King's Arms Church - Bedford, Uk



Latest talks from King's Arms Church, Bedford, UK.


  • Encountering God part2


    How do we encounter more of God? How do we stop faith becoming mindless ritual. Simon Holley unpacks 4 keys to growing in connection with God.

  • Bill Johnson on reactivating faith


    Another stormer by Bill Johnson from the conference at Chorleywood earlier in the year. This is possibly the best talk on activating faith I've ever's outstanding! 

  • A winning mentality


    What are you aiming for? Euan Crane outlines what it takes to be a people who love others so much that we give our lives for them.

  • The Media's Image of Women


    The Media's Image of Women by Laura Baxter from Breakfast with the Girls  

  • Encountering God part 1


    Do you want to encounter God? Are you hungry for more of his presence? Why do people sometimes shake, laugh or fall over when they are touched by the Holy Spirit? Simon Holley unpacks some biblical principles to help bring us into a greater encounter with God. 

  • Julian Adams - Tuesday night with KA


    Julian Adams brings a prophetic message to the King's Arms - well worth a listen!

  • More from Bill Johnson


    If you liked the previous interview with Bill Johnson then here's more from the same 'When Heaven Invades Earth' conference held at St Andrew's Chorleywood during May 2007. Bill speaks brilliantly on all matters to do with faith, walking in the miraculous and how to see the Kingdom of God break out in everyday life. This is one NOT to be missed.Used with permission  

  • Julian Adams - Hearing God part 2


    Part 2 of Julian Adam's brilliant teaching on Hearing God and growing in the prophetic. Given at a Newfrontiers regional event for key prophetic people this message will encourage and inspire you to press in for more of God! 

  • Julian Adams - Hearing God part 1


    Part 1 of Julian Adam's brilliant teaching on Hearing God and growing in the prophetic. Given at a Newfrontiers regional event for key prophetic people this message will encourage and inspire you to press in for more of God! 

  • Drinking, Smoking & Harry Potter


    How do we create a culture where God loves to dwell? How do we maintain unity in the midst of disagreement? Should Christians smoke and drink? Simon Holley helps us understand how we can create a community that loves and respects one another even when we disagree.  

  • Taking a city for God


    What kind of people see whole towns and cities taken for God? Joel Virgo takes a look at the apostle Paul and helps us see how to become a city shaking people.

  • How to raise the dead


    One day death itself will be killed. Gone forever. What impact does this truth have on us? Simon Holley unpacks the biblical teaching on the end of death and helps us see how the death of death has a massive impact on seeing the power of God work through us today. 

  • Playing your part in KA


    Want to know how to play your part in KA? We don't have a formal membership but we do have members! People who have bought in to the vision of the church and are laying down their lives to see God's kingdom extended here in Bedford. Want to know how you fit in - then this is the talk for you! 

  • Interview with Bill Johnson


    Here's a rare treat! Bill Johnson, author of "When Heaven Invades Earth" and leader of Bethel Church (who claim to now see more miracles outside of their sunday meeting than inside) is interviewed by Mark Stibbe at a recent conference. Used with permission this outstanding interview gives some fantastic insights into how to see God's power break out today. 

  • Dieting in Heaven?


    What actually happens when we die? Is reincarnation a reality? Are we just set to become disembodied spirits? Simon Holley refutes the commonly held views of the after life using biblical evidence and stories of near death experiences. We then look at how this belief affects us - including how we can tap into the life of Christ and how do we start the process of transformation NOW. 

  • How to defy death


    How to defy death. Is death inevitable - can we escape it? Simon Holley looks at the early Christian martyrs and unpacks the biblical teaching on death. What did Jesus mean when he said 'take up your cross and follow me? and how can we possibly live that out today. 

  • Resurrection - truth or fiction?


    Part 5: Truth or fiction? The resurrection is central to Christianity but is it true? How dependable is the evidence for the resurrection? And how do we grow in walking in the miraculous power of the risen Lord Jesus? 

  • More on the cross


    Part 3: More on the cross. Are you tired of wanting to change but feeling powerless to? Do you long to know peace and joy? Simon Holley and Kirstie Cook help us see how the cross of Christ has incredible benefit for our lives today.  

  • What happened at the cross


    For week 2 of the 'Life After Death' series, Simon Holley looks at the incredible work of Christ on the Cross and what it means for us to be justified. "Understanding what happened at the cross affects our view of God, our view of life, of death, of the after-life, of everything"  

  • Will I get bored in heaven?


    Starting a new series Paul Johnson helps us get a big picture view of the after-life. With lots of opinions on the after-life, who knows the truth and who can we trust? Paul speaks from Revelation 21 and tells us what the bible says about heaven.

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