Family Adventure Podcast With Erik Hemingway



Families share their inspiring travel adventures! From sailing abroad, hiking, biking, RV'ing, subversive travel, these families have done it and they share why and how! Anyone can dream big and achieve radical life changing adventures!


  • 129- Spit Up and Heels

    09/08/2017 Duración: 33min

    Today on the show we have Stephanie Pletka from the blog Spit Up & Heels. This family has been able to experience a lot of travel thanks to their job. When the idea of full time travel came around 9+ years ago, both husband and wife were excited and ready to do whatever it took to make it happen. They begin to work extra hard to set up a location independent job in their tech field and stashed away her income for 5 years to prepare for the trip and now it's been almost 4 years of traveling. Their most recent trip was an RV trip across the US to set up a home base in Arizona but they've spent time in almost 46 States and multiple countries in Europe, depending on where the work come from. Now they've began to limit their traveling to the summer when kids are out of school.

  • 128- Our Lively Tribe

    26/07/2017 Duración: 39min

    128- Our Lively Tribe Today on the show we have both Erin and Travis from Our Lively Tribe. They begin a "one year off" adventure in June 2017 and are planning to see the US by RV. We were excited to get to talk to them just before they headed out on their adventure! Read more about Erin and Travis and get links to their social media and website at

  • 127- Wanderlust Storytellers

    12/07/2017 Duración: 33min

    127- Wanderlust Storytellers This family is all about exploring and seeing as much of this big big world as possible. For the last 2 years they've been taking any chance they can to get out and travel with their family.  Andrzej, joins us from Australia to tell us about some of the travels his family has gotten to do in the last couple of years. Listen to the whole episode to hear more!

  • 126- The Worldwide Webers

    23/06/2017 Duración: 43min

    126- The Worldwide Webers Today on the show we have Erica from The Worldwide Webers. Her and her husband and toddler have gotten to see a list of amazing places! They were both born and raised in different parts of the States, met in New York and from there started traveling the globe. Spending time in different places depending on where their job took them. Sometimes it works out for them to travel to a place for work and then take time to spend on the weekends in a nearby country! Couple of years later, while living in Johannesburg, they discovered they were pregnant so began to look at options of where to have the baby. Erica said she was still traveling to Asia for work a lot then and learned so much about traveling while pregnant. Living as an expat forces you to challenge what you think about "normal", so they spent a lot of time researching and carefully deciding where to have the baby. In the end they were able to find a place that agreed with what they believed in and here they are now, almost 2 year

  • 125- Tapped Out Travellers

    14/06/2017 Duración: 28min

    125- Tapped Out Travellers Today on the show we have Christine from the blog Tapped Out Travellers. She and her family moved to Germany 3 years ago with Army from Canada. Since then they have gotten to travel all around Europe using Germany as their home base. Her son is in school there on base so it's the same holiday time as her husband. Time, they use strategically to go explore more of Europe. In the last couple of years they've been to 7-10 countries and plan to see a couple more before their contract in Germany is up. Since Europe is close together is makes transportation and getting around more simple. In the past, they've taken the train to Italy and drove to Switzerland twice. Check out her blog for tons of resources (and occasional giveaways!) including an expat guide for living in Germany! Christine shares lots of tools and tips from her experience living in Germany to make the transition a little easier for others.

  • 124- Abroad Life

    07/06/2017 Duración: 40min

    124- Abroad Life Today on the show we have Tim and Erin from the blog Abroad Life. They are wrapping up a very long family adventure and were able to share some of the highs and lows of a trip like this. The idea for family travels started years ago during an especially snowing winter in Boston where they were living. Life was good...good jobs, nice home, kids were happy, but something told them deep down that they could be doing more. See more. Live a more broad life instead of a narrow one. So what started with an email to a spouse about a "crazy adventure idea" has turned into years of travel with the kiddos while they were young and plans to travel again in the future. On the show they talk about how they managed to quickly went from the "idea" to traveling, working on the road, realistically what it's like to sightsee with toddlers and a good reminder that not all traveling is rainbows and unicorns :)

  • 123- The Passport Kids

    31/05/2017 Duración: 23min

    123- The Passport Kids Today on the show we have Nicole from the website The Passport Kids.We were grateful for the chance to talk to her before they head out on their one year adventure. Based out of Canada, this family sees as much as they can as often as they can, close to home. But decided they wanted to do something bigger. So after a year of preparing and planning they are about to embark in their adventure this summer! Nicole shares a little about the process of getting ready to leave and also how she planned for the trip - accommodations, transportation and the financial side of things. Make sure to listen to the episode to hear more!

