Mister And Missus Podcast



The theme behind our podcast is simple. Each week the Mister and the Missus will each bring one, single topic to discuss. Anything we found interesting from that week can be on the table. This includes entertainment, current events, political news...basically, whatever suits our fancy. We conclude each episode with a segment from "The Learnin' Corner" where one of us hopes to drop some unknown knowledge on the other...and possibly on you.


  • EPISODE 20: Annie, Get your Vote!


    Happy Thursday! We have a new episode of The Mister and Missus Podcast. Missus Lacey starts the podcast off with talking about women and guns. A brief history and the interesting marketing strategies employed by gun groups to increase gun sales to women. Mister Max explains the madness behind the Iowa caucuses. Somehow, once you know how they work, it is even more confusing. Finally, in the Learnin' Corner, Lacey goes full nerd and giddily explains Fantasy Football. Give us a listen!

  • EPISODE 19: the TOOL between Caitlyn and Rachel


    We are dropping a bit of a TBT episode today at The Mister and Missus Podcast! We are talking about newsmakers from 2015 and a band that hasn't made new music in a decade. First up, Missus Lacey discusses the odd connection between Rachel Dolezal, Caitlyn Jenner, black activists, and feminists. I know, it's crazy...and not topical in the slightest. Mister Max discusses the majesty of seeing Tool live in concert and why everyone should try and make it to a Tool concert in their lifetime. We wrap it up with a Learnin' Corner on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan...hey, at least 1 thing we are talking about is currently relevant!

  • EPISODE 18: David Bowie & The Confederates


    Happy humpday from The Mister and Missus Podcast! This week on the show Mister Max discusses the amazing life of David Bowie. His music, his crazy lifestyle, and the way he helped shape our culture. Missus Lacey talks about removing the confederate flag and statues of confederate war heroes. What is cultural relativism and how do we avoid ethical imperialism when our values change? Finally, in the Learnin' Corner we tackle the Powerball. If you're super excited because you bought a Powerball ticket and are going to win tonight when they draw...maybe wait until Thursday to listen. Good luck!

  • EPISODE 17: We're all gunna die with Teabaggers


    New Episode of the Mister and Missus Podcast!! New Year and New You! Missus Lacey talks about the Terror Management Theory and I talk a bit about Sovereign Citizenship and the New Patriot Movement. On the Learnin' corner Lacey talks about Charitable contributions from Rich people. We're looking at you Mark Zuckerberg

  • SPECIAL EPISODE - Star Wars Special: Luscious Locks of Evil


    There has been an awakening. If you are not familiar, before the Mister & Missus Podcast there was Pop Culture Massacre. We got the old Gang of Max, Lacey & Slappy McNuts (From Brazen Stones). We discuss the Spoilery goodness of Star Wars the Force Awakens!! Listen on out take of the awesomeness!!!

  • EPISODE 16 - The War on Fatness


    Happy Tuesday! A new week and a new episode on the Mister and Missus Podcast! This week we tackle the nonsense of the "War on Christmas" and how Starbucks is on the front line. Missus Lacey rides the coattails of Dad bods and talks about body shaming. Fat shaming, thin shaming, and how fit inspiration may be doing more damage than good. On the Learnin' Corner Lacey talks vocal fry and asks, "How will old, angry, white men survive this terrible attack to their delicate sensibilities?". Don't know what vocal fry is? Listen in.

  • EPISODE15: Slaves to Placebos


    Happy Monday from The Mister and Missus Podcast! This week on the show, Mister Max talks about Disney scrapping Slave Leia and if this is a good move for the franchise. Missus Lacey discusses the placebo effect and the way our brain works when confronted with a fake drug. We have a very special Learnin' Corner with Slappy McNuts from Brazen Stones calling in to contribute! He is dropping some knowledge on us about last week's topic of slutty girls in slasher films. Listen up!

  • EPISODE 14: M&M Halloween Spectacular


    We provided a super-sized Halloween themed episode this week on The Mister and Missus Podcast! We start with a little overview of the Hell House we visited last weekend then Missus Lacey gets the episode rolling with a discussion about slasher films. We talk about the psychology behind these movies and ask why do they all seem to be misogynistic messes, why do these killers almost always come about as a result of a woman, and why is it always a woman that beats them in the end? Mister Max's topic this week is the celebration known as Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. The customs and traditions of the Mexican holiday are discussed before wrapping up with The Learnin' Corner. Can you have sex with a ghost? Summon an Incubus or Succubus this year and make sure to have a very Happy Halloween!

  • EPISODE 13: Halloweentime at the Democratic Hell House


    It's a new week and a new episode of the Mister and Missus podcast! We are big fans of Halloween in this house and keep a mostly spooky themed episode...but Missus Lacey just can't help but talk politics. Mister Max starts the show off by talking Disney and how they change their parks to celebrate Halloween. Lacey discusses the first Democratic debate and why she thinks it felt like a warm hug. Huh? We wrap this episode up with a distinctly Southern version of The Learnin' Corner and talk about Hell Houses. What happens when churches in the Bible Belt create their own haunted houses? We provide a little preview as we will be walking through the biggest Hell House in the United States this week! Listen in!

