Refusing To Settle



The "Refusing to Settle" Podcast is an uncommon approach to personal development, lifestyle design and getting your shit together! I Synthesize the BEST lessons I've learned throughout life. Failing a TON and messing up so you don't have to! Topics include Lifestyle design, Behavior Change, Money, Mindset, Manhood, Authenticity, Relationships, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Holistic Health, nutrition, being unstoppable and more! Be sure to leave a review/rating if you dig it! Stop Settling. Start Living. -Clark


  • Don Miguel Ruiz on The Four Agreements | Best 5 Ideas Book Summary

    28/02/2017 Duración: 10min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: What are the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering? Can we adopt and live by a code of conduct with only four rules? this week's book review The Four Agreements Welcome back to the book review series distilling down best BOOKS that make your life better in around 20min or so. I take those 300 pages and give you the BEST ideas from them. Normally 10, but today different - only 5. Shorter for this shorter book. The Four Agreements is an awesome book by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book summary and book review of "The Four Agreements" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Don Miguel Ruiz's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s great. FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) MP3 DOWNLOAD: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: The Big 10 Ideas THE FOUR AGREEMENTS - Don Miguel Ruiz 1. Simple Does Not Mean Ineffecti

  • Journaling For Beginners: How to Effectively Start A Journal

    24/02/2017 Duración: 01min

    MASTER JOURNALING: FULL journal course is now LIVE! Journaling is the #1 thing you can do to change your life - today going to show you HOW to get started with a method of journaling…. that doesn’t suck! STEP 1: DON’T BE SO DAMN HARD ON YOURSELF -Ditch your quota! -Associate joy / growth with journaling not obligation. -Journal when you feel inspired. -NEVER force yourself to journal! STEP 2: GOAL - WHERE’S THE WHY? -What are you using this journal for? -Growth? Diary? Travel? Money Log? Brainstorm / creative work? Art sketch? -No right or wrong - get clarity! -MY USE: Fast track personal growth. TOOL for human performance. Just like use weights to grow muscles, journal to grow personally. STEP 3: CREATE SECTIONS -Choose 6 or 7. -EX: MONEY / TRAVEL / BOOKS / GRATITUDE / BRAIN DUMP STEP 4: GET AMAZING QUESTIONS -11 Q to change life: -How to Think Like Leo (BOOK): STEP 5: MAKE IT YOURS FULL Journaling Series: The Ultimate G

  • Robert Greene on The 48 Laws of Power | 10 BEST IDEAS Book Summary

    21/02/2017 Duración: 18min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: The number one book requested in prisons - for psychopaths or psychologically curious? going over it this week's book review “The 48 Laws of Power” The 48 Laws of Power is an awesome book by Robert Greene. This book summary and book review of "The 48 Laws of Power" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Robert Greene's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s great (and .... evil). Get The Book ► Full Blog Post ► (coming soon) Mp3 Version ► (coming soon) Master Journaling ► ★★★ BEST 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. Why Power Robert Greene writer in Hollywood. These 48 Laws getting used against him. Put in non judgmental book to do w. what you will. Put in book so you can use or see when getting used against you. 2. Never Outshine The Master “Ensure that you don’t shine so bright that your boss and peers have to hide in the shadows” Make those above you feel super

  • Double Your Productivity | 9 Hacks to Be More Productive Today

    17/02/2017 Duración: 12min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: How to double your productivity and be more productive. This video is on 9 hacks that will make you productive today. I have personally used all 9 of these productivity hacks over the past seven years to increase my focus and be more productive. This video was from a suggestion for more productivity videos (via email list). If you're not already on the email list, you can subscribe here: Please let me know what you'd like more videos on in the future. Next full book review on "Thinking Fast and Slow" coming later next week! We have something special planned for it too :) MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ THE 9 HACKS ★★★ 1. SET A DEADLINE 2. ULTRADIAN RHYTHM 3. CLEAN YOUR DESK 4. USE A SONG ANCHOR 5. FLOW STATE 6. BIG TASKS FIRST 7. 2-MINUTE DAVID ALLEN GTD RULE 8. GOLDEN HOURS 9. UPGRADE YOUR ENVIRONMENT And as always, REPLY in the comments with your favorite productivity hack! W

