Signposts With Russell Moore

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 55:12:06
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Listen in as Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, talks about the latest books, cultural conversations and pressing ethical questions that point us toward the kingdom of Christ.


  • Russell Moore & Marilynne Robinson: A Conversation

    20/07/2018 Duración: 37min

    In this episode of Signposts, I sit down with one of my favorite writers, Marilynne Robinson. Professor Robinson is an accomplished novelist and essayist. She earned a Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2005, and her work is celebrated both by readers and literary critics. On this episode, we enjoyed a fascinating and wide-ranging conversation that I’m sure you will enjoy. I invite you to listen in on our conversation, and be sure to subscribe to receive future episodes of Signposts. The post Russell Moore & Marilynne Robinson: A Conversation appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • My Worst Parenting Mistake

    06/07/2018 Duración: 28min

    Why is parenting so difficult? What should I do if I’ve made mistake? Every parent faces challenges. Some are common, while others are unique. But one thing is certain, you wont always succeed. In this episode of Signposts, I talk about the worst mistake I’ve made as a parent, so far. I also discuss what I’ve learned from that experience and offer some advice for current and future parents. Listen above, and be sure to subscribe to get new episodes of Signposts as they are released. The post My Worst Parenting Mistake appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Russell Moore and Michael Card: A Conversation

    15/06/2018 Duración: 23min

    In this episode of Signposts, I sit down with my friend Michael Card for a conversation on the subject of fatherhood. Michael is an accomplished musician and songwriter, as well as a very competent theologian. Over the years I’ve learned a great deal from Michael’s life and music, especially on the subject we discuss together here. I invite you to listen in on our conversation, and be sure to subscribe to receive future episodes of Signposts. The post Russell Moore and Michael Card: A Conversation appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Should you worry about sex robots?

    01/06/2018 Duración: 28min

    Will there really be sex robots? How will A.I. affect our understanding of human sexuality? A.I. and other emerging technologies are rapidly creating new opportunities and challenges in many areas of our lives. One of the most important questions raised by these technologies concerns their affect upon our understanding of sexuality. In this episode of Signposts, I address these questions and think about how Christians should prepare now for a future defined by such novelty and innovation. Listen above, and be sure to subscribe to get new episodes of Signposts as they are released. The post Should you worry about sex robots? appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • What About The Enneagram?

    18/05/2018 Duración: 23min

    What is the Enneagram? Should Christians use or even care about it? I am asked about the Enneagram, and other types of personal assessments, all the time. I know that some of my listeners are skeptical of it, while others are real advocates. In this episode of Signposts, I offer my perspective on the Enneagram and think through its benefits and drawbacks. Listen above, and be sure to subscribe to get new episodes of Signposts as they are released. The post What About The Enneagram? appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • How should I prepare for a midlife crisis?

    04/05/2018 Duración: 30min

    Will I face a midlife crisis? Is there any way to prepare for it? You will probably endure a midlife crisis, and it will most likely hit you harder than you expect. The good news is, there are things you can do to prepare. In this episode of Signposts, I talk about how to prepare for your midlife crisis and what you might expect when it comes. Listen above, and be sure to subscribe to get new episodes of Signposts as they are released. Transcript Hello, this is Russell Moore, and you’re listening to Signposts: questions and conversations about faith, life, and culture. I work with a guy by the name of Dan Darling. You may listen to his program, read his stuff – it’s really, really, good stuff and he’s a great brilliant guy that I really enjoy working with. But his name is Darling, which means that there are all sorts of opportunities for people to sort of make jokes about that. Usually when he walks in the room I quote Conway Twitty – “Hello, Darling.” When I see him first thing in the morning, there are all

  • What does it mean to be “pro-life”?

