Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 111:58:05
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Get ready for fun. Business folks from all over challenge Host Bart Jackson with some of business stickiest situations and frustrating inter-personal dilemmas. Tackling them head on with his witty wordsmithery, Bart will craft the response that is most likely to ease the tension or extract the speaker from a potential fist fight. The world belongs to the talkers those people whose words convince others that they are trustworthy, their products beneficial, and their ideas wise. So tune in and learn a little chat savvy and a gentle way to boost your esteem in others eyes.


  • Passive Selling = More Profits, Less Hustle

    04/06/2018 Duración: 33min

    Known as The Salesman Who Doesn’t’ Sell, Brian Greenberg gives proven strategies for your more effective business presence. When it comes to selling, it’s not how hard you hustle, but how masterfully you create the point of sale. So says Brian Greenberg, serial entrepreneur whose enterprises have grossed over $100 million, and whose The Salesman who doesn’t Sell – A Marketing Guide to making Money While you Sleep is a must read. Host Bart Jackson invites Brian aboard to help you forge a business presence that will lure buyers to your shop/site/enterprise. Together, Bart and Brian discuss practical tactics for building a customer-centered, trustworthy reputation, making the most out of reviews, the art of the reciprocal client relationship, and more.

  • Forging Your Top-performing Business Team

    28/05/2018 Duración: 35min

    Recognized as one of the world’s most influential management thinkers, Whitney Johnson shares the strategies you need for selecting, forging, and improving your business team. Author of Build an A Team, Whitney joins host Bart Jackson as they discuss how to motivate individuals up the learning curve, how to hone your own leadership skills, and how to set people on a path toward both high performance and personal fulfillment. Tune in for the fun as Bart challenges Whitney with a series of actual “tough-nut” situations and individuals; then listen & learn as Whitney employs her considerable managerial talents to provide solutions. You may want to take notes on this one.

  • Art, Beauty & the Wolf at the Door

    21/05/2018 Duración: 36min

    How does one be a successful sculptor in this cash-only-concerned world? Host Bart Jackson invites on globally famed sculptor Gyuri Hollosy to explain the commercial side of being an artistic creator in today’s economy. And, as author of the markedly insightful Voices in an Artists Head, Gyrui delves deeply into that artistic mindset that we all possess, but fail to employ to its best advantage. Are you using your emotions in a way that brings joy and sparks creativity? Are you bringing a spiritual assessment into you business and into your staff to determine the fullest value?

  • The Corporate Huddle – Making the Pros Professional

    15/05/2018 Duración: 33min

    So you have fought to the top of the top of the athletic heap – You’re a pro in the NFL, NBA, MBA or PGA. The only thing larger than your sports star salary is the number of sharks swimming around for a piece of it. So how does the professional athlete get the best coaching for the business side of their careers? They turn to The Corporate Huddle – an organization designed to connect the sports elite with equally elite C-suiters who help them work out a financial strategy. Host Bart Jackson brings into play guest Sharon Mahn, governing executive of The Corporate Huddle, who explains the unique challenges facing pro athletes, and some of the more fascinating solutions. How can an athlete employ his star power to launch a new business? How should she be budgeting her huge, but short-lived income? What choices should a youthful player be making to plan for his retirement in his late thirties?

  • Arena: The Fun & Profit of America’s Sports Stadiums

    07/05/2018 Duración: 36min

    Author of best-selling Arena, Rafi Kohan, lays bare the cultures beneath and within our America’s monumental sports stadiums. After a yearlong exploratory pilgrimage to scores of stadiums, Rafi has penned the best-selling Arena which tunnels deeply into the very guts of the structure and the peoples who make it work. Host Bart Jackson queries Rafi about the ticket scalpers, fanatical tailgaters, the allure of the stadium bathroom, the half-time stars, the moneymakers – even the folks who grow the fields of turf. Tune in and be fascinated, while you gain a new perspective on who we are and what we dream.

  • Growth Strategy to the Max: A Tale of Two Women

    29/04/2018 Duración: 35min

    Want your firm to grow? Listen and learn from this tale of two women. Attorneys Rosanne DeTorres and Erin DeGeorge founded D and D Family Law in 2011 and made the conscious choice to grow it to the max. Think over their strategies, their use of data, the areas they pondered and improved – then apply it to your firm. Host Bart Jackson invites guest Rosanne DeTorres to share her story of how she expanded D and D family Law literally by the numbers. Her use of easily available statistics and studies, along with her intense scrutiny of the customer experience from the parking lot to the inner office sanctum offer an ideal model for your own company. Tune in and follow this tale of hard-wrought success.

