Natural Co-creators With Jennifer Lynch



Jennifer Lynch Author of We Hear you Angels, The Silver Lining, Liberty Angel and Skin Deep, and Shades of Kefalonia. Jennifer is a Holistic Life Coach and Therapist talking to guests about co-creation. Each week she interviews a guest that has an inspiring message to share be it a writer, artist, therapist or healer. Join me in co-creation. We are all Natural Co-Creators.Legal DisclaimerAlways seek a qualified professional such as a Dr. or other qualified person if in doubt about any of the information on the Natural Co-Creators Show. Jennifer Lynch does not endorse all of the information provided on her radio show and invites you to use your discretion. Referrals to psychic readings are for entertainment purposes only. Although Jennifer is a qualified and insured professional therapist she cannot be held responsible for the views of people on her shows. Please use your own judgement and if in doubt about your own health matters, always consult a qualified practitioner such as a Doctor or other health professional.


  • Jennifer Co-Creates with Catherine & Dietmar Kennard about their retreats.

    11/12/2017 Duración: 01h00s

    I'm really looking forward to talking to Catherine and Dietmar about their fabulous retreats to find out what they are offering as well as hearing more about their incredible music. Catherine and Dietmar are not only well established musicians and singers but they have an array of therapies to offer in the 'healing field' which are transformational.  I'm sure that attending one of their retreats which is based on yoga will be an experience not to be forgotten as they have put together a multi-faceted retreat program with yoga at its core, combined with exquitie food for a completely relaxing experience.We all need a little escape time and a chance to re-balance and what better place than in Lavenham, one of Suffolk's most historic towns, Next retreat at Inner Guidance which is in May 2018. For more go to their facebook: searching for mum - recorded and produced by Giles Bryant I am also interested in finding out more about the teachings of the

  • Jennifer chats to Detta Darnell about her Unfinished Women Retreats in Kefalonia

    04/12/2017 Duración: 38min

    This Monday -  I will be interviewing the fabulous Detta Darnell about her latest retreats in Kefalonia The Unfinished Women which is in June next year. I have been fortunate in interviewing Detta before about her amazing retreats as well as actually going on one so I have had an inside view or front seat and I have to tell you that Kefalonia is stunning and this is a trip of a life time and you will return feeling like a new woman!   Taken from Detta's website  This retreat is perfect for those women who want a break from the busyness of life.  Its for women who want simple days by the sea to relax, recover and rediscover who they were, where they are at right now and who they are becoming.  This is a gentle, kindly, nurturing space which is safe enough to leave your masks behind, your busyness aside and just take some time to eat great food, sleep well, play with some paint, glitter and words, do a little wild writing, make a journal for your retreat journey, listen to your heart whispers and your soul ca

  • Jennifer co-creates with Melissa Day about Quantum Healing Hypnosis

    27/11/2017 Duración: 52min

    I am very excited to be interviewing the wonderful Melissa Day about her new venture.  Melissa has been on the Natural Co-Creators show several times before and it will be great to have her back. Melissa Day has developed Niroshini Cosmetic Acupuncture – a non-surgical facelift. She also specialises in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique – for deep levels of healing and past life regression. Melissa can be contacted via her websites and this fabulous you tube about Melissa's work  

  • Jennifer co-creates with Lee David Carter about his life & book Living with Lisa

    21/11/2017 Duración: 47min

    Hello Co-Creators It is a great honour to be interviewing Lee David Carter, on the Natural Co-Creators who is an author, teacher, presenter, healer, counsellor, actor and generally a very spiritual soul! Essex actor Lee who is now 49, started his life as Lisa and has courageously written a book about his experiences not only with his gender re-assignment surgery but also about the help he received from the angels. Lee wrote this book because he was told that it was part of his path to share his difficult journey which I am sure will inspire many others on a similar path.  I am fascinated by this because the transition from Lisa to Lee must have been very challenging and as an adopted person I have also had issues with identity, so I'd love to hear from Lee about how he dealt with becoming the man he truely is and and how he feels now he's through the transition into wholeness. I believe that the angels support us to make the changes we need to in our lives and as I haven't read the book - I'd also love Le

  • Jennifer Co-Creates with Esther Austin about Fashion Design & Image Consultancy

