Sounds Like Bliss

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 8:53:28
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Sounds Like Bliss is a podcast hosted by women's mentor and writer, Tara Bliss. Conversations with friends, new and old and soul riffs straight from her heart into your headphones. Explore the struggles, celebrations and devotions that make life what it is, and ride the rollercoaster of deep thoughts; interrupted often by belly laughs.


  • Ep. 19: The Audacity of Self-Investment

    30/05/2021 Duración: 59min

    Beauty, I went live on Instagram to talk about the sheer audacity that is self-investment after having some beautifully vulnerable conversations with women who were setting their hearts on joining (Rebels of Light®) in 2021. This is the edited recording of that exchange. You can catch the video recording (right here) if you prefer, but it's worth noting that the video cuts out before I get to detailing my history of self-investment (by request) and the announcement of our payment plan! In this conversation, I touched on hot topics like: Asking for what you need Embracing an experience that is more qualitative than quantitative, more LIVED than learned in nature The role that IDENTITY plays in putting ‘skin in the game’ Perceived value discrepancies The interior skills you can expect to develop in Rebels Of Light® ...and also, because I have been immersed in conversation with my community about all of these things, I announced a

  • Ep. 18: Introducing Rebels Of Light®

    25/05/2021 Duración: 57min

    Join me as we explore the principals and energies behind Rebels Of Light® - my signature mentoring program, now available in its 3rd iteration. I went live on Instagram to introduce you all to this work that has transformed the way I do everything, and I don't say that lightly. This is the edited recording of that exchange (you can catch the video recording (right here) if you prefer). This chat meant so much to me, on multiple levels. I'm grateful for those who tuned in, and to the incredible women that held space for ME during my little wobble with my T-Bub. My worlds collided in a beautiful and humbling way during this call. I love this community. (Rebels Of Light®) wants to take you to your edge, with tenderness at the helm of your transformation. Enrolment is open now until June 7... Join us.

  • Ep 17: {Spoken Word} An Ode to the Natural World

    25/04/2021 Duración: 21min

    Friends, a lot has happened. I am a mother. I mean, full stop. I am a mother. I have birthed a being, since I've last been in your ears in this way and rather than today's podcast being some grandiose, return to your headphones, I really just want to jump straight into it. I was recently asked it was a very curious thing we here in Australia and New Zealand. In our dōTERRA community. We had our digital convention, this is our second year in a row where our biggest event of the year has had to take place, digitally, which sucks, big ones, if I'm honest, we love being around each other we love community we love hugs. And we love the energy that accompanies beautiful beautiful events like this. But alas, I'm not even going to go into it. I was asked to speak, and, you know, 2020 was a year. And I thought I didn't have much to say, but I kind of tuned into it for a second and suddenly a yes emerged, and then the piece that came knocking on my shoulder, emerged, and I performed it. And I would like to share it wit

  • Ep. 16: The Many Shapes of Wanderlusting

    10/06/2019 Duración: 24min

    I’m in a period of life that has travel at the belly of it. And in today’s episode I want to speak for a moment about my relationship to travel as something that I'm engaged in, as something that I'm always adapting to. I have some stories to tell you about moments imprinted upon my soul like a wax stamp on an envelope. I hope these memories of mine make you smile. I always want to walk away from a trip abroad feeling as though I've made new friends, or that I've deepened friendships, that I've also deepened my connection to myself and the land, broadened my scope of humility, and been plain stupefied by the Earth's beauty. I want to return home feeling cared for, feeling as though I have cared for myself. Travel is not a time or excuse for me to abandon myself. No, and if I'm careful, that's what will happen naturally, so self-care is absolutely critical, but it doesn't necessarily look like what you may think. I could bang on here about infrared saunas, and essential oils, and dietary choices, and suppl