  • The Mind Mastery of Elite Achievers

    23/04/2018 Duración: 32min

    Life demands more than a recipe. Those who accomplish great goals not only have planned out flexible strategies – they have examined exactly why they work and why they are following them. Host Bart Jackson brings on board professional sports psychologist and leadership consultant Dr. Stan Beecham to detail the thought processes at work for winning Olympians and business masters. Author of the highly acclaimed Elite Minds – How Winners Think Differently, Stan encourages us to squelch our insatiable obsessions with doing better – ever wanting more; to beware of culturally implanted limitations; to carefully scrutinize the pop several-step-success formulae; and get down to the business of doing our very best this very day.

  • The Ultimate Retail Tale – is Shop Worthy

    16/04/2018 Duración: 35min

    Would you like to like to know what you’re getting when you buy a $50,000 Cartier watch or a $1500 Chopard clutch purse? Would you like to meet the gentleman who can legitimately put them in your hands for a third of that original price – and learn how he does it? Host Bart Jackson invites retailer extraordinaire Richard Birnbaum to unveil how his recently founded and is able to purchase new, never-sold, high-end watches, jewelry, and accessories and pass amazing discounts onto eager buyers. Tune in and learn how international retail market shifts offer opportunities for those sufficiently savvy to see the need and seize the day. What you’ll discover will inspire you.

  • Bad Business Attitudes: Nix ‘Em & Fix ‘Em

    10/04/2018 Duración: 32min

    Are you toting around a group of pre-set mindsets that are anchored to your coattails and preventing your meteoric rise? Host Bart Jackson takes a jovial look at some of those insidious attitudes that creep into our minds and munch away at our full potential. Are you afflicted with client contempt or competition envy? Wage slaves, corporate C-suiters, entrepreneurs, even board members get taken to task for those popular but devastating attitudes they carry daily into the work place. Tune in and learn all those defeating attitudes that others have – and maybe even one or two of your own that might be corrected.

  • A Bold Plan for the Next Super Storms

    02/04/2018 Duración: 34min

    Should we just wait for the next Sandy-style super storm to smack us, then shell out another $72 billion in repairs – or should we adopt some preventative protection for our coastlines at about a fifth that cost? Crusading, former Massachusetts state Senator Bill Golden fervently opts for the latter, and with host Bart Jackson, he discusses his plan to erect proven Storm SurgeBarriers along our most vulnerable population centers. To practically engineer and fund raise this system, Bill has founded The National Institute for Coastal and Harbor Infrastructure.

  • Human Rights vs. Profit – Shareholder Divestment Levers Corporate Ethics

    27/03/2018 Duración: 32min

    Is there more to business than profit? Powerful shareholder groups are gently seizing corporate leaders by the lapels and explaining that unethical actions may mean the loss of their investment. Host Bart Jackson brings on guest Rick Ufford-Chase, co-director of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship which is spearheading the Christian churches’ effort to fiscally nudge US corporations toward more ethical choices in Israel/Palestine and domestically. Are such shareholder groups with nearly $100 Billion in invested assets swaying companies toward right decisions concerning human rights, livable wages, and improved environment? Tune in and find out.

  • Best ROI - U.N’s New Sustainability Fund

    18/03/2018 Duración: 35min

    What about investments for You – the socially conscious investor who wants your money to bring both profit for you and benefit to the world at large? The United Nations has just launched its Sustainable Development Goals Fund comprised of companies that are aligned with the U.N’s 17 sustainable goals necessary for the survival of the planet and its peoples. Host Bart Jackson invites an explanation of this noble fund from its architect and manager, Alfred Berkeley. As former CEO of NASDAQ and World Economic Forum board member, Al Berkeley possesses both the expertise and solid ethics to make this fund a global force. Tune in and learn what firms are qualifying for the sustainability standards – why no American corporations can hurdle the bar – how you may invest – and best of all, how business is bettering our world.