    15/11/2017 Duración: 01h03min

    Hello Co-Creators Welcome again to the show and also to my fabulous guest this week, Esther Austin.  I have interviewed Esther before on the Natural Co-Creators show and it is great to catch up with her and her very hectic schedule.  What an amazing lady, she must never stand still! I'm really excited about this interview so be sure to follow the show as it's one not to be missed! Former Corporate Professional and Healthcare worker-turned-entrepreneur, Esther Yvonne Austin, is a gifted woman who has managed to spin her talents into a successful business, while simultaneously inspiring others. Esther’s passion is health, healing and well-being. She is a gifted International Healer and Empowerment Speaker and uses these gifts to transform, support and inspire others. She is also a gifted and qualified Animal Communication Practitioner (Horse Whisperer), Freelance Journalist, Empowerment Talk Show Host, Fashion Designer and Personal Image Consultant. Esther's talents and skills are numerous but I'm really exc

  • Jennifer Co-Creates with Amanda Hart about her book The Guys Upstairs

    29/10/2015 Duración: 26min

    Amanda is an Intuitive Consultant working at Neal's Yard, Bury St Edmunds. She experienced an exceedingly difficult childhood and adulthood suffering continual abuse through a series of unbearable relationships. This culminated in not only the loss of her daughter, but she also became very ill with meningitis septicemia and she was told by Doctors that she wouldn't survive. Amanda has battled through the challenges of her early years and for the past 20 years she has been working as a therapist using a very effective healing method which not only empowers but enables you to break through negative patterns. Amanda believes in Angels which she refers to as The Guys Upstairs.She will be travelling the country with her books and workshops starting in Neal's Yard, Bury St Edmunds.…nds-1-7026467

  • Jennifer talks to DJ Hughie about his work both as a DJ and radio show host.

    23/07/2015 Duración: 20min

    This week Jennifer talks to DJ Hughie.  Hughie is a well known DJ and radio show presenter who works throughout the UK and abroad.  He is well known particularly in East London for his unique style, when it comes to Salsa, Classic Soul, Jazz and Latin music. Jennifer is a big fan of soul music having danced to many of these fabulous songs during her younger years.  She is also a big Stevie Wonder fan, as well as loving the Stylistics.  NOW, she is a big Salsa fan having learned to dance salsa over 10 years ago and she realises how important it is to have music to make people want to get up and dance! Hughie is much needed at these events as he certainly knows how to get the party started! More recently he has spread into Suffolk giving us country folk a chance to move and groove to his latin rhythms. It was a great opportunity for her to talk to Hughie about his music, how he became a DJ and his current venues.  It is hard to believe that invites were sent by post and his venues filled up - obviously some s

  • Jennifer talks to Melissa Niroshini Day about Tea Leaf Trust and her work.

    16/07/2015 Duración: 31min

    Tonight at 8 pm   I am very excited to chat to Melissa Niroshini Day about her fascinating story which was featured in the EADT about finding her birth family, discovering she has two younger brothers and the painful realisation of the poverty they experience in their lives working in a tea plantation in Sri Lanka. Melissa has become involved with the charity Tea Life Trust and is raising money for a much needed 52 seat bus. Join me on Natural Co-Creators this coming Thursday to listen to Melissa - this will be a very interesting interview and a chance for me to catch up with Melissa who has previously been on the show and for some of you to show your support for this amazing lady!  

  • Jacqui Turvey talks about her work with EFT & Angels

    09/07/2015 Duración: 33min

    I'm really excited to catch up with Jacqui Turvey, who will be updating us with her latest work using EFT. Jacqui is an Advanced EFT and Matrix Reimprinting  Practitioner.   Jacqui says "EFT is brilliant for releasing the emotions that are linked with stress and I am working with lowering my clients' stress levels and helping them to continue to lead normal lives." Since I last spoke to Jacqui on The Natural Co-Creators Show, she has also qualified as a Doreen Virtue certified Angel Card Reader.  Jacqui will be giving a few short readings on the show (after the first) half (around 8.30) so please phone in with any burning questions and I am sure that she can connect to the angels to bring through some fantastic guidance. You can find out more about Jacqui and her work via her website which is:-            

  • Co-creating with previous guests and a chance to hear some fabulous interviews.

    11/12/2014 Duración: 01h01min

    This week Jennifer plays some of her best of 2014 plus fantastic music by Ajna from The Enchanted Forest and a little from Mr. Gee! Please call in with any Christmas Messages you would like to share.    