  • Ep. 15: {Spoken Word} Wolves

    02/06/2019 Duración: 10min

    I've got another poem for you today, and it was important to me that I read it out to you. It's a poem I wrote for my Rebels Of Light -- and can I just say for a moment how truly full I feel to have the creative freedom in my mentorship that I can reach into the hearts of these students through poetry. Such is a testament to their openness. I find poetry (or any type of art) is often the best way that I can communicate the intensity of what I feel for them and also what I want to teach them. I decided to bring this one out to you, my cherished wider community, not so much to share the poem itself but rather to share what is available to you when you practice what the poem points to. I want to remind you today that whenever something is unfamiliar to you, or uncomfortable to you, you have an opportunity to sit with that aspect or essence, to invite that into your life, and to ask that to tell you more about itself. Curious? Tune into this short 10-minute episode and if you can, close your eyes and sip the

  • Ep. 14: The Goddess With Her Hand On My Back

    15/05/2019 Duración: 11min

    My heart was thumping, and I was angry, but my breath was calm, and I could taste liberation. So close. So close this time. So close to me, lingering in my nose, still requiring me to chew and spit out the bones and then swallow in good faith. The creative life takes on a whole different shape when a book is involved in your life, my friends. When a book starts to emerge, everything slows down a little, and it must. Books like businesses of course have their own life force but books draw you in, and I have been in. Today I’m sharing all but a glimpse - but it’s a glimpse that reveals much of the tone and texture. I’m unsure what comes next. The crazy thing about engaging with, receiving and bringing a book to life is that you’re walking the unknown every single day. Each time I close my eyes to spend ‘time’ with my book, I never know what I’ll experience or what it’ll reveal. Every next word in the next poem that will be woven throughout this book - unknown. The blinking cursor - reminding me of all tha

  • Ep. 13: Our Thoughts On Hard Work

    02/04/2019 Duración: 26min

    HARD WORK. On Instagram recently I asked you how those words ‘hard work’ sit with you. We as a team, were bombarded. It was incredible. It’s straight up magic how you engaged with this request for your thoughts on this. Thank you. We had some push back… Ew, hard work! That’s the old paradigm... We have some hard work evangelists… Hard work is what makes me proud to be who I am! We received your desire to lean into this more… I know I avoid effort and it’s to my detriment. We were also sent some really beautiful musings and reflections that erred on the edge of poetry. I learned so much about you and about us reading your responses. And today I’m excited to share what I learnt, and what I personally believe, about hard work.

  • Ep. 12: Happy Enough

    25/03/2019 Duración: 05min

    I’m coming at you today with a poem I wrote. It’s simply called Happy Enough, and I hope you enjoy being taken along for the ride. (It’s sweet and tender and makes me smile when I read it)

  • Ep. 11: Day Design For Work-From-Homers

    18/03/2019 Duración: 24min

    Sweet spuds, a fun little podcast for you this week. I know we all love a little behind-the-scenes action and I’ve received many a Q about how I structure my days as someone with a home-based business. Happy to chat with you a little about this today, of course leaving plenty of room for you to feel into how this may apply to you, whether you work from home or not I think it’s critical to imbue meaning into our days whenever we can. You may hear an idea or two that inspires you. Tune into this episode for: Day Design as the pursuit of creation and evolution rather than perfection Honouring and sculpting your day based on what feels the most natural to you How time-blocking and spacious scheduling allows me to feel more free that my ‘spontaneous, free-spirited’ identity ever did The fun way I align my work schedule with planetary energy (oh yes!)

  • Ep. 10: Q&A (Round 1)

    06/03/2019 Duración: 53min

    Instagram is a wonderful place. (Most of the time ;) We get the opportunity to art direct messages that are coming through with imagery. We get to stroke that aesthetic desire to create something beautiful. We get to market, sell and give away our soul’s work. And…. We get to interact with the QUESTION BOX! So, here we are. Every 10th episode, I’m going to honour you, your journey, where you’re at and what your curiosities are by bringing you a Q&A session! Round #1 is ready for your ears, now. Tune in as I answer the following questions: How do you get in touch with your spirituality and what does that look like? What are your favourite books on the Divine Feminine? How can I step up to be a leader, when all my life I’ve been a follower? How can I get comfortable with receiving more than ‘enough?’ (Truthbombs, here). How can I drown out the noise of my parent’s disapproval? How do you stay positive in spreading the light when people are mean / unsupportive? How did you heal yourself emotional

  • Ep. 9: The Treasure In My Notes App

    25/02/2019 Duración: 13min

    Friends, A few weeks ago I emailed you sharing that I found a beautiful note to myself that I wrote 12 months ago, buried in my laptop. On today’s podcast, I’m reading that note aloud to you. It contained a wisdom that I mistook for hope. As I read it today, I am still in awe of what’s within us, awaiting us to tap into it. Do listen in and create some time for yourself to dive into a powerful scripting exercise of your own.