  • Cornering the Curvy Clothes Market

    13/03/2018 Duración: 33min

    Newsflash: women have curves. You may know that, but most clothes designers do not. Except, of course, Ms. Jennifer James, mompreneur and founder of Active Ego clothes, proffering plus-size ladies the active, leisure, and sports fan wear that’s as sensibly priced as it is tailored. Host Bart Jackson brings Jennifer on as guest to discuss the new trends and the clever strategies required to make it in the cut-throat competitive realm of fashion and clothing manufacture. Jennifer, through deft partnering, has rapidly spread her designs into outlets ranging from Neiman Marcus to big-box department stores, as well as online venues

  • The Energized Employee – New Job, New Attitude

    06/03/2018 Duración: 34min

    Are you getting the absolute ultimate out of your current job? Are you set to forge the next rung in your career? Or are you a jellyfish swept along with the tides of your company? Host Bart Jackson invites on board The Recruiter Guy, Bill Humbert, author of Employee 5.0 – Secrets of a Successful Job Search in the New World Order. Together Bart and Bill duel it out – each trying to outdo the other with the most valuable tools for landing you that new position and all the compensations you so richly deserve. Tune in and hear the mentoring contest – grab the best tools – and even cast your vote on whose advice is tops in your book.

  • The Time of Your Life – Managed Effectively

    28/02/2018 Duración: 32min

    “There’s too darn much to do. I’m not getting out from under. I could get it all done – but somehow the time is just slipping through my fingers and what have I accomplished?” Sound familiar? Host Bart Jackson shares some of the proven and most effective methods for tackling what you want to do. Starting from the inside out, Bart guides you to gaining some inner self-mastery right on towards more precise planning and carries the process swiftly out to the actions of your efficient fingertips. All topped off with a few ways to grab some satisfaction and celebration at day’s end.

  • The Business of Restoring After Disaster

    19/02/2018 Duración: 34min

    Who can clean up a church after the Twin Towers have crashed all around it? Who gives people back their homes when Hurricane Sandy smashes all they own? Who gets folks back to work after a 51st story fire in a skyscraper? The hero in each of these catastrophes is host Bart Jackson’s guest, Mr. Damon Gersh, CEO of Maxons Restorations, Inc. Recent recipient of The Art of the CEO’s Community Contributor Award, Maxon’s Restorations is in the business of giving people back their lives after disaster strikes. Gersh and his crew are the ones who wade in after fire, flood, and storm to save everything from priceless art to shattered walls. His business is dangerous, painstaking, highly technical, and, alas, never ending. Tune in and learn how the experts clean up after Nature doles out its worst.

  • The Elegant Mysteries of Creating Perfume$

    12/02/2018 Duración: 34min

    Eighty-five percent of American women and more than half of U.S. gentlemen dab some on each day, making perfumes a $40+billion industry. My featured guest, fragrance master Sevi Adat guides you through the exotic process of how alluring scents are initially conjured, refined, and made attractive to a scent-sophisticated public. For more than 20 years around the globe Mr. Adat has designed everything from the subtly enhancing perfumes for Chanel to soothing scents for Glade Air Fresheners. He welds the wishes of retailers with the capabilities of chemists to meet customer desires. His is truly a nose of renown.

  • Intellectual Property – Protecting Your Brain Children

    30/01/2018 Duración: 33min

    Can you as entrepreneur defend your invention against mega-competitor encroachment? Can you accidently infringe your own trademark? When you purchase a masterwork of art, what rights do you – and don’t you own? Host Bart Jackson brings on board intellectual property super attorney Randy Friedberg to make plain Gordian snarl of IP, copyrights, trademarks, and all those legalities in place protecting those precious expressions of your fertile mind. Randy, whose wise counsel and litigation abilities are highly prized by both music and book major publishers, brings to light those little known legal truths concerning ghostwriters, book authorship, neglected music royalties, and more. Tune in and learn just what money does – and does not buy.

  • The Man Who’s Remaking Marketing

    22/01/2018 Duración: 33min

    Revolutionary Market Mentor Christian Madsbjerg tells why major corporations are discarding big-data models for human reality. When the big players: Amazon, Coca Cola, Facebook, Leggo, Ford Motors, face product trouble and they just cannot understand why – they call on Christian Madsbjerg. He and his company ReD Associates are totally transforming the old, flawed marketing models that are so popular and so inaccurate. Host Bart Jackson invites Madsbjerg on to discuss what’s wrong with the big-data and impersonal survey methods employed by most firms and why they simply do not reflect human reality.

  • NJ Business + New Governor = Perfect Together?

    09/01/2018 Duración: 33min

    Now that businessman Phil Murphy is New Jersey’s Governor, will the Garden State be more business friendly? Will the business community get all its wishes legislatively granted? Host Bart Jackson invites Michele Siekerka, CEO/President of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association to discuss what it takes to build better business climate, and what we may expect from the shift from conservative to progressive leadership within the Garden State. New Jersey’s current political changeover, along with its two-decade scrabble for revenue, offers a living case study for all states in our current economy and leadership. Tune in and learn how to act and react to the changes coming your way.

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