  • Co-creating with Andreana Dorrs and her amazing horses

    04/12/2014 Duración: 01h05min

    This week Jennifer is co-creating with Andreana Dorrs where we will hear about her fabulous work with horses.  Andreana is a very skilled lady who has studied a variety of healing methods.  She uniquely works with the horses' energy fields, by using reiki and balancing their chakras. Listen to Andreana who explains it a lot better than I can!  Although, I work this way with people, I am astounded and extremely impressed that someone can do this valuable work with horses.  We talk about chakras in general and the need to keep in balance.  In addition about the healing power of horses! "Totem Animals was initially a vision that Andreana had over ten years ago when she got Ebony Sky, her first horse. That experience was to change her life and in turn inspire her to want to help change others lives." Andreana now has 5 horses which she uses in her healing work.  A large part of her work includes working with autistic children.  She has found the healing energies these horses share to be extremely calming and be

  • Co-creating with Esther Austin's about her book Wounded Lives,Wounded Healers.

    27/11/2014 Duración: 01h00s

    This week Jennifer talks with Esther Austin, The Sixty Second Soul Liberator, who transforms, heals and empowers lives.  Esther tells us about her fantastic new book which is being released in January, Wounded Lives, Wounded Healers.  Esther has been a guest on the Natural Co-Creators show before, talking about her other book The Giant Within, so it was great to catch up with her and hear about her latest project.  Wounded Lives, Wounded Healers is based on her work as a Healer and Therapist helping people who have suffered with some form of abuse.  I feel Esther bares her soul in this interview, which I am sure she has done many times in order to help others.  Many of us are wounded healers and this book will also help many lightworkers who wish to move forward and stand in their power. I'm sure you will enjoy this engaging interview.  I always learn a lot from Esther.  She is such a fabulous lady. I can't wait to read this book when it is released.  More information about the book can be found on Esther's

  • Co-creating with Keidi Keating about her newly released book 'The Light'

    20/11/2014 Duración: 57min

    This week Jennifer co-creates with Keidi Keating about her life and her newly released book ''The Light'.   "Twenty-two luminaries unconditionally contributed chapters to the book, including bestselling authors such as Neale Donald Walsch, Don Miguel Ruiz, Marci Shimoff, and Barbara Marx Hubbard. The book manifested soon after I endured a life-stopping spell of depression, desperate to know what my purpose was in this lifetime. Eventually, when I realized I had reached rock bottom, I looked up and asked the Universe for a sign. Less than twenty-four hours later I received an answer, in the pages of a magazine, and this led me on a journey of intense healing. Amazing spiritual teachers began to magically show up in my life, all guiding me to step out of the darkness and shine my Light brighter." Keidi Keating (taken from Keidi's website). Together, we discuss aspects of the book, as well as talking about why Keidi decided to write it and her own personal journey.  I found this interview to be absolutely fa

  • Jennifer talks to Chris Cozens from Life Arts and writer & artist Detta Darnell.

    13/11/2014 Duración: 47min

    This week Jennifer talks firstly to Chris Cozens, who has been running very successful events in Suffolk and more recently Essex, for nearly 17 years.  Chris talks about his work running exhibitions and what he feels makes them successful.  He also gives information about his upcoming course starting this month.  His forthcoming Mind Body Spirit Festival is being held on Sunday 16th November,  THIS SUNDAY!  at Woodbridge so come along!  Chris explains how it is essential to have feedback from the general public about what they liked, or what could be changed at the events.  More details can be found via Chris' website My second guest Detta Darnell.  Detta has been an amazing guest before on the show, so some of you may be familiar with her. Detta has recenently written a little book about her pre-earthquake house in Greece, called the Old Kafenion.  She explains a little about why she wrote this amazing love story.  This really is a little gem!  It has literally been kept in a ti

  • Jennifer talks with Demian Allan about his amazing work as an Astrologer

    23/10/2014 Duración: 58min

    Jennifer talks with Demian Allan about his work as an Astrologer.  Demain  is  both an Astrologer and  Teacher.  He is also president of the Astrological Society.   He regulary appears on television. and he has rececently been nominated tor the Charles Harvey Award for exceptional service to astrology. He is also a Consultant at the College of Psychic Studies, and Sports Astrologer for Radio 1.  As if that isn't enough, Demian very kindly gave up his time for this interview!  We talk about what winning this award would bring to him, as well as discussing astrology in general.  Demain talks a little about the months of October and November and then we branch out into education!  All fascinating stuff!  Demian shares his passion for astrology with us and how he became interested in it.  Astrology is Demian's love, he calls himself an Astrology Geek, dedication, which has set him apart from others!.  He also combines tarot with his work and he sees astrology as being something creative, rather than scientific