    20/04/2018 Duración: 32min

    Is pro-life more than pro-birth? Why isn’t the pro-life movement committed to the whole person? These are common questions aimed at the pro-life movement. In fact, one of the most frequent criticisms of the pro-life movement is that those who hold such views only care about ending abortion. In this episode of Signposts, I address these questions and offer my perspective on the pro-life movement by thinking about what it means to fight for justice and human dignity. Listen above, and be sure to subscribe to get new episodes of Signposts as they are released. Transcript Hello, this Russell Moore and you’re listening to Signposts: questions and conversations about faith, life, and culture. If you have listened to me for very long, you’ve probably heard me tell the story of one of my earliest memories because in some ways I think it shaped the way that I view almost everything else in my life. And it was a time when I was, I don’t know, five or six years old. I was in Sunday school. We had a guest teacher that da

  • Should We Give Up On Evangelicalism?

    06/04/2018 Duración: 27min

    Should we stop calling ourselves “evangelicals”? Should we just give up on “evangelicalism”? I am asked these questions all the time, usually by Christians who are concerned that these labels no longer accurately define or describe who they are and what they believe. In this episode of Signposts, I talk about these questions and offer my own perspective on the status and future of evangelical Christianity in the United States. Listen above, and be sure to subscribe to get new episodes of Signposts as they are released. TRANSCRIPT Hello, this is Russell Moore, and you’re listening to Signposts – questions about faith, life, and culture. Matter of fact, this is Signpost’s rebirth. This is the new relaunch of Signposts, and today I want to talk about a question that I get so often that I’m frankly starting to get tired of it. It’s the question of whether or not we ought to give up on the word “evangelical,” or whether we ought to give up on evangelicalism itself as a movement. Now here’s why I think this actuall

  • Introducing My Updated Podcast

    16/03/2018 Duración: 07min

    I’m excited to announce that my podcast, Signposts, will soon be returning in a fresh new format that I hope you’ll enjoy. I’ll continue to deal with questions ranging from theology to ethics to culture and much more. I’ll also be inviting guests from all corners of society to join me on the program. In conversation with these leaders, we’ll get to hear their stories and explore some of the moments and ideas that have shaped their lives. This season of Signposts will officially kick off on April 6, and we’ll be releasing two new episodes each month. I really look forward to thinking through important questions and sharing these conversations with you, and I hope you’ll join me. The post Introducing My Updated Podcast appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • How I Write

    07/07/2017 Duración: 12min

    In this episode of Signposts, I talk about my approach to writing. From keeping track of ideas, to writing books and articles, this podcast offers you a look at the whole process. You can find the full transcript and links to subscribe below. Transcript We’re about to take a little break here in the summer here on Signposts. I’m going to take a few weeks as I’m writing a book to really concentrate and give my attention to this book. As I was thinking about that, one of my colleagues said, “You should talk about on Signposts how it is that you write.” And I have to be honest, I’m really reluctant to do that because I said “Nobody cares how I write, first of all, and second of all I certainly don’t commend to anybody else my particular way of writing.” But he said, “There may be some people who can benefit from that as they’re thinking about how to write for themselves.” And maybe so. Because you are probably going to be called upon to write something at some point in your life. It may not be that you’re a writ

  • What Should You Say at an Unbeliever’s Funeral?

    30/06/2017 Duración: 14min

    In this episode of Signposts, I talk about what to say at the funeral of an unbeliever. You can find the full transcript and links to subscribe below. What Should You Say at an Unbeliever’s Funeral? — Transcript The other day I had someone ask me about a funeral that she was going to. She said “This is a funeral for an unbeliever, and I’m trying to think through what to say.” I think that’s a really good question, and an important question for all of us, because we’ve been in this situation. Almost everybody has been in this situation, if you haven’t then you will be in the situation. So when she says “what I should say,” really that could be a number of things. It could be the question of what should you say when you’re just there and you’re going through the the line talking to family members, in which case I think the response to that is simply to grieve with the family members and say “I’m really sorry about the loss of your mother/dad/brother” or whomever it is and grieve with them. I mean the Scriptur

  • Signposts: Why is church attendance declining? A conversation with Skye Jethani

