In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews



In Deep withAngie Coiro is an independently produced, weekly interviewprogram. Hosted by award-winning Bay Area journalist Angie Coiro, In Deep is acloser look at news and issues of the week, particularly the important storiesthat fall through the cracks of major media coverage. Featuring lively,thought-provoking interviews with newsmakers, politicians, and behind-the-scenesnotables, each show illuminates the issues and forces shaping the nationalnarrative.


  • Abusemasquerading as Therapy, plus Won't Back Down: teachers as villains

    12/11/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #41 Hour 2 | Guests: Senator Ted Lieu, Brendan Fischer of the Center for Media and Democracy, Olivia Leirer of the New York Communities for Change | Show Summary: Teachers are villains in the upside down world of Won't Back Down. Olivia Leirer, Communications and Social Media Director of New York Communities for Change explains why. Brendan Fischer, Law Fellow at the Center for Media and Democracy exposes the shadowy hand of ALEC in all this and Sen. Ted Lieu (CA-28) talks about his work to protect children from a form of abuse which often masquerades as therapy.

  • Don't Buy It: Language and theEconomy

    12/11/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #41 Hour 1 | Guests: Anat Shenker-Osorio | Show Summary: Angie welcomes Anat Shenker-Osorio into the studio for the first time to talk about her new book Don't Buy It: The Trouble with Talking Nonsense About the Economy. Plus, Buttercup gives Angie her corkscrew view on the outcome of the election, letters to the Queen of England and Karl Rove.

  • Anticipating the Vote: Three LastConsiderations

    05/11/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #40 Hour 1 | Guests: Adele Stan of the AlterNet, Jodi Jacobson of the RH Reality Check, Michelle Myers of the Sierra Club, Neil Malhotra of Stanford University | Show Summary: What issues will shape the election? AlterNet's Washington correspondent Adele Stan tells Angie about Menards' "Civics 101" course and other instances of workplace intimidation of voters. Jodi Jacobson of RH Reality Check gives her take on John Koster, the role women's rights will play in the election and how the economy and social issues aren't as uninvolved as you might think. And Angie is joined by Michelle Myers of the San Francisco chapter of the Sierra Club and Stanford associate professor Neil Malhotra for a panel discussion on whether Hurricane Sandy will sway Climate Change deniers and influence voters. As always, Angie's demented sidekick Buttercup (GottaLaff) offers her views on Mitt Romney's disaster-relief effort-turned-campaign-stop and John Koster's "rape thing."

  • Whatis Voter Suppression?

    29/10/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #39 Hour 1 | Guests: Brad Friedman of the Brad Blog | Show Summary: What is voter suppression? Brad Friedman of Brad Blog explains the ways that voters are being manipulated and why fiscal interests in voting machines matter. Plus, Buttercup (GottaLaff) offers her corkscrew views on Richard Mourdock and God's intent, 'ideological chameleon' Mitt Romney and his interest in naval expansion.

  • Dave Johnson on Polling, Sensata, and more

    22/10/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #38 Hour 1 | Guests: Dave Johnson of the Campaign for America's Future | Show Summary: Dave Johnson is in studio to discuss polls, lies and trickery from the conservative party, Sensata, and "clean coal". Plus, Angie's demented sidekick Buttercup talks breaking the story of Tagg Romney wanting to 'take a swing' at Obama, as well as Paul Ryan's misadventures in the soup kitchen.

  • Will Durst: Elect to Laugh!

    15/10/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #37 Hour 1 | Guests: Will Durst | Show Summary: Laffy comes out of a debate speculation hangover to discuss CIA outing by the GOP, Paul Ryan's temper tantrum, and naked ladies. Will Durst stops by our studio to discuss his new book and stand-up show, 'Elect to Laugh', and to talk 'Low Information Voters', taxes, his audience and Romney.

  • The Sex of Politics: Nancy L. Cohen's new book Delirium

    01/10/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #35 Hour 1 | Guests: Nancy L. Cohen | Show Summary: Did you know birth control and sodomy used to be felonies? Nancy L. Cohen, author of Delirium: The Politics of Sex in America, joins Angie to talk about the rise of the people who want to punish you for rising to attention.

  • The Book ofMormon and the Campaign of Mitt

    18/09/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #28 Hour 1 | Guests: Jason Horowitz of the Washington Post, Kathleen M. Moore of the University of California Santa Barbara | Show Summary: A former Mormon, "Jason", joins us to talk about his experience as a high-profile critic of Mormonism. Following up his story is Jason Horowitz, writer for the Washington Post discussing his reports on Mitt Romney's campaign and Kathleen M. Moore, Phd. of University of California Santa Barbara provides an academic perspecitve on Mormonism.

  • An Hour withDavid Shuster

    17/09/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #33 Hour 1 | Guests: David Shuster of Take Action News | Show Summary: Angie returns from summer vacation by sitting down with Take Action News host and Current TV contributer David Shuster to talk about the RNC, journalism, and what it's like being a Hoosier. Plus, as always GottaLaff tells us what the world of politics looks like through her corkscrew lens.

  • An Hour with Gray Brechin

    08/09/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #32 Hour 1 | Guests: Gray Brechin | Show Summary: Angie spends some quality time with scholar and historian Gray Brechin on the state of Education and the Economy; plus demented sideckick Buttercup (GottaLaff) at the top of the hour.

