Wandering Knight



Travels, trials, and tribulations of Kenneth Knight: a legally blind passionate lightweight and ultralight-weight traveller.


  • #36: Class of 1989 25th Year Reunion

    09/06/2014 Duración: 05min

    On the weekend of June 7-8, 2014 the College of Wooster hosted its annual alumni class reunion weekend. This would be the 25th year reunion for my class of 1989. It would also be the first time I have attended a class reunion. I've never been endowed with a large amount of what you might call school spirit. Nor did I actually have that many close connections with much of the class. In fact, the people I know best all live here in Michigan and not necessarily that far away (hich doesn't mean I see them that often). My expectations were not set to high as I am not a good conversationalist as far as general chit-chat goes. But I hoped to get something positive out of the weekend and I think I did. I hope you enjoy this little audio postcard. I apologize for some of the audio quality being a bit rough. The bulk of the audio was recorded using my iPhone and a new microphone, the Zoom IQ5, and I am definitely still learning its quirks. While the field recording quality isn't up to top tier standards I think you'll

  • West Highland Way Days 6-8

    22/05/2014 Duración: 09min

    New post by Kenknight

  • West Highland Way Days 3-5

    18/05/2014 Duración: 09min

    New post by Kenknight

  • West Highland Way Days 1-2

    15/05/2014 Duración: 09min

    Our trek so far from Milngavie to Rowardennan.

  • Rhode Island beach walk.mp3

    07/05/2014 Duración: 02min

    New post by Kenknight

  • #35: Manistee River Trail March Winter Weekend 2014

    02/05/2014 Duración: 26min

    It has been a while since I've managed to go on any winter backpacking trips. In fact, it has been several years since I've actually done more than day hiking in the winter even if some of those trips were based out of rustic cabins in places like Wilderness State Park by Mackinaw City or the cabins in the Waterloo-Pinckney Recreation Area. So this two-night weekend spent hiking a portion of the Manistee River Trail with friends was a real treat. Joined by experienced, in some cases (maybe all), winter backpackers Doug, Ewa, and Paul (and Paul's dog Capone) we planned a fairly modest couple days of hiking in and then back out on the Manistee River Trail. Their was a time when I had hiked the entire loop which includes the North Country Trail on the other side of the Manistee River covering about 21 miles over a weekend in snowshoes but this trip would be nowhere nearly that ambitious. Our plan was to drive to Red Bridge Friday night and either camp right there or somewhere nearby, hike however far on Saturda

  • #34: North Country Trail Spring Maintenance 2014

    28/04/2014 Duración: 22min

    On the weekend of April 11, 2014 Andy, Elwira, John and I went out to do our spring trail maintenance. Our section of North Country Trail runs from 13 Mile Road to 16 Mile Road (Newago County, Michigan) and includes the side trail to Highbank Lake Campground. All told this is about 6.4 miles of trail that passes by several lakes rising and falling through many gentle short climbs. This weekend will be remembered for the great thunderstorm that ripped through the area Saturday night and Sunday morning. Besides the hail and very heavy flood causing rains the storm brought gale force winds that likely hit speeds around 60MPH and brought down numerous trees. Sadly I suspect the section of trail we had worked on Saturday likely has new trees down that we couldn't get back too. We certainly found downed trees that had not been there on the Highbank Lake campground side trail Sunday afternoon. Since we have a nearly four-hour drive to get to our section campsite located just south of Cedar Creek on FR 5311 not to me

  • using all our senses

    27/03/2014 Duración: 04min

    We are visual creatures but we have other senses. One of which is little talked about: smell. I think certain scents can be incredibly evocative and certain smells can be terribly annoying but we don't want to forget that least talked about sense. Sorry about the end but audioboo doesn't let you edit the audio.

  • beer-based communities

    24/03/2014 Duración: 04min

    Communities are an important part of life and you realize that when you are only on the edge of them.

  • Post Manistee River Trail Trip Report

    18/03/2014 Duración: 04min

    Our weekend backpacking trip along the Manistee River Trail was quite a success. I'll have much more to say later on with photos, videos, and writing. You can get a jump on the photos by checking out the flickr album at flickr.com/wanderingkenknight (Manistee River Trail, 3-2014).

  • In Like a Lion

    12/03/2014 Duración: 03min

    New post by Kenknight

  • March Winter Days

    04/03/2014 Duración: 03min

    New post by Kenknight

  • Mica View Short Walk

    17/12/2013 Duración: 02min

    New post by Kenknight

  • 15th annual Great Lakes Hikes Gathering

    10/11/2013 Duración: 04min

    New post by Kenknight

  • #32: NCT Overnight: Prairieville to Middle, November 2013

    08/11/2013 Duración: 09min

    Over the last few years I've joined John Lawton and Andy Mytys and we've hiked portioned of the North Country Tail, the NCT, in Michigan. The NCT in Michigan runs for about 1,100 miles using paved roads, dirts roads, rails to trails, two-tracks, and actual hiking trails. For this hike, the first weekend of November, we didn't have anyone to help us so we had to use 2 cars. This meant setting up a car shuttle and hiking leapfrog style between the cars. Doing this we were able to hike the 28-29 miles from just south of Prairieville to Middleville. We weren't quite sure why type of weather we would get. It seemed that we might actually have to cancel the hike due to severe storms but the weather report moderated to showers with highs in the mid-upper 40s and a low around freezing. For a variety of reasons I did not do much recording during the hike though I do have several thoughts I want to share. More photos can be found in the Flickr Photo Album here. or if you prefer the Google photo album here.Captions asso

  • #31: Peru and Ecuador - Part 2 The Sacred Valley People

    01/11/2013 Duración: 09min

    Along with my parent I joined 10 other people for a two week long trip to Peru and Ecuador. This would be our first Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) trip. It would prove to be quite an interesting and informative experience overall. It is best to think of this as really two trips rolled into one. The first week we spent in Peru traveling mostly through the Sacred Valley with a key highlight being our overnight visit to Machu Picchu. The second week was spent in Ecuador and the key component there was our 4 days spent  sailing amongst the Galapagos Islands. OAT trips, at least this one, have a goal of "learning and discovery" and one result of that is you move much more slowly than we are used to doing either by ourselves or with groups such as we travel with when on HF Holiday hiking trips. While an OAT trip can have physical challenges such as dealing with high altitude conditions, Machu Picchu sits at about 8,000 feet and Cusco at just over 11,000 feet above sea level or sea sickness on the 16-passenger cata

  • #30: Peru and Ecuador, 2013 - Part 1 Lima

    24/10/2013 Duración: 10min

    Along with my parent I joined 10 other people for a two week long trip to Peru and Ecuador. This would be our first Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) trip. It would prove to be quite an interesting and informative experience overall. It is best to think of this as really two trips rolled into one. The first week we spent in Peru traveling mostly through the Sacred Valley with a key highlight being our overnight visit to Machu Picchu. The second week was spent in Ecuador and the key component there was our 4 days spent  sailing amongst the Galapagos Islands. OAT trips, at least this one, have a goal of "learning and discovery" and one result of that is you move much more slowly than we are used to doing either by ourselves or with groups such as we travel with when on HF Holiday hiking trips. While an OAT trip can have physical challenges such as dealing with high altitude conditions, Machu Picchu sits at about 8,000 feet and Cusco at just over 11,000 feet above sea level or sea sickness on the 16-passenger cata

  • Autumnal Blurs, Perhaps

    14/09/2013 Duración: 04min

    New post by Kenknight

  • I had a beer in Kalamazoo

    05/09/2013 Duración: 01min

    New post by Kenknight

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