    23/06/2017 Duración: 18min

    In this episode of Signposts, I sat down with Skye Jethani to talk about why church attendance is declining. From a conversation that began on Twitter, we explore changes in culture, supply and demand, and the state of the local church. Listen below, and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes when they publish. The post Signposts: Why is church attendance declining? A conversation with Skye Jethani appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Signposts: Senator Ben Sasse and Russell Moore talk about how perpetual adolescence hurts the church

    02/06/2017 Duración: 22min

    In this episode of Signposts I sit down with Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska. We talk how perpetual adolescence hurts the church and about his new book, The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis–and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance. Listen below, and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes when they publish. The post Signposts: Senator Ben Sasse and Russell Moore talk about how perpetual adolescence hurts the church appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Signposts: Should You Make Your Children Go to Church?

    26/05/2017 Duración: 11min

    I often get asked this question from parents: Should we require our child to come to church with our family? Sometimes the child even dreads or dislikes going to church. What if we suspect that our child is going through difficult things while at church? In this episode of Signposts I talk about why requiring church from children is an issue of priority, and how to engage a situation where your child might feel unwelcome at church. Listen below, and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes when they publish. The post Signposts: Should You Make Your Children Go to Church? appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Signposts: How to Deal with a Family Member’s Racist Comments

    19/05/2017 Duración: 13min

    When someone you love or are close to vocalizes a racist sentiment, what’s the best way to respond? In this episode of Signposts I consider how we can confront racial prejudice in our families in a gospel-centered way. Listen below, and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes when they publish. The post Signposts: How to Deal with a Family Member’s Racist Comments appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Signposts: A conversation with Andy Crouch about family and technology

    12/05/2017 Duración: 28min

    How do I navigate technology with my kids? In this episode of Signposts I talk with author and speaker Andy Crouch about families and the use of technology. We also talk about his new book, The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place. Listen below, and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes when they publish. The post Signposts: A conversation with Andy Crouch about family and technology appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Signposts: Why I’m Not a Pacifist (But I Don’t Hate Those Who Are)

    05/05/2017 Duración: 18min

    In this episode of Signposts I talk about why I am not a pacifist and what I have learned from that tradition. Listen below, and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes when they publish. The post Signposts: Why I’m Not a Pacifist (But I Don’t Hate Those Who Are) appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Signposts: Why Sola Scriptura Matters

    28/04/2017 Duración: 25min

    This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Central to the Reformation’s theology was the idea of sola Scriptura, meaning “The Bible alone.” What does sola Scriptura mean practically for the Christian life? Is it a workable doctrine, or does it lead to a fractured, individualistic spiritual life? In this episode of Signposts I talk about an evangelical theology of Scripture, and why saying “The Bible alone” is not a recipe for an anti-authority Christianity. Listen below, and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes when they publish. The post Signposts: Why Sola Scriptura Matters appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Signposts: How Can You Know If You’re Under God’s Discipline?

    21/04/2017 Duración: 22min

    How can you know if you’re under the discipline of God? Recently I was asked this question by someone who was concerned that her recent struggles with sin were causing her health problems. Like many others, she worried that God was punishing her. In this episode of Signposts I consider what the Bible says about who we are as Christians, the difficulties we face in this life, and what God’s discipline means for us. Listen below, and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes automatically when they publish. Transcript coming soon.  The post Signposts: How Can You Know If You’re Under God’s Discipline? appeared first on Russell Moore.

  • Signposts: “Is Penal Substitutionary Atonement Immoral?”

    14/04/2017 Duración: 23min

    For thousands of years, Christians have taught that on Good Friday, Jesus bore the wrath of God for our sins. But is this an immoral belief? Can we worship a God who would pour out wrath on His Son? In this episode of Signposts I consider the doctrine of substitutionary atonement and explain why God is good, and not evil, to lay our sins on Christ. Listen to Signposts below, and subscribe to get new episodes automatically when they publish. Transcript coming soon. The post Signposts: “Is Penal Substitutionary Atonement Immoral?” appeared first on Russell Moore.

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