Journey Church :: Raleigh, Nc



Journey Church is located in Raleigh, NC and exists to make Jesus famous in our city, nation and world.


  • Defeating Jealousy Through Prayer and Gratitude


    Jealousy is the hardest heart problem to justify. In actuality, our problem is never with the person that we are jealous of; our problem is actually with God. Jealousy says, "God owes me." The remedy to jealousy is two-fold. It involves prayer and gratitude.

  • Erasing Greed Through Generosity


    Greed is by far and away the hardest of the heart problems to diagnose. At a core heart level, “greedy” people believe they have more or need more because they deserve more. The remedy for greed in the heart is generosity.

  • Eliminating Anger Through Forgiveness


    When anger shows up, we recognize that we didn’t get something that we think we deserved. We stew for days, weeks, months, or years over the debt. Yet, it breaks God’s heart when our anger results in the harm of ourselves or others. Forgiveness begins with a decision to follow the example of our heavenly Father, who forgave us at great cost to Himself.

  • Removing Guilt Through Confession


    Guilt is an emotion we feel when we know we have done something or someone wrong. Instead of owning up to it, we do our best to cover it up by living as if we always owe something that person. In reality, the cure for a guilty heart is simple, but not fun. It’s called confession.

  • Overflow


    We can’t help but talk about the things that we love. It could be the latest restaurant we’ve visited or movie that we’ve seen. The same applies as we begin and continue to fall in love with Jesus. As we do that we’ll find that making disciples and sharing our faith just “overflows” out of us.

  • Building Margin into Your Finances


    Surveys tell us that the #1 source of stress is money. We think that if we had more money that our security and comfort levels would go up. The reality is that no matter where you are financially, you are stressed out. So how can we build margin into our finances to achieve financial freedom?

  • Creating Margin to Impact Others


    If we want to live a life of significance, it is going to require active discipline to make space for the things that matter most and that is not a better job, more money or anything that the world would tell matters. We have to make space in our lives for what matters most and that is other people.

  • Putting Margin in Your Schedule


    We all have the same amount of time in a week: 168 hours. It’s not a commodity that we can make more of. We can make space, but we can’t make time. We must figure out how to make space in our lives for ultimately what matters most: God and others.

  • Why Do We Need Margin?


    We live in a day and time where we are more stressed out than ever before. We are chronically rushed, chronically late, and chronically exhausted. What is missing? It very well may be margin in your life.

  • "I'm Done" Moments


    You’re working hard, giving everything you have, and over time things aren’t working out the way you had hoped. When that happens long enough we reach the “I’m done” moment.

  • From Stiff-Necked to Sacrificial


    We are prone to do whatever we can to get what we want, and this always involves making sacrifices, but imagine if we begin to sacrifice temporary things for eternal benefits.

  • Spiritual Gifts to Change the World


    If you are a follower of Christ, you have been given a spiritual gift to use to bring God glory and use alongside other followers to minister to those who don’t know Jesus. When we all use our gifts, we can change the world.

  • Learning to Wait on God


    No one likes waiting. No matter what the wait is for. Waiting leaves us wondering if God is really working. When there is nothing you can do to make the future come any faster, what do you do?

  • Out of Balance Rhythms


    As we continue our Rhythms series, pastor Gabe Turner of The Point in Charlottesville, VA shares with us about keeping a good balance of our relationship with God, our relationships with others, and reaching out into the world. If one is out-of-balance, it will throw the others off.

  • Living a "You First" Life


    We don’t like to fail, lose, or be last. We all enjoy success, winning, and being first. Jesus challenges our thinking though on what it means to be the greatest. If we truly want to be the greatest, our lives must be characterized by "you first" instead of "me first."

  • A Legacy Worth Leaving


    When it comes to family, the decisions we make, the experiences we create, and the way we operate have the tendency to impact generations long after we are gone. So, how do you make sure you leave a good legacy? How do you live an intentional life of influence?

  • Forgiveness and Reconciliation


    Those who know us best and are the closest to us have the ability to wound us the most deeply. Whether we like it or not, and whether it’s fair or not, these wounds shape us in a major way. Forgiving and forgiving, again and again is how we demonstrate that we truly understand what God has done for us through Christ, and it’s how we best communicate that to others.

  • Relational Conflict


    Conflict is built into our society. It is everywhere: reality TV; politics; news organizations; headlines; conflict is just a part of our world, but when it comes to conflict in our family, it can be devastating. At the root of every single conflict, especially in the context of family, is an unmet desire in the heart.

  • Control vs. Influence


    If you are a parent, you more than likely work hard to create the best possible opportunities for your kids. Today we'll explore what matters most: is it attempting to control every aspect of our kids' lives or focusing on the influence we have on them as parents?

  • Mutual Submission


    Mutual submission is one of the most powerful relational dynamics on earth. When a person, or when a group of people decides that they are not in it for themselves, that they are not here to get out of others what they can, but instead that they are here to lend the best of themselves for the sake of others, it doesn't get better than that.

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