  • Ep. 8: I Stand For Women's Autonomy

    18/02/2019 Duración: 32min

    Women's autonomy -- this is our focal point in this week’s podcast episode. These are two words that come in like a fast moving train. They demand attention, respect, space. These words want to be noticed for all that they stand for. They are certainly that why behind my why behind my why behind my why. I do not stand for women's autonomy because I have completely figured it out. I stand for women's autonomy because I believe that part of my incarnation is to really and truly be an example of what this looks like in its continual becoming. I think that it's part of my purpose here to continue to claim more and more of this for myself, so that I can be an example for whoever else out there needs to lean into that light as well in order to remember their own. This is a conversation that I’m so passionate about having, but I’m fully aware that it’s not always the easiest. I would be compassionate and sensitive enough to offer a trigger warning on this episode, which of course is delivered with care and love. I

  • Ep. 7: Rebelling With Light

    10/02/2019 Duración: 28min

    Gosh, it brings me so much joy to offer you this podcast today. It brings me joy and clarity and just so much eagerness. (I’m frothing on that word lately. Eagerness. It just feels so anticipatory and yummy and momentum-gifting, you know?) 12 months ago, when I was launching the debut round of Rebels of Light, I had the essence of it in my heart and felt the expansion of what was possible. So I did the best job I could do in communicating that essence; what I felt she could offer the women who chose to join our rebellion. The vocabulary didn’t come naturally but the feeling certainly did, and I’m so honoured and relieved that for 60+ women, it translated. This year, things are a little different. That essence is still alive and kicking and more enthusiastic than ever, but now, we have the proof of what this code looks and feels like once lived and breathed. This year, Rebels of Light inhabits my throat chakra (this is the best way I know how to explain it) with laser clarity, lightning speed and absolute

  • Ep. 6: Power, Metamorphosis, Beauty

    02/02/2019 Duración: 16min

    In today’s episode, we complete our journey through the world of 12 very powerful words. Power, Metamorphosis and Beauty -- what do they have to do with each other, how do they relate to one another, and how have we completely misunderstood their essences? Think about the ways that we as a society value ‘Power’ as a value or quality. ‘Beauty,’ too. The lenses that we have peered through when it comes to understanding these qualities are grossly patriarchal. It’s time to dissolve our current perception and become reacquainted with these values so that we may thrive, stunningly. Tune into this episode for: We live in a world of such falsified power, of such bravado, of such inflated ideas of power, power that is not truly power, but looks like it, power that is a lie on a soul level. Power that thinks its power because of control or greed. Exploring power instead as shakti, as momentum, as life-force, as a resource you have autonomy over Love requires us to be in ‘action’ in this world. Creation cannot

  • Ep. 5: Reverence and Play

    02/02/2019 Duración: 17min

    ‘You’re so deep.’ Ha. I hear this all the time. Sometimes I take it as a compliment and other times I feel its intention as a dig at ‘seriousness.’ All I can say is thank Goddess for Instagram stories. I feel it’s a way for me to give people a little sneak peek at the lightness and joy that pervades my days; something I wasn’t all too able to project before, because for me, writing is a place and space in which I drop ‘in’, not ‘up’. What so many don’t understand is that depth does not necessarily describe the sombre. Behaviours, thoughts and deeds can indeed be serious and shallow. I experience depth as a manifestation of reverence. As an experience of sensing the sacred in all. My thoughts often reflect that. So do my journal entries and of course, as I’m sure you’ve sensed, this podcast. But there’s a rebound-like-result to living this way, and it is glorious. Side effects include effervescent, innocent, giggly, wonderful joy that I don’t believe I would otherwise experience if my roots weren’t plante