  • Dale Carnegie on How to Win Friends and Influence People | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary (PART II)

    14/02/2017 Duración: 21min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: The Most successful leaders all have one thing in common: They’ve read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Today we have PART II of the book summary and book review on "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.This book will rock your communication. Dale Carnegie's classic public speaking and interpersonal communication book, how to win friends and influence people is packed full of actionable ideas and takeaways. You might also consider getting the full book for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie (PART II) FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: ★★★ BEST 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. Don’t Criticize Condemn or Complain Puts everyone on defensive. Some people grow through praise, others through criticism. 2. Arouse In The Other Person An Eager Want There are 3 motivations: First two are push / pull. Think of carrot or stick

  • How to Be More Confident: 4 Hacks to Instantly Boost Your Confidence

    10/02/2017 Duración: 09min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Let's talk about confidence. Here are my 4 go to confidence hacks for feeling more confident. This is our third video in our mini "Conquer Confidence" series. Let me know if you'd like more videos on confidence in the future. PART ONE: "How to stop caring what people think of you" PART TWO: The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem (Book Review) link HACK 1: STOP TRYING -Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud. -Give up the act and expectations. -The more you try, the less confident you look. -Never get tribal tattoos or Affliction shirts. Ever. HACK 2: DO AWESOME SHIT -Create a lifestyle you would want to emulate. -Think about what's on your "GROWTH LIST" in your journal. Start to chip away at this. -Consider traveling solo. HACK 3: KNOW THYSELF -Remember that wherever you go, there you are. -Start to know yourself / become your own best friend. -11 Questions That May Change Your Life:

  • 32,850 - A Call to Live Life to The Fullest

    31/01/2017 Duración: 04min

    FREE 11 Questions to Change Your Life: Stop settling. Start living. This is a motivational video about living life to the fullest. I hope this success video motivates and inspires you to live your life to the fullest. Remember: number of days you have to 90 (32,850 days) Average Life exp. in USA: 78 (28,470 days) My days left till 90: 23,725 My days left till avg. USA lifespan: 19,305 What are YOUR numbers? How are YOU going to maximize them? Get out there and crush 2017. Stop settling. Start living. Discover how to change your life in under 4-hours ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: How to set and achieve your goals ► Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins ► How to Win Friends & Influence People ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ►

  • Tim Ferriss on Tools of Titans | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    26/01/2017 Duración: 24min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: What are the tactics, routines, and habits of Billionaires, icons, and world-class performers? Looking at that in this week's book review “Tools of Titans” Get the book here:► Today we have the book summary and book review on "Tools of Titans" by Tim Ferriss.This book is a must read for 2017. Tim Ferriss has written classic books such as "The 4-Hour Work Week" and "The 4-Hour Body". Tools of Titans comes from Tim's show The Tim Ferriss Experiment and the best lessons he learned from interviewing some of the world's top performers. You might also consider getting the audiobook for this – it’s killer! Get the book here:► ★★★ BEST 10 IDEAS ★★★ (1:10) 1. Model The Masters “Success Leaves Clues” -Jim Rohn (1:50) 2. Derek Sivers Sold CD baby for $22 Million dollars. One of most memorable podcasts I’ve heard.“If more information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs” (4:

  • Tony Robbins on "Unlimited Power" |10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    21/12/2016 Duración: 26min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: How do you find your true purpose, design a life you’re constantly proud of, and live with non stop passion? discovering it in this week's book review “Unlimited Power”. The New Science of Personal Achievement" Unlimited Power is an awesome book by Tony Robbins. This book summary and book review of "Unlimited Power" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Anthony Robbins' book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s great. FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) MP3 DOWNLOAD: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. MODELING “Success Leaves Clues” - Jim Rohn Modeling comes from “NLP” - main “new idea” (at time) of this book. No one who’s successful was born that way. Pathway they used - model it get similar results. Sow similar seed get similar rewards. Musicians = model scales. Painters = reproduce masterpieces. Kids = alphabet. D