  • 122- Ventilly

    24/05/2017 Duración: 31min

    122- Ventilly Today on the show we have Frances from Sailing Vessel Ventilly. We had the chance to connect with her while they were UNDER SAIL! :) How fun! About 5 years ago Frances and her husband Matt, started getting excited about the idea of living on a sailboat after a vacation, chartering a boat, in the Caribbean with some friends. When they arrived back home they took a hard look at jobs, the house, and life in general and started the dreaming of someday taking an adventure with their family when the kids were more grown. As part of the preparation stage, they realized they were throwing a lot of money into their older home so they sold their house and moved into a much smaller condo to help downsize and save extra for the trip. Listen to the full episode to hear about their experiences while learning to sail, where they've been and their adventures so far as a sailing family!

  • 121- Family With Latitude

    17/05/2017 Duración: 34min

    Today on the show we have Nicole from the blog Family with Latitude. Their family of 4 is 2 months in to a 30 month travel adventure! They plan to travel to 30 countries in 30 months more or less. While currently in London, England, Nicole joined us today to talk about the planning of a trip this big and the adjustments they're making as they start out. Check out our website and interview for more info!

  • 120- World Towning

    10/05/2017 Duración: 54min

    120- WorldTowning Today on the show we have Jessica and Will from the website WorldTowning. They are currently living in southern France and have been full-time traveling for over three years. First in Guatemala then in Ecuador and now on the south of France. This family decided a long time ago that they wanted to travel while they worked and they have made that dream a reality. On the show they talk about why they chose to put their kids in the school in both South America and in France, and also where they are headed next when their time in France is up!

  • 119- Raise Backpackers

    26/04/2017 Duración: 35min

    119 - Raise Backpackers Today on the show we have Fiona from Raise Backpackers. She has traveled so much on her own before kids and now continues to see as much of the world as she can with her children. She recalls back in her teens when her love for traveling began on a trip to Malaysia. She remembers walking down the street in a foreign city and even though was scary she felt was excited and passionate about the unfamiliarity. Since then Fiona and her husband work to save money for their trips, by keeping travel a priority and don't get caught up trying to "keep up with the Jones'". Buying the latest or having the latest is something they forfeit as they choose to live more simply, while saving the money for traveling. There are lots of ways to save money while traveling. She talks about how cruises can be a cheaper way to do that. Considering that they are both your accommodation and food all in one price and if you live near a port, it will be even cheaper since you wouldn't have to pay for flights to th

  • 118- EntreFamily

    05/04/2017 Duración: 46min

    118- EntreFamily Today on the show we have Stephanie Langford from EntreFamily, currently in Guatemala to talk about how they got involved in family travel years ago and how it's changed to what they do now. Stephanie and her husband had the opportunity to spend a year in Japan as newlyweds which lit the fire under them for future world travel. After finding how they were pregnant and their year in Japan came to a close, they moved back home to Canada, knowing they would prepare for some future travel. Fast forward several years and during the ups and downs of starting their ownbusinesses and life in general. They began to dream of taking 1 year off and with all 5 kids, go live in a new country! As the plan began to grow, it turned into 4 countries in a year, then 10 and when all was said and done, they visited over 30+ countries in 1 year off!! Wow!! Now they have a home base in Canada and take about 3-4 months off and travel a couple countries at once. Preferring the slow paced, live-like-locals-feel verses

  • 117 Keep Moving Fast

    29/03/2017 Duración: 42min

    117- Keep Moving Fast Today on the show we have Adam Dailey from Keep Moving Fast to tell us about his family's adventure, taking 1 year off with 4 young kids as they set out to see the world. Adam says it struck him on a business trip that he was tired of traveling, especially without his family. So, inspired by the magazine in the back of the pocket of the plane, He decided to go all in and take one year off with his family. They used airline miles to purchase tickets almost around the globe, the big leaps anyways. The smaller, more local flights were cheap enough and they just paid for those as they needed them. With accommodation and food the whole trip tallied up to just under 100k for a year. Adam was amazed at how much they were able to see and where they could go on almost the same amount it cost to live at home.

  • 116- Mountain Mom and Tots

    08/03/2017 Duración: 45min

    116- Mountain Mom and Tots Today on the show we have Susan from Mountain Mom and Tots. In the summer of 2016 they took a huge 6.5 week trip and camped throughout the West Coast National Parks! Their family have always been outdoorsy people, Susan explains, who love to get outside and enjoy nature. This trip came at a great time when her husband was in between jobs and it was during the summer when their oldest would be out of school. At the beginning of June 2016, they took a week to get out and see some of the national parks in Utah, their home state. It was a trial week to work out any kinks they had in their system of traveling and also give them a chance to change things in preparation for the big trip. By the End of June they were ready to go! And set out on a 6.5 weeks of outdoor fun filled adventure. Susan shares that the whole trip wasn't all rainbows and unicorns. Even though the drive from park to park was no more than 6 hours, it's all too easy for everyone to get on everyone's nerves being in such

