Agency Intelligence



Agency Intelligence Podcast, formerly known as The Grow Podcast Is the number 1 listened to insurance podcast in the country featuring three shows from Jason Cass and Joey Giangola. Agent's Influence, the flagship show hosted by Jason Cass, is your weekly guide to the latest and greatest thought leaders the industry has to offer. Insurance in Your Words, hosted by Joey Giangola, travels to the front lines of the industry twice a week to hear from the agents living and breathing insurance every day. Insurance Agency Intelligence is the latest of the podcast series, covering real data from real agents in real agencies. A segue from Agent's Influence, you get the same grit and truth about what it takes to make it or break it in the greatest industry God's every created: the independent insurance industry.


  • Topic 7: Podcast 1: Brent Kelly and young agents of tomorrow

    03/09/2013 Duración: 23min

    On this podcast Jason talks with amazing up and coming young agent Brent Kelly.  They discuss the future and how things look for the young agents of tomorrow.

  • Topic 6: Podcast 3: Jason on Rate Increases & more...

    27/08/2013 Duración: 23min

    Topic 6: Podcast 3: Jason on Rate Increases & more...

  • Topic 6: Podcast 2: George Nordhaus

    20/08/2013 Duración: 28min

    Topic 6: Podcast 2: George Nordhaus

  • Topic 6: Podcast 1: Howard Candage

    13/08/2013 Duración: 33min

    Howard Candage

  • Topic 5: Podcast 2: Travis Swain's Virtual Agency

    29/07/2013 Duración: 28min

    Travis Swain is a virtul agent who is doing some amazing things.  Listen as he talks about... - How he got started - Getting Markets - How he runs his agency/cost savings - How he can run his business from anywhere in the world - Challenges he faced

  • Topic 5: Podcast 3: WAHVE...Virtual CSR's

    23/07/2013 Duración: 31min

    On this podcast Jason interviews the owners at WAHVE to discuss their program for outsourcing your CSR's and how this is a big shift in all industries and how insurance is now making the move and how it can benefit the right type of agent or agency. Also learn morea about the Insurance Agent Mastermind progarm by going to  Right now we are giving away the free interview with Jason where he goes even more in depth about his agency and its unique structure for quicker return on profitability. 

  • Topic 5: Podcast 2: How Jason Runs His Agency

    16/07/2013 Duración: 33min

    Jason talks openly and honestly about how he runs his agency from a 54 sq ft space in his basement.  He covers everything from phone system to management system and answers your questions from last weeks podcast.

  • Topic 5: Podcast 1: Brick & Mortar vs Virtual

    09/07/2013 Duración: 29min

    The traditional Brick and Mortar agencies need to open their eyes to what is happening... In our newest podcast we discuss the traditional Brick and Mortar agency vs. the Virtual Agent of the future.  And not just that, but how quickly and easily (not to mention cheaper) it is for an agent in todays environment to set up and run a profitable agency. Now I know what you traditional agents are thinking "that won't happen in my territory".  That's exactly what my past employer thought!  That was until I struck out on my own and started my agency from a small 60 sq ft room in the basement of my house.  Now only a few years later some of their biggest clients...are now mine.  So if I'm a young hungry agent who is unhappy and looking to strike out on their own...this podcast will give you the hope you've been looking for.  And if you are a traditional agency you better listen up, because if you don't your agent might soon become your competitor. Also on this podcast we clear the air about insuranceagentmastermind.c

  • Topic 4: Podcast 3: Daniel Burrus

    18/06/2013 Duración: 40min

    Agencies that make changes only will soon become obsolete agencies in the near future. Doesn't make sense right?  You always thought it was all about making changes...Well, in my interview with Daniel Burrus (one of the most well known futurists on the planet) he talks about having to do more than just making have to transcend.To help explain he talks about how going from disc, to cassette, to CD were just changes.  But when we made the leap to MP3 and getting everything on our smartphone....that transitioned to a whole new level.I know I get excited but this is hands down one of the best interviews I have ever done...many agents will be blown away by it!

  • Topic 4: Podcast 2: Mike Manes

    10/06/2013 Duración: 34min

    Think about this for a minute and how much things have changed in just the last 10 2003... Health care was privatized Blackberry phone was technology of the future GM was #2 on Fortune 500 Time magazine person of year was the soldier (2012 it was the protestor) AIG was the player in insurance Wow, think about how far things have come since then!  You need to think about the things Mike talks about in this interview...seriously.

  • Topic 4: Podcast 1: Mike Manes

    04/06/2013 Duración: 26min

    Mike Manes is a guy who gets it and has an unbelievable way of telling it like it is and like it is going to be in the future. Warning!  If you like things the way they are this podcast is not for you!  He talks about Intelligent Design. What is this?  Listen as he explains it.Do you know how he spells technology?  He spells it Tech-Knowledge-Y. He also explains how cross mentoring is the answer to the generational warfare we are engaged in right now. Mike had so much good stuff to say that I just kept recording and asking questions for about 1 hour.  To respect your time I have divided this interview into two separate podcast.  This is part one and next week we will release part 2.