  • EPISODE 12: Legalize the Weed and Drink Around the World


    This week on the Mister and Missus Podcast we wrap up last week's lengthy topic of legalizing marijuana. Missus Lacey discusses societal implications of the war on drugs and discusses the way we treat addicts, private prisons, and the effects on the black community. Mister Max is super excited that Epcot in Walt Disney World just celebrated its birthday on October 1st! He describes Epcot, the attractions within, and the amazing feat known as "Drinking Around the World". Lacey goes a bit spooky in The Learnin' Corner and talks about The Ouija Board. Where did the idea for a Ouija Board originally come from and how do they actually work? Give us a listen to find out!

  • EPISODE 11: The Political Weed Divide


    A new week, a new episode here at Mister and Missus Podcast!! This week's topics include The Divide within the Democratic party between Hillary and The Bern. We also got our first requested topic with The Legalization of Marijuana. On the Learnin' corner, Mister discusses the recent Privacy Facebook Hoax that was the scourge on our Facebook feeds as of late. Please, don't forget to rate us on iTunes and share us with your friends and enemies!

  • EPISODE 10: The Rites and History of NOLA


    A new week and a new episode of The Mister and Missus Podcast! We are fresh off our trip to New Orleans and can't wait to discuss. Missus Lacey is up first and talks about the cemeteries in The Big Easy. She also discusses burial practices in general and paints a very interesting picture of Max in a black veil flushing liquefied remains. Mister Max talks about the history of New Orleans, including battles, voodoo, and Hurricane Katrina. In the "Learnin' Corner" , we touch on the Republican debate and the revising of the $10 bill. Why are they doing it in the first place and why is putting Rosa Parks or Harriet Tubman on the bill considered controversial? Better listen to find out.

  • EPISODE 9 - Dad Bods Are Killing Comedy


    This week on The Mister & Missus Podcast, we begin by revisiting an old topic. A few weeks ago, Missus Lacey argued against the idea that college-aged kids are killing comedy. The public discussion on the death of comedy has remained active and Mister Max wants to revisit the topic and discuss how PC-obsessed kids are forcing comedians to censor themselves and ruining comedy. Missus Lacey talks dad bods and what it means for society as we have finally decided to accept all body types, no matter their shape and size. Ha! Ha! Ha! Max finishes up the episode with a super half-assed version of the "Learnin Corner"...tooth care and you!

  • EPISODE 8 - Hot Beef between Feminists and Athiests


    Episode 8 of the Mister and Missus Podcast is here! Missus Lacey starts us off by diving into a topic sheâ??s wanted to bust out for a while now and finally gets to ask the question, â??Why does Atheism seem to be so full of sexist douchebags?â?? Max, fresh off the drama from the VMAs, discusses the anatomy of a feud or â??beefâ??. Between Minaj, Cyrus, Mill, Drake, Tesla, and Edison, we run down pop-star feuds, rapper diss track, and famous beefs through history. Finally, in the Learninâ?? Corner, Lacey seeks to drop some knowledge about The Fed. An abbreviated version of â??The Federal Reserve 101â?? is now in session, students!

  • EPISODE 7: She Wants the D...23 that is...


    Hello Listeners! This week on the Mister and Missus Podcast Mr. Max Discusses the D23 Expo in Anaheim CA and Mrs. Lacey talks about the Ashley Madison Hack and what it is and who is effected. In the Learnin' Corner Max teaches the Illusive art of Skiplagging when flying across the US!

  • EPISODE 6: We've been Trumped


    We took last week off to watch the Republican debate and we are here to report! This weekâ??s episode includes a review of the GOP discussion, the Megyn Kelly debacle, and the world according to Trump. Mister Max wants to talk scary movies and discusses a movie he thinks holds up especially well for being over a decade old. Finally, in the â??Learninâ?? Cornerâ?? Missus Lacey talks management theories and explains The Peter Principle. If you ever think, â??Why does my boss seem completely incapable of doing their job?â?? we might have your answer. You can listen by clicking the link below. If you are listening on a cell, use the Blubrry player on the website. You can also find us on iTunes or by adding our RSS feed (http://recordings.talkshoe.com/rss138547.xml ) to your favorite podcast player app.

  • EPISODE 5: The Carrying Capacity of Nazis


    Episode 5 starts off with an interesting history lesson from Mister Max. Did you know there was a battle toward the end of WWII where the Germans and the Americans are fighting on the same side? Lacey's topic this week involves the very complex population equation, a particularly gruesome mouse experiment, and asking the question, "Is there really such a thing as a carrying capacity for planet Earth?" We wrap this baby up by learning from Max how to make a podcast in The Learnin' Corner. Hint: the secret ingredient is YOU!

  • EPISODE 4: Pluto n' Disneyland


    On this new Episode we discuss some interesting topics that have been in the news. Pluto close up images and Mrs. Lacey talks about the history and importance of Pluto. Mr. Max discusses the 60th Anniversary of his favorite Haven DISNEYLAND! He talks about events and changes to the park for their Anniversary. On the learnin' corner, Mrs. Lacey talks about french Kissing... Oh lala!



    Hello valued Listeners!! On this weeks Mister & Missus podcast Mrs. Lacey's topic is about the Economic environment of the country of Greece and what is their future and reason for collapse. Mr. Max discusses 2015 San Diego Comic Con, we discuss all the geeky nerdiness that came from that event!

  • EPISODE 2: The Death of Comedy (On the Crapper)


    This week on Mister & Missus Podcast we talk about The Death of Comedy (Due to political correctness) and over the holiday weekend we went to Memphis, TN!! Home of BBQ, Sun Records and GRACELAND!! We visited the King's abode and since Max is on an Elvis kick we discuss the Death? of Elvis

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