  • Carol Dweck on "Mindset" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    14/12/2016 Duración: 19min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: How do you learn new things without judging yourself, get on your own team, go from mediocrity to excellence? One simple shift can make all the difference - discovering it in this week's book review "MINDSET. The Psychology of Success" Mindset is an awesome book by Carol Dweck. This book summary and book review of "Mindset" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Carol Dweck's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s great. FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) MP3 DOWNLOAD: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. FIXED MINDSET "A fixed mindset comes from the belief that your qualities are carved in stone – who you are is who you are, period. Characteristics such as intelligence, personality, and creativity are fixed traits, rather than something that can be developed." "NOW" mindset CHALLENGE avoids OBSTACLES gives up EFFOR

  • Napoleon Hill on "Think And Grow Rich" |10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    07/12/2016 Duración: 27min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: If you interviewed the 500 most successful business men of all time on how they became successful, then distilled their advice down into 13 principals, what would those be? This week's book review is on Think And Grow Rich. Think And Grow Rich is a classic book by Napoleon Hill. This book summary and book review of Think And Grow Rich will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Napoleon Hill's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (2:15) 1. MINDSET The real thing that will make you rich is your mindset. Focus on modeling how successful people think. Thoughts ARE things. (3:00) 2. DESIRE Want it bad enough - it becomes an obsession. "Burn the ships" mentality video: BILL GATES: 10 years in

  • Nathaniel Branden on "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" |10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    30/11/2016 Duración: 17min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Everybody wants more confidence. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were six traits that could double yours? Going over those in This weeks book review: The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem is a classic book by Nathaniel Branden. This book summary and book review of "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Nathaniel Branden's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. Arrogance vs. Self Esteem Put your mask on first. Can’t give what don’t have. Arrogance is comparison-based (ironically a sign for rather low self-esteem) Self-esteem is self-love based (taking joy in being who you are without the need of comparing yourself to another person) 2. Kill Your Inner Pessimist Signs of low self esteem: A) Self fulfilling prophecies B) Self sabo

  • David Deida on "The Way of the Superior Man" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    16/11/2016 Duración: 23min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: How do you become a superior man? What does that even mean? Can you really live at your edge and discover what your were born to do? This week's book review is on The Way of The Superior Man. The Way of The Superior Man is a classic book by David Deida. This book summary and book review of The Way of The Superior Man will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from David Deida's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “The Way of The Superior Man” by David Deida GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (2:00) 1. POLARITY Polarity - Masculine and Feminine - Night / day. - Black + white / color - Up / down - hot / cold - east / west - moon / sun This is what creates ATTRACTION - magnets. (0:00) 2. Stop Hoping For Completion If you’re not doing it right now - probably won’t ever do it. Success fantasies -

  • Malcolm Gladwell on "Outliers" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    09/11/2016 Duración: 12min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: What makes someone successful? It’s not Intelligence, or ambition - something completely different that we’re going to dive into in this weeks book review on “OUTLIERS” the story of success. Outliers is a great book by Malcolm Gladwell. This book summary and book review of Outliers will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Malcolm Gladwell's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell FULL VIDEO SHOW: GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (1:30) 1. 10,000 HOUR RULE TEACHER = 4,000 hours GOOD = 8,000 hours WORLD CLASS = 10,000 hours This is seen everywhere else too (chess players / fiction writers / figure skaters) (Motzart sucked at first) (4:00) 2. DELIBERATE PRACTICE NOT just 10k hours of practice. DELIBERATE practice. EX: Drumming - vs

  • Austin Kleon on “Steal Like An Artist” | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    02/11/2016 Duración: 23min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Let's talk about stealing shit. Why did The Beatles started as a cover band? Can you write a bestselling book with just 50 words? Why is “art” really “theft”? And good artists copy, but great artists really steal? These are 10 things no one told you about being creative. Steal Like An Artist is a great book by Austin Kleon. This book summary and book review of Steal Like An Artist will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Austin Kleon's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Steal Like An Artist” by Austin Kleon GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (1:40) 1. NOTHING IS ORIGINAL Start viewing art as objective not subjective. There’s not “good ideas” or “bad ideas” - only ideas worth stealing & ideas not worth stealing. We can embrace influence, not run from it. When people call somethin

