spent a good amount of time thinking "of" their dream. The effortless way does not mean we sit around doing nothing and take no action. The effortless way is about shifting our state of consciousness by removing our attention from what we don't want and that which we see in the o

  • Acceptance – Neville

    10/12/2020 Duración: 18min

    "However much you seem to be living in a material world, you are actually living in a world of imagination. The outer, physical events of life are the fruit of forgotten blossom times - results of previous and usually forgotten states of consciousness. They are the ends running true to often times forgotten imaginative origins." - Neville Goddard Today we take another deep dive into yet another powerful chapter in Neville Goddard's classic work, "The Power of Awareness." Listen to this one over and over again until you really understand the teaching contained here. This chapter can stand alone giving you all the instructions you need to make a quantum leap in your results and what you are experiencing in your life. When you grasp this you will see that you're imagination is the creative center for all you experience. The key is moving to the realization that you are participating in the this process either unconsciously and experiencing undesirable results in your life or consciously, with deliberate intent t

  • Subjective Control – Neville

    03/12/2020 Duración: 16min

    "The day you achieve control of the movements of your attention in the subjective world, you are master of your fate." - Neville Goddard If it is a quantum leap in your experience that you are seeking, a leap that will move you rapidly from where you are now to where you want to be in your life experience, then drop what you're doing and listen to this episode now. In this chapter from The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard we find one of those those instructional pieces that is simple to understand yet not necessarily easy to do! However when we can master what Neville teaches us today with consistent practice. With attention properly directed we can move our subjective, imaginative state, our dreams and desires, from the world of non-form into the world of form. Removing your attention from what is going on outside of you and maintaining control over where your attention goes within your consciousness, is your key to your very own quantum leap. Listen in and explore another very powerful chapter to help

  • Interference - Neville

    27/11/2020 Duración: 16min

    "You possess the power of intervention, the power which enables you to alter the course of your future." - Neville Goddard Don't like your results or what has been showing up in your life? Intervene! You have the power to redeem yourself and become the savior you seek. When we turn our attention from what is outside of us we begin to reclaim control. When we do this consciously with purpose and intention, we can then approach the canvas found in our imagination knowing we are the architect and the artist. From this position we can hold the palette of infinite potential and with reverence for all the power we have, we can deliberately intervene in the experiences and circumstances of our lives and alter them. Today we learn we are the creator AND the created and that it is time we design our life deliberately making manifest the life we would love to live. Listen in for another infinitely spectacular chapter from Neville's classic work, The Power of Awareness. Dr. Koz (and effect!) Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, P

  • Creation – Neville

    20/11/2020 Duración: 16min

    "The whole of creation exists in you, and it is your destiny to become increasingly aware of its infinite wonders and to experience ever greater and grander portions of it." - Neville Goddard As we continue to explore The Power of Awareness by Neville, we learn in this chapter that creation is finished. Everything already exists and only awaits your manifestation of it. Now think about your dreams, your wishes and desires; the life you would love to live. That life already exists. From our human perspective, we may experience life in a linear time sequence of events, but everything already IS - existing in the field of infinite potential within the eternal now. Today Neville gives us a test to prove this in our experience and as always it begins by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled... Listen in to today's episode to learn what to do next! Dr. Koz (and effect!) Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D. The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

  • Preparing You Place – Neville

    13/11/2020 Duración: 18min

    We continue into Chapter Nine today, 'Preparing Your Place' from Neville Goddard's classic work, 'The Power of Awareness.' "Be still and know that you ARE that which you desire to be, and you will never have to search for it." - Neville Despite what we think we may be doing as we move freely about our physical world throughout our day, we are all actually obeying the law of assumption. All of our experiences come about because of our assumptions and this is happening whether we are consciously or unconsciously participating. What is ours to do is to deliberately assume the conscious state, psychologically, of the wish fulfilled. Maintaining this state, we will see people, conditions, circumstances and unforeseen events move into our experience that will support our psychological state of our wish fulfilled. We're doing it anyway. Isn't it about time we do it on purpose and start living the life we would love to live? Listen in to today's episode for a deeper dive into all this! Dr. Koz (and effect!) Dr. Step

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