  • 115- Thrifty Family Travels

    01/03/2017 Duración: 35min

    115- Thrifty Family Travels Today on the show we have more Australian Adventurers, Melissa from Thrifty Family Travels, who shares about their family's trips. She's all about being thrifty, not cheap, but getting the best value they can for the experiences on the trip. Sometimes they take the more rustic way of travel or sometimes its a more plush travel style. Including a helicopter ride to see snow cover mountains in New Zealand! Since they've traveled for years, their daughter Myla, now loves to backpack and thoroughly enjoys the adventures! She goes out of her way to make friends wherever she goes. Melissa said it's common to find her getting along for hours with other kids from other countries without speaking or understanding each other. They get along as if no language barrier exists. They recently returned from a trip to South East Asia and have plans to see Indonesia and Canada before the end of 2017! Currently they keep their trips to about 4ish weeks, usually during holidays when work is slow anywa

  • 114- The World And Kids

    22/02/2017 Duración: 45min

    114- The World And Kids Today on the show we have Jenna from The World And Kids. Her and her husband traveled in van for bit before having kids and always knew they would be travelers. They enjoy the difference that comes when traveling with kids. Like so many of our guests, Jen agreed the slower pace forces you to enjoy all the small details and moments of the adventure rather than running around trying to check sites off the list. Their family is currently living in Australia and comes with it's challenges. Jen says it's pretty pricing (and a long trip!) to go anywhere new so they plan a big chunk of time maybe 4-6 weeks at once, maybe about 1 time a year with smaller, little trips sprinkled in there. The kids have grown up traveling and now have such a better understanding of just ow big and wonderful the world is. Their daughter has even started her own education video series to help other kids learn about places all around the world! Check out they're blog to see more cute videos :)

  • 113- Uncharted Family

    15/02/2017 Duración: 57min

    113 - Uncharted Family Podcast Today on the show we have Derek Loudermilk. Derek is one of those people who has serious experience with world travel and dropped by to today to tell us about some of the places he's seen and adventure's he's had. And is now starting off on his own family adventure with his girlfriend and 10 week old son! Woohoo - More traveling families! Derek is an entrepreneur and has worked in a couple of different ways, all location independent, which he will take on the road. Their long term goal would be to eventually live on all 7 continents over the span of their son's school years. He's gone a lot of places as a solo traveller but is looking forward to enjoying the difference of traveling as a family unit. It comes with a little more community and breaks down some more barriers than say a solo traveller.

  • 112- Robins in Flight

    08/02/2017 Duración: 48min

    112- Robins in Flight Today on the show we have Karena and Evan from South Africa. They have taken several trips with their 5 kids to explore the world. As seasoned travelers themselves, Karen and Evan had been around. Once they found out they were pregnant with their first years ago, they took "one last trip" before the baby came. Once their daughter was born, she was very easy going so they thought "Hey, let's travel with her". When they became pregnant a second time they thought finally this was it. They would do one last trip and then be done. But they kept finding ways to travel even with the kids until now, they can see such a benefit to traveling WITH kids they love it and continue planning new trips!

  • 111- Gelato Travel

    01/02/2017 Duración: 39min

    111- Gelato Travel Today on the show we have Julie, who talks about their adventures since they moved out of the State over 9 years ago to Switzerland. After a trip to Italy back in 2007 for 2 weeks,  knew they wanted to live abroad so Julie spent the next 3 months working to make it happen by sending her husband's resume to different companies throughout the world. Finally a Swiss Bank offered them a job and would get the visas needed for the whole family to move over.  They lived in Swiss German part for 6 years where they had their daughter. And now live on the Swiss Italian boarder. Close enough to Italy they can go over for the day or to get some shopping done. Her husband works from home and the kids attend the local schools to get a better understanding of the language and be emerged in the culture. 

  • 110 - Jensen Family Summer Sailing Adventure

    18/01/2017 Duración: 42min

    110- Summer Sailing Adventure Today on the show we have Rasmus Jensen who interviewed with us in the beginning of 2016 during our big break. We thought the interview had been deleted but were excited to find it on an old memory card! They set out on an awesome adventure and we're glad Rasmus took the time to tell us all about it. Before they started on their summer trip, Rasmus went to look at boats to purchase. They figured this would be a good way to travel and have a "home base" travel along with you. He said all it took was 1 step on the right boat to know it was the one for them and within an hour he started the paper work to purchase. They left their home in Denmark as an Air B&B out their house and used that money and also his work as an independent illustrator to left them travel throughout the summer of 2015. The kids at that time were 6, 7, and 10 years old. He says the trip wasn't all smooth sailing but living on a boat or full-time travel like that forces you to deal with problems as they aris

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