R-W Sermons



Portraits of the beauty of life presented from the pulpit of historic Robertson-Wesley United Church.


  • Pain makes things truly real!


    John 12: 12-19 Jesus enters JerusalemJohn 19: 16a-22 Crucifixion of JesusThe great poet Rumi wrote, “The grief you cry out from draws you toward union.” This service begins with the cries of Hosanna, and ends with the cries of Crucifixion. Barbara Brown Taylor, a theologian, has come to realize that world religions have grown out of suffering. Christianity rises out of the suffering of Jesus at the hands of his own people. How will we find a way to practice the feeling of pain, to walk toward the pain rather than masking it, or turning away from it? Pain is what makes things real, and in the moments of pain we can’t help but reach out and encounter the Holy. How will you choose to enter Holy Week? listen view

  • Will anger open you up or close you down?


    Lent 5 John 19: 1-16a One of the most challenging aspects of grief is the anger that arises. Where are you God? How can people be so mean? Why are our structures so unfair? The crowds turned on Jesus to express their anger against injustice. Jesus turned to the Psalms. On who do we throw our anger? How else could we express and transform its energy into change and healing? listen view

  • Awaken from your shock in time!


    Lent FourJohn 18: 28-40 Today we continue to ponder the grief and suffering that are central parts of Jesus’ ministry, his disciples’ lives and our lives as his followers. Grief often begins with numbness and shock. They can be either gifts or thieves. Why do we need time in shock? How do we return ourselves to awareness and awaken again to Jesus’ call to serve others and care for ourselves?listen view

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