  • An Hour with CleveJones

    06/08/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #28 Hour 2 | Guests: Cleve Jones | Show Summary: Gay rights icon Cleve Jones joins us for the hour to talk about "The Movement", the AIDS Quilt and more. Plus, we have Brad and Desi back again with another Green News Report.

  • Rupert Murdoch is Down, But is He Out?

    30/07/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #27 Hour 2 | Guests: Martin Hickman of The Independent | Show Summary: Martin Hickman, co-author of Dial M for Murdoch joins Angie to talk about his book and the "News of the World" phone hacking scandal. Plus, Green News Report with Brad and Desi is back to kick off the start of the second hour.

  • Low Power FM

    30/07/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #27 Hour 1 | Guests: Tristen Mayes of Grown Folks Radio, Pete Tridish of the Promethius Project, Vanessa Maria Graber of the Promethius Project | Show Summary: Laffy talks about Mitt Romney's misadventures in London before a rebroadcast of our hour on Low Power FM Radio featuring Tristen Mayes, host of Grown Folks Radio on KDEE in Sacramento. Also talking to Angie during this hour is the Promethius Project's own Pete Tridish and Vanessa Maria Graber.

  • At the Crossroads of Journalism and TheInternet

    23/07/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #26 Hour 2 | Guests: Tim Karr of the Free Press | Show Summary: Tim Karr, Senior Director of Strategy for Free Press joins Angie to talk about CISPA, SOPA, PIPA, and Journatic. Plus, Brad and Desi are back at the top of the hour with another installment of the Green News Report.

  • Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's.

    23/07/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #26 Hour 1 | Guests: Nancy Ammerman of Boston University, Marc Owens of Caplin and Drysdale, Reverend Barry Lynn of Americans United, Dan Barker of the Freedom from Religion Foundation | Show Summary: In this hour, Boston University Professor of Sociology, Nancy Ammerman explains the difference between churches and cults. Marc Owens, partner at Caplin and Drysdale explains their tax exemption. Reverend Barry Lynn talks about Americans United's fight to revoke their exemption and Dan Barker, co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation details other ways to make churches pay their fair share. Plus, our demented sidekick Laffy, is back from her break and at the top of the hour once again.

  • Right and Righter: Ron Paul and Ralph Reed

    16/07/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #25 Hour 1 | Guests: Robynn Tysver of The Omaha World-Herald, Laura Ebke of The Republican Liberty Caucus of Nebraska, Adele M. Stan of The AlterNet | Show Summary: Robynn Tysver of the Omaha World-Herald and Laura Ebke, Chair of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Nebraska talk to Angie about the new efforts that Ron Paul supporters are pulling out to get him the GOP nomination. Followed up by the AlterNet's Washington Correspondent Adele M. Stan and the return of Ralph Reed. Our demented sidekick, Buttercup, is out this week but we have an extra helping of the Green News Report with Brad and Desi to keep you giggling and shaking your head while she is away.

  • Dave Johnson on U.SFiscal Realities

    14/07/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #25 Hour 2 | Guests: Dave Johnson of The Campaign for America's Future | Show Summary: Our second hour starts with another slightly snarky edition of the Green News with Brad and Desi then concludes with long conversation with Dave Johnson. Dave is a Fellow at Campaign for America's Future as well as a writer for He sits down, in studio, with Angie to discuss the fiscal realities of the U.S. and the "WalMartization" of the economy.

  • Occupy,Healthcare

    30/06/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #24 Hour 1 | Guests: Rick Cohen of Non-Profit Quarterly, Jason Rosenbaum of The Seminal, Catherine Crier of Patriot Acts, Julia Alford-Fowler of Occupy Philly, GottaLaff of The Political Carnival | Show Summary: Rick Cohen writer for the Non-Profit Quarterly shares how the Affordable Care Act i mpacts non-profits. Jason Rosenbaum writer for the The Seminal explains the SCOTUS upholding and the Affordable Care Act.Catherine Crier author of Patriot Acts discusses how she was supposed to be the headline speaker at Continental Congress 2.0, but unfortunately the convention lacked funding and Julia Alford-Fowler from Occupy Philly talks about the Occupy National Gathering. Plus, Buttercup (GottaLaff) joins us for her weekly Laffy Raw.

  • Bitter Seeds

    30/06/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #24 Hour 2 | Guests: Micha Peled of Teddy Bear Films | Show Summary: Angie is joined by Micha Peled founder of Teddy Bear Films and the director of the Globalization Trilogy, a 12-year-long project about the production-consumption chain that is constantly shaping lives worldwide. Peled talks specifically about "Bitter Seeds", the final film of the Trilogy. "Bitter Seeds" displays Monsanto's destruction of India's agricultural communities, using diverse interviews ranging from Monsanto execs to the farmers and their families. "Every 30 minutes a farmer in India kills himself" - Bitter Seeds


    23/06/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Show #23 Hour 2 | Guests: Spocko of Spocko's Brain, Aaron Krager of The Political is Personal | Show Summary: Spocko blogger for Spocko's Brain talks about his battle with Golden Gate Park, the book-burning hoax in Troy, Michigan, and the fake Shell Oil party which spawned the #ShellFail. Aaron Krager freelance writer for The Political is Personal explains why we need to stop from supporting corporate education, like Students First. Angie and Krager further their discussion in our Blogger Spotlight.

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