Kaleo Church Podcast



Compilation of Kaleo Church Sermons in El Cajon which will be updated weekly.


  • Called By God

    15/06/2024 Duración: 54min

    What does the call of Elisha have to teach us about the call of God to each and every follower of Jesus Christ? Have you counted the cost? Is following Jesus worth it when it leads to a life of service and sacrifice? Elisha's call reminds us that "God is my salvation." Jesus answered the call of God perfectly so that he could now call us out of darkness and into his marvelous light.

  • Welcoming Correction instead of Despising it

    08/06/2024 Duración: 44min

          How do you respond when someone points out an area in your life where you were wrong? Do you get defensive? Do you return the favor and point out all of the areas where the person who corrected you has fallen short? In I Corinthians 16:10-11 Paul calls the Corinthians to welcome Timothy’s correction rather than despising him for it. In this message we will consider what it might look like for us to apply this advice towards anyone who chooses to correct us out of love.   

  • Making Plans and Trusting God

    01/06/2024 Duración: 40min

          What do you do when you work really hard to put together a plan only to find that nothing turned out the way you expected it to? It can be hard right? Now what about when your plans involved a relationship? When our relationships don’t go the way we planned we often find ourselves feeling lonely and heartbroken. In this passage we will see how Paul responded when his relationship with the Corinthians didn’t end up going the way he planned it to.

  • The Priority of Generosity

    25/05/2024 Duración: 42min

    What is it that makes money so attractive? Is it the freedom and the control that it offers? Is it the security it gives in the midst of all the uncertainties of the future? Or maybe it’s the comfort and pleasure that money promises? In this message, we will compare the promises of money and the promises of the Gospel and find that, in the end, Jesus is better. Lastly, we will consider what it would look like to live as if Jesus and not money were our greatest treasure.

  • Not in Vain

    18/05/2024 Duración: 48min

    If you have a worldview "under the sun" it seems like everything is vanity and a striving after wind. That is certainly how life often feels. Our labor is not always fruitful or lasting. Hurt, disappointment, unmet expectations, lost dreams, and failure are part of our shared human experience in this fallen world. However, the gospel flips all of that upside down! Jesus has been raised from the dead and so we have the assurance that in the Lord our labor is not in vain! 

  • Death’s Defeat!

    11/05/2024 Duración: 44min

    Have you ever longed to see death destroyed? Think of all of the havoc death has wreaked and the pain that it has caused. Well in I Corinthians 15 Paul points us towards a day where death will be no more. A day where the one who seemed to swallow everything in his path will be swallowed up in victory.

  • He appeared to who?!

    04/05/2024 Duración: 42min
  • The Nature of the Resurrection

    27/04/2024 Duración: 42min

    Have you ever wondered how it could be possible for bodies that are buried and decay to ever be raised to life again? The idea almost seems inconceivable. And even if it were possible, do we really want to be stuck in our bodies forever? These are a few of the questions that Paul addresses in these verses. Let’s see what he has to say.

  • Death, Grief, and Resurrection Hope

    20/04/2024 Duración: 44min

    How do we deal with the tension between the reality of death and the promises of resurrection? What does it look like to grieve in hope? How can facing death give us a greater appreciation for the resurrection? How does distancing ourselves from death end up distancing ourselves from the depths of God’s love for us? How does Jesus show us what it looks like to cling to the promises of God without denying the reality of death?

  • Living in Dependence upon the Resurrection

    13/04/2024 Duración: 46min

    Paul tells the Corinthians that if we have put our hope in Christ for this life only then we are above all the most to be pitied. Why does he say that? In this message we will consider what it was about Paul’s life that would lead him to make this statement and we will consider what it would look like for us to imitate him in this even as he was imitating his precious Savior. We will also rejoice that Christ has indeed risen again from the dead proving that there is nothing to pity about a child of God.

  • Remembering What Really Matters

    06/04/2024 Duración: 41min

    Have you ever forgotten something that turned out to be pretty important? In this passage Paul comes to remind the Corinthians about what really matters. Here we find an amazing summary of the Gospel as well as a reminder that God’s grace isn’t just for good people but it extends to even the worst of sinners.

  • How Jesus Treats Sinners

    30/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Have you ever felt stuck in some area of your life and begun to doubt that there was any way you were ever going to change? Have you ever had someone give up on you and begun to think that maybe they were right? If you have then you are not alone. In the Gospels we read the story of someone who had failed so terribly that he must have wondered if there was any way that Jesus could ever truly restore him. Well in John 21 the Risen Jesus pursues Peter and shows us that the grace of God is able to restore even the worst of failures!

  • The Triumphant Lamb

    23/03/2024 Duración: 40min

    Why did Jesus welcome the praise and coronation of those that he knew would abandon him, deny him, and betray him less than one week later? Because Jesus came to save sinners! Jesus alone is worthy to do it. For everyone who confesses their sin and cries out to Jesus, "Hosanna! - Save me!" - then Jesus will bring you through the tribulation of this life and shelter you with his presence for all eternity.

  • Complementarianism in the Gathering

    16/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    Some verses are hard to understand. In I Corinthians 14:34 Paul writes that “Women should keep silent in the churches.” What does Paul mean in this verse and how does it relate to I Corinthians 11:5 where Paul seems to approve of women praying and prophesying? In this message we will take a deep dive into two different ways to interpret these verses and consider how we might apply what we learn to the service.

  • Can Complementarianism be Beautiful?

    09/03/2024 Duración: 45min

    Were headship and submission a part of God’s good plan for husbands and wives before the fall or are they actually the result of sin? If they were a part of God’s good plan then how is it fair that husbands get the role of headship while wives are called to submit? These are just a few of the questions we will consider as we try and discern the roles that God has called both men and women to play in the home.

  • Needy and Needed: Why the Gathering Matters

    02/03/2024 Duración: 42min

    Why do you go to the church service? Are there things that you are hoping to get from it that you don’t think you can get anywhere else? How important do you think your presence there is? In 1 Corinthians 14 Paul answers many of these questions by telling us what he wants to see take place at the gathering. In this chapter we soon realize that we are more needed then we are aware of while at the same time being more needy than we ever imagined.

  • Paul and the Gift of Tongues

    24/02/2024 Duración: 49min

    The gift of tongues has been the source of a lot of confusion, disagreement, division and hurt among Christians. There are some who view tongues as the ultimate sign of one’s spirituality, while there are others who believe that it is a form of paganism that has crept back into the church. Given the massive gap between these two positions, what are we supposed to do? Are there things that we can all agree on? Are there ways that we can seek to understand those that we don’t agree with? And what might it look like to love one another across some of our differences? These are some of the things we will address in this message.

  • The New Testament Gift of Prophecy: Two Views

    17/02/2024 Duración: 45min

    In I Corinthians 14 Paul commands the Corinthians to “Earnestly desire the Spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.” But what exactly does that mean? Is this something we should still be doing today or was this just for the early church? Christians have answered these questions differently throughout the years and in this sermon, we will take a look at what both Cessationists and Continuationists have to say on this topic. After considering some of the common ground we will talk about what it might look like for all of us to grow in our awareness and dependence upon the Holy Spirit.

  • Heaven and the Love that Never Ends

    10/02/2024 Duración: 44min

    What do you think Heaven will be like? How will love be different there then it is here on earth? What impact should the fact that the other gifts will pass away while love will never end have on the things we prioritize here on earth? These are just a few of the questions we will be discussing in this sermon.

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