Lighten Up With Bonnie Wirth On Empower Radio



The beautiful spiritual experience of being human! During this inspirational hour of conversation and interviews "Lighten Up" with Bonnie Wirth is sure to enhance and empower you to celebrate life. It's a weekly pick me up to shift perspective and create balance between being spiritual and human.Through her "it's all good" philosophy, Bonnie shares her expertise supported by her special brand of coaching. Bringing her unique consciousness toolkit, compassion for the human condition and intuitive gifts to her weekly show, you can gather insight into creating your inspired life!Tune in to develop a healthy relationship with yourself and embrace the gift of freedom to shine bright, beautifully, and authentically you! Totally #WIRTHit


  • Misfit Medium with Bonnie Wirth


    Most people experience a feeling of not belonging; often waiting to be accepted and for the world to change in order to feel valuable and safe. This is even more common among mediums in where the struggle to belong plays out on a much deeper level; they feel different and misunderstood. From feelings of unworthiness, anxiety and depression can arise. - discover how to indulge in being a misfit and learn how to live as a full expression of your Light on good days, bad days, with funny quirks and all.

  • In Trust with Bonnie Wirth


    We can sometimes have trouble making big decisions for ourselves even when Spirit is nudging us along. We receive guidance from Angels and guides and yet, we still seek answers and look to the opinion of others. We make lists of the pros verses cons and the fear of a choice being “bad” keeps us stuck. Trusting our guidance from Spirit is a practice. Join Bonnie Wirth this week on Lighten Up. Discover how to grow in trust with the Heavens and your choices to free yourself from a constant state of indecision and an unfulfilling life.

  • The Trap with Bonnie Wirth


    The more we learn theoretically about spirituality without applying it to our everyday lives, the more likely the fall into the spiritual ego trap. Learn how to avoid getting caught so you do not end up avoiding the deeper spiritual work that is needed to grow and heal in order for you to truly thrive in purpose.

  • As it Unfolds with Tina Marie Bertoli


    A conversation to inspire you to grow in trust with the Universe and all that is unfolding to you so you can bravely step into the light of your new direction!

  • Karma Vibe with Bonnie Wirth


    Karma is one of the oldest spiritual concepts in the world. The Law of Karma is designed in love; to help us grow and reach spiritual maturity. discover some easy ways to resolve ego's wish for suffering that ensures our highest attribute becomes our Karma vibe to the Universe.

  • Pieces of Peace with Bonnie Wirth


    In a world where there is much confusion, we may feel stuck and left wondering how peace can even be possible. Learn how to create a feeling of lasting peace in the deepest parts of you; peace which endures regardless of life's challenges or what is playing up in the world.

  • Oh Ego with Bonnie Wirth


    We hear a lot about setting goals, living our dreams, and realizing our Soul's full potential. Unfortunately, just before we take our first step our ego gets all protective by shielding us from the possibility of failure. Learn how to soothe the ego so it no longer shields you from the possibility of making your dreams a reality.

  • A Mediums World with Bonnie Wirth


    A conversation about what it means to be a medium in today's world and how you can break free from the mold, come out of the closet, and step into purpose.

  • Messy Chaotic Beautiful with Bonnie Wirth


    Life is a flow of change, constantly shifting and moving us forward. It can feel messy and chaotic. Discover how to flow with what life is unfolding rather than trying to mold life to be exactly as you want it to be.

  • Winging It with Bonnie Wirth


    Trying to determine the future in advance keeps us from the flow of life.

  • Passion Matters with Bonnie Wirth


    Discover the importance of making your passions a priority and how being in touch with your passions can make you happier and healthier. Our passions matter; they expand possibilites, invite new potentials and bring our Soul into purpose.

  • Sadness Allowed


    The holidays can be hard when we are missing loved ones who have died. The season with all its traditions can magnify our sense of loss and mourning; the sadness feels sadder and the loneliness goes deeper. Sharing a few ways we can navigate the uncertain holiday season.

  • Ask with Bonnie Wirth


    Spirit is available to support and guide us in every endeavour. They hook us up with the infinite resources of the Cosmos, people, money, books to help us reach our goals. They can offer insight and comfort when we feel lost especially during times of change. Ask and we shall receive; if we don't ask the answer is always no.

  • The Heart Knows with Bonnie Wirth


    We worry and fret over making the right decision and sometimes struggle with uncertainty. The heart holds the key to our life. Learn how to allow the heart and mind integrate and work as a team to fulfill all your dreams, wishes and desires.

  • Sacred Ordinary With Bonnie Wirth


    We shine our light with kindness, compassion and love by simply being a good human. Discover how, as we shake free of our old identity and outdated behaviors we illuminate the dark night in extraordinary sacred ordinary ways.

  • So Sensitive with Bonnie Wirth


    To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the characteristic of a truly alive and compassionate human being. Discover the rare strength of being emotionally sensitive and how your feelings and tears not only shine a light, they can indeed be molded to help you navigate the world with intense inner power.

  • Finding Your Thing with Christina Seitz


    Just follow your passion! It sounds simple enough and yet following your passion can be tough especially when you have no idea what "your thing" is. Discover how daily rituals, self trust and being a conscious creator can transform the world around you and how these practices can support you in finding your ‘thing’.

  • Putting Down the Gavel with Bonnie Wirth


    Despite our best efforts, we can still be quick to judge, criticize and gossip whenever someone doesn’t meet our standards. Today we explore how shifting from judgement to acceptance opens the door to expanded self-awareness and ultimately restores our happiness.

  • Not a Crazy Person with Bonnie Wirth


    Anxiety, stress, depression, sleeplessness, nervousness, nagging thoughts, over-whelming fear and the ever present emotional roller coaster can make you feel like a crazy person. Consider for one moment that you may have a gift. It is highly possible you're a medium!

  • Ending and Beginnings with Bonnie Wirth


    It is normal to feel fear, anger, doubt, insecurity and even denial within every change. Learn how to turn the ‘end' of a cycle into a new beginning with love and grace.

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