  • Ep. 4: Sovereignty & Sensuality

    02/02/2019 Duración: 21min

    I’m excited to explore the interplay of these two states of being and soul qualities with you today: sovereignty and sensuality. I’d hazard a guess that few qualities would be as misunderstood or misinterpreted as these two. So often we think that sovereignty simply means ‘keeping people out’, but what my mentor, Hiro Boga, has taught me about it, is that it’s about being the Queen of my Kingdown - which is to say, my inner resources - so that I can be in right relationship with the entirety of life. This actually allows me to be, do and offer more to my communities and life itself. Sensuality - beyond lacy lingerie, seduction and dem hips - can we explore the creative essence innate in sensual energy? Can we explore all of life as a kaleidoscopic cacophony of subatomic particles in a perpetual state of love-making. (Woah. Too much?) Tune into this episode for: ‘Sovereignty is reflected in empowered behaviour.’ The role that sacred boundaries plays in your sovereignty The power for asking what you tru

  • Ep. 3: Curiosity & Attunement

    02/02/2019 Duración: 13min

    Think about a time in your life when you felt disconnected… Whether that’s to your relationships, to your creative flow, or even quite simply (and painfully)... life itself. Marred by confusion and stagnancy, disconnection has its own gnarly brand of momentum… collecting up more of itself second by second, creating density, heaviness, isolation. There are two words (and worlds) that will help lift you out of such a (grossly self-indulgent) fog, and they are: Curiosity & Attunement. We’re going to explore these two today, and how you can work powerfully with them so as to restore lightness, awe and creation in your life. Tune into this episode for: Curiosity: ‘It brings an innocent sense of questioning and a healthy regard for scepticism.’ How curiosity is inextricably linked to courage, and offers opportunities for discernment and childlike wonder. ‘Curiosity is ineffective if you are not paying attention to your desires.’ Attunement as a means of gleaning our own answers Sensitively connecting to

  • Ep. 2: Courage, Creation, and Collaborative Leadership

    02/02/2019 Duración: 26min

    We’re kicking off a series over the next few episodes in which we’re exploring words as worlds of their own -- (yum) -- and what better place to start than with the three worlds that act as the value systems and DNA of my life and businesses: courage, creation and collaborative leadership. This conversation is powerful and subtle and you may need to listen in twice, just so you can get a real feel for where we’re going over the next few episodes. If I may ask a favour, it would be to be in a state of receivership as you listen in… these aren’t sounds that will land powerfully on you if you’re overly distracted or on the hustle. Courage, creation and collaborative leadership are anchors that have given my purpose wings, and I can’t wait to introduce you to them in a deep and lovely way. Tune into this episode for: Everything touches everything. What business has to do with living and loving Embracing courage, rather than bracing for it How your willingness to be wrong and misunderstood and rejected crea

  • Ep. 1: What Matters To Me in 2019

    02/02/2019 Duración: 37min

    We all have our own process when a new year is upon us. Some of us set audacious resolutions that dissolve before the first week wraps. Some of us go all #nextlevel with our business goals. Others of us wriggle towards more feeling-state intentions. As 2018 wound up, I entered into a state of deep reflection for the epic year it was; full of Did all of that heartache and beauty really belong to just 12 short months?! And I metabolised that, 2019 started to settle into the foreground of my awareness, and I began to sense what would require my attention, intention, affection this year. Today, I’m lifting the lid on what matters to me in 2019… and the processes and conversations I have with myself that have helped to give me this clarity.

  • Ep. 0: Introducing 'Sounds Like Bliss'

    02/02/2019 Duración: 32min

    I’m launching my podcast, and this is special to me because it’s the very way I’ve been aching to communicate with you for an age, now. Get a feel for the places we’ll traverse, the tones we’ll explore, the depths we’ll dive into, and the highs at which we’ll soar. But wait, before you do that! I have something fun for you. I went live on (Instagram) when I recorded this episode in a response to some of your queries about ‘showing up when you’re afraid of being seen.’ The best way to demonstrate what courage looks like, is to demonstrate what courage looks like. My vision of recording this episode in a dark and quiet room all by myself dissolved when I tapped GO LIVE on my iPhone screen. Suddenly, I was introducing a podcast that didn’t even exist yet, in front of a live audience. I announced her name, her vibe and my voice was shaking the entire time. If you want to see the conversation (and the drama) that was wrapped around what ended up being a nicely edited podcast