Family Adventure Podcast With Erik Hemingway

115- Thrifty Family Travels



115- Thrifty Family Travels Today on the show we have more Australian Adventurers, Melissa from Thrifty Family Travels, who shares about their family's trips. She's all about being thrifty, not cheap, but getting the best value they can for the experiences on the trip. Sometimes they take the more rustic way of travel or sometimes its a more plush travel style. Including a helicopter ride to see snow cover mountains in New Zealand! Since they've traveled for years, their daughter Myla, now loves to backpack and thoroughly enjoys the adventures! She goes out of her way to make friends wherever she goes. Melissa said it's common to find her getting along for hours with other kids from other countries without speaking or understanding each other. They get along as if no language barrier exists. They recently returned from a trip to South East Asia and have plans to see Indonesia and Canada before the end of 2017! Currently they keep their trips to about 4ish weeks, usually during holidays when work is slow anywa