  • Robert Kiyosaki on Rich Dad Poor Dad |10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

    05/10/2016 Duración: 23min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: (CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE FULL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE) Let's talk about getting rich. What do the rich teach their kids about money? Today’s book summary and book review: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. This book is one of the most successful finance books out there. Robert Kiyosaki's classic wealth income and money making off real estate book, Rich Dad Poor Dad is packed full of actionable ideas and take aways. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: BIG 10 IDEAS (2:30) 1. MODELS FOR WEALTH The book focuses mostly on the education and financial learned from his rich dad. We all have models for wealth. Money / Beliefs are LEARNED growing up - most the time not consciously. Become conscious of our beliefs / models in order to change them. (4:20)

  • Dale Carnegie on How to Win Friends and Influence People |10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

    28/09/2016 Duración: 20min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: (CLICK HERE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE) The Most successful leaders all have one thing in common: They’ve read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Today’s book summary and book review: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book will rock your communication. Dale Carnegie's classic public speaking and interpersonal communication book, how to win friends and influence people is packed full of actionable ideas and take aways. You might also consider getting the full book for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: Discover how you can change your life in less than 4-hours. FULL journal mastery course is now live! Learn more here: BIG 10 IDEAS  (1:30) 1. Become Genuinely Interested In Other People "You can make more friends in tw

  • Dr. Gary D. Chapman on The 5 Love Languages | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    21/09/2016 Duración: 26min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: What’s the one book that will have the biggest impact on your relationships? The 5 Love Languages! Today’s book summary and book review: The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. This book will rock your relationships. If you read only one book that will have biggest impact on your relationships, it’s this one! Gary Chapman’s amazing relationship book that has influenced millions of couples worldwide for decades. You might also consider getting the full book for this – it’s killer! Special note: This book is not just for intimate relationships. The book works great for every relationship you have (co-workers / family / strangers / sales / etc). Here are the best 10 ideas from “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. GET THE BOOK: Discover how you can change your life in less than 4-hours. FULL journal mastery course is now live! Learn more here: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (2:15) EMO

  • Jonathan Haidt on The Happiness Hypothesis 10 BEST IDEAS|Book Summary

    14/09/2016 Duración: 20min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Where does happiness come from? This week going over best 10 ideas on: The Happiness Hypothesis. Today’s book summary and book review: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. A great read on the positive psychology movement and studying where happiness comes from. You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this! GET THE BOOK: Discover how you can change your life in less than 4-hours. FULL journal mastery course is now live! Learn more here: BIG 10 IDEAS  (1:15) ELEPHANT AND RIDER Lots of divisions in past have been made: BODY vs. MIND / Right brain vs. Left brain / Superego id and super Id / etc Internal conflicts + sometimes want different things. Body mind need to work together. EX: Want monogamy - body attracted to different people EX: Want health but body craves sugar / salt / fat EX: Want start business but love sleeping in (2:15) HAPPINESS ORIGINS -STORY: M

  • Gary Keller on The ONE Thing | 10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

    05/07/2016 Duración: 22min

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Today’s book summary and book review: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. How can you cut through the clutter, overcome the overwhelm feeling, and achieve your 5 year goal in 5 months? Today we’re going over the 10 BEST ideas from: The ONE thing You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this! GET THE BOOK: FULL Video Version: BIG 10 IDEAS: (1:50) DOMINOS Dominos can knock over next one up to 50% larger 1D 2” 23D Eiffel tower 31D Mt. Everst 57D Moon Small change - habits build on each other (2:50) THE ONE THING Try to chase 2 rabbits, won’t catch either EX: Starbucks - coffee EX: KFC - chicken EX: Starwars - merchandise EX: Google - search (5:40) THE 3 MYTHS Multitaskers (-28% of day due to multitasking. / To juggle is an illusion - only hold 1 ball at time (College) / Distracted driving = 16% all car fatalities in USA) Willpower - (like a muscle - more you use more you lose.

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