Wayne Stiles Podcast

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The practical Bible Teaching of Wayne Stiles, connecting the Bible and its Lands to Life.


  • The Path to Godliness


    1 Timothy 4:6-16 -- Spiritual disciplines sounds like an oxymoron—or legalism at best. But the path to godliness comes through faithful application of basic disciplines God has laid out in His Word.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Is the Bible a Loose Canon?


    What about the so-called “lost” books of the Bible? How do we know that the Bibles we have are all that God wanted us to read? Is the Apocrypha part of Scripture? Why should we even care? Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • What, the Devil?


    Where did the devil come from? Is he real? How could God create him evil—or did He? Understanding Satan’s strategy against you equips you to be victorious in the battle, for you are in it.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Heaven and Hell’s Angels


    Who are angels—or what? Contemporary novels and blockbuster movies depict angelic beings as everything from glorified superhumans to wimpy old men trying to earn their wings. Fortunately, God’s Word tells us plenty about angels—and what difference they make in our everyday lives.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Rest of Your Life


    Exodus 20:8-11; Mark 2:27; 6:31-- God rested. What does that mean? Even Jesus made it a priority to take some down time. What a needed message to our busy lives.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Works for Me


    Ephesians 6:5-9; 1 Thessalonians 3:6-15-- Is your job secular or spiritual? Whether you’re a preacher or a plumber, a biblical view of work understands it as an essential element of life support and a platform for influence.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • A Wonderful Life


    Is God bi-partisan? An odd question, perhaps, but it puts a lot in perspective. Consider the idea that, at its root, abortion is not a political issue. Is the question the right to choose, or is the issue when does life begin?Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Dying With Unfulfilled Dreams


    Genesis 49:29-50:26 -- The death of believers provides an incomparable opportunity to demonstrate faith in the unfulfilled promises of God. Not even death can separate us from the love of God in Christ, because the promises of God extend beyond this life.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Be Careful of Yesterday


    Genesis 49:1-28 -- Decisions we make have lasting effects on the lives of our children. Jacob's prophecies of his sons' descendants directly connected with his sons' actions. How essential it is that we be careful what we did.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • An Unorthodox God


    Genesis 47:28-48:22 -- God's ways are not always our ways. In fact, He sometimes does the opposite of human conventions! As Jacob was dying, he blessed Joseph's sons by crossing his hands, putting the younger above the older—in spite of the protest of Joseph.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Taming of the Shrewd


    Genesis 46:31-47:27 -- Using wisdom in dealing with those in authority leads to a greater freedom for believers. Joseph wisely used his influence in and knowledge of Egyptian culture so as to both benefit the believing community and not to offend the one in authority.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • A Moving Experience


    Genesis 45:16-46:30 -- Only the power of God can bring resolution to an absolute hopeless situation. We may be reassured to follow God's leading, even when it removes us from our perceived security, trusting that His leading brings more satisfaction in the end.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • How to Forgive


    Genesis 45:1-15 -- You’ve been wronged. Forgiving feels impossible. How was Joseph able to reconcile with his undeserving brothers? Forgiveness begins by recognizing God's sovereignty.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Second Chances


    A loyalty first to self once led Joseph's brothers to rid themselves of him. Joseph now provides the opportunity to once again abandon a favored son, thus testing their loyalty. God may test our willingness to put others first if in the past we failed to demonstrate this. A repentant heart will choose the right path given the second chance. Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Wayne's Interview on Moody Radio's "The Land and the Book"


    I recently had the privilege of participating in an interview on Moody Radio's broadcast, The Land and the Book with Dr. Charlie Dyer. We discuss traveling to Israel, my Jerusalem Post articles, and my books about the lands and lessons of the Bible. I have selected only my portion of the broadcast for this podcast. But you will find the entire broadcast interesting as well.(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • When God Gives Others More


    It’s tough when someone gets what we want. As jealousy had once enraged Joseph's brothers against him, he now tests their character again by favoring Benjamin above them. We shouldn't let jealousy mar our rejoicing in God's undeserved grace to us. Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Dealing with Conscience


    Genesis 42- For Joseph's brothers, the oppressors became the oppressed, and the imprisoners became the imprisoned. God may use ironic reversals in our lives to convict ignored or unresolved guilt -- to test our willingness to come clean before God and man.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • What to Do With Success


    Genesis 41 -  Even when Joseph's dreams begin to come true, as he is elevated to leadership in Egypt, he still remains faithful-- now in spite of success-- by giving his children Hebrew names. Success should drive us to greater faithfulness, seeing that with promotion comes greater responsibility.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Reassurance While Waiting on God


    Genesis 40 - Feel like giving up? God tested Joseph to see if he had given up hope on his dreams by giving him two more dreams to interpret. Joseph interprets them correctly, thus God encourages him that his own dreams will come true in spite of his present circumstances. We too can find encouragement from God regarding our future-- in spite of today.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Don't Take Temptation Lying Down


    Genesis 39 - How can a person stay sexually pure in a world that cares nothing  for purity? Joseph shows us.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

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