  • Marketing Technology Podcast 2

    28/05/2013 Duración: 30min

    Part 2 of a live panel discussion with Ryan Hanley, Chris Paradiso, Brian Appleton, and myself.  On this podcast we discuss marketing technology and why it is so important to the future success of the independent agent.

  • Google Broadcast: Marketing Technology: Part 1

    28/05/2013 Duración: 29min

    Part 1 of a live panel discussion with Ryan Hanley, Chris Paradiso, Brian Appleton, and myself.  On this podcast we discuss marketing technology and why it is so important to the future success of the independent agent.

  • Topic 3: Podcast 4: Recap & Future

    23/05/2013 Duración: 11min

    This podcast gives a personal recap of the 3 podcast you have heard from this month and gives you a peak to what is coming next month   Topic 3- Technology & Marketing of your agency ·         Ryan Hanley / Brian Appleton / Jason Cass –The Unconnected generation (Click here to listen) ·         Chris Paradiso – Brand your agency through your community (Click here to listen) ·         Chris Bacciocco – ProjectCAP and the online consumer(Click here to listen)   May 28th at 10CST we will be doing a live panel discussion with Ryan Hanley, Chris Paradiso, Brian Appleton, and Jason D Cass. At 10am CST click this link to be directed to the live broadcast.  You will also receive an email 1 hour before it starts with this link again.

  • Topic 3: Podcast 3: ProjectCAP

    13/05/2013 Duración: 34min

    Ever heard of ProjectCAP?  Well, chances are you probably haven’t...but you soon will.  Because these guys are about to change the game...say what?!?!?!CAP (Consumer Agent Portal) is a united effort by the IIABA (Big I) to give the independent insurance agents an online presence.  The personal lines market is being dominated by direct writers and as more gets taken away from us independents.  But not for long...not if projectCAP has anything to say about it! *FUN FACT* Personal lines market share for the independent agent industry is 34% and falling.  Increasing that share by only 1% would create $85,000 in independent agency commission per county!Almost 80% of consumers go online to shop for insurance (these are YOUR clients).  The good news is less than 25% actually buy online (take that geico lizard!).  But when they get that quote online, their next step is to search online to seek out an agent.  Are you there for them to find?On this interview we talk with the CEO of CAP, Chip Bacciocco.  He tells it lik

  • Topic 3: Podcast 2: Chris Paradiso

    07/05/2013 Duración: 32min

    On this podcast we interviewed Chris Paradiso from Paradiso Insurance in Stafford Springs, CT.   Do you want practical ideas? Things that are really being done in an insurance agency that you can do in your agency? Things that are going to create awareness for your agency and bring the community together at the same time? Well then this is the podcast for you!   Chris dives DEEEEEP into what his agency does to set itself apart in the community in which he lives in and operates. While I was on the podcast with him I wrote down about 11 ideas that I want to start using immediately! This podcast will give you Goosebumps, tears, and excitement all in one!

  • Topic 3: Podcast 1: Technology & Marketing

    30/04/2013 Duración: 53min

    In this month we are tackling technology part 2 (marketing, branding, and creating relationships in your agency).  On this podcast is Ryan Hanley, Jason D Cass (that's me) and Brian Appleton (he is pretty cool too)  straight drop the bomb on this topic!  On this podcast Ryan Hanley will tell you about how he connects with the “connected and unconnected” consumer in his agency - and why and how your agency can do both to MAKE MORE MONEY. Brian will give his insight as he talks about what he sees in helping agencies build their marketing plans & strategies (he is a straight marketing master...I know this personally because he helps me). You’re going to enjoy this I promise! And when you listen remember as always we need your comments to keep the fire and the conversation please comment!

  • Topic 2: Podcast 3: Steve Anderson

    16/04/2013 Duración: 46min

    When it come to technology in your agency or company operations, workflows, and procedures, seriously there is no one better…well maybe but I have not found them yet.  We dive deep into some thoughts and ideas of what is out there…why it is important…and what you have to do to start making it happen…this dude is just downright knowledgeable! Some of the cool ideas he has makes me feel as if I am out dated….and my agency is virtual!

  • Topic 2: Podcast 2: Jeff Yates

    09/04/2013 Duración: 35min

    Jeff Yates is a master when it comes to knowing what agents need to be effective in running their agencies profitably.  He is the Executive Director of the Agents council for Technology.  Jeff discusses what Real-time is and how to use it in your agency.  He also talks about certain tech groups that were formed that are transforming the way the industry thinks about and uses technology effectively.  If you want to save money and be more profitable you need to listen to this.

  • Topic 2: Podcast 1: Agency Operational Technology

    04/04/2013 Duración: 37min

    This month we will be covering the first part of our 2 part series on Technology.  And when we talk about Technology in this podcast we are discussing it in terms of operations of an agency. On this podcast Jason Cass and Brian introduce this month's topic and dive into where technology is currently with a lot of Independent Insurance Agencies and what the problems and frustrations are.   As always after you listen please give us your thoughts and comments...this is how we get the conversation going and work toward developing solutions.

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