  • Jennifer plays some amazing new music and gives a few live angel card readings

    09/10/2014 Duración: 01h18min

    This week Jennifer gives a few live angel card readings, along with some fabulous music from James Radcliffe and Paul Antill, Ajna at Dove music.  I hope to be having James and Paul on my show within the next month or Both, are presently rushed off their feet!  Jennifer will be keeping you up to date with her past and upcoming events in Suffolk and Essex, UK.  If you are interested in calling into the show to join in with any conversation about angels - I will be happy to hear from you. Also extracts from Jennifer's books We Hear You Angels which is currently number #1 in amazon free books (angels!) so grab your copy while it is still free and we can talk about it on the show. More information about my work can be found on I look forward to chatting to some of you soon! Disclaimer Jennifer's readings are provided for your information only and may not be construed as any kind of advice or instructions relating to any particular area of your life particularly those related to health o

  • Jennifer talks to Daisy Turner from CLIC Sargent (children with cancer).

    10/09/2014 Duración: 27min

    Jennifer talks to Daisy Turner Fund Raising Manager for CLIC Sargent, who help children and young people with cancer.  September is a special month for this charity because it's Childhood Cancer Awareness month and it needs people out there, collecting in the Suffolk area, for their Big Bucket Collection. Daisy explains to us about the difficulties that families face when a child, or young person has cancer and why fundraising is so important to enable CLIC Sargent can carry on helping families during this difficult time. This will be a very informative interview.  More about CLIC Sargent can be found at:-                

  • Jennifer talks to Kevin Doe from Aura Interpretations about auras, acting & UFOs

    28/08/2014 Duración: 52min

    This week Jennifer talks to Kevin Doe from Aura Interpretations.  Kevin is a very interesting man having started his life working in conservation, planting many trees,  then some years later, training to be a counsellor.  He works with therapy, healing, aura interpretations and for the past couple of years acting.  He has landed some great roles already but he particularly likes being in costume dramas.  There is no stopping Kevin when he wants to do something! This is a very inspirational interview and I'm sure you will enjoy listening to Kevin talking about auras and all the amazing things that can be done with new technology.  This is where science meets spirit.   It is also possible to now see your aura on live camera and how different energies really interact.  For more about this incredible phenomonum and more interesting information including orbs and UFOs, listen to this interview. Jennifer has had two aura interpretations with Kevin, which were extremely insightful and helped to guide her along her

  • Jennifer talks with Melanie-Sara Barugh from Vital Holistics about birthing.

    19/08/2014 Duración: 58min

    Jennifer talks to Melanie-Sara Barugh DipHbA, MNHMA, Member of Doula UK.  Melanie is trained in many holistic therapies and she works helping women to give birth as naturally as possible.  Her work involves helping  people with birthing and she has a passionate interest effect of birth including the psychological imprint that birth has upon them.  Part of her work involves hypno birthing which enables women to give birth feeling relaxed which is better for both the mother and the baby.  From Melanie's website:- "Over time, I have continued to increase my knowledge and as a result qualify in many therapies and areas of specialist and transformational massage approaches. Mainly in the profoundly powerful, ‘NO HANDS® massage’ . I have become an Advanced therapist under the instruction of Gerry Pyves and currently undertaking mastery in this exiting work. Whether you are tired and simply need some calm soothing work or a restorative energetic sports approach, I can offer so much from this diverse, “transformat

  • Jennifer talks to Violet Vibrations about her work with live readings.

    12/08/2014 Duración: 01h25min

    Jennifer talks with Violet Vibrations, a well known online intuitive Medium, Author, Reiki Master and Practitioner, New Energy Coach, Silva Mind Self Development, Mentor, Tutor, Entrepreneur, an Advocate and Peer Support Worker for families and children affected by Domestic Violence, Mother of 4 lovely boys. Violet’s journey with spirit opened up a totally different perspective towards life, Violet always knew she was different. She was constantly looking for the different channels needed to communicate and connect with the unknown. The more intimate this connection became, the more came through her, not only for the guidance and support from her personal walks and experiences in life but for those who were guided to her for support. This will be a very interesting show.  I had the pleasure of meeting Violet recently at an event in London and I really connected with her fantastic energy!  I found her to be an extremely interesting person with a lot of great information to share with others.  For more about

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