Sounds Like Bliss

Ep. 10: Q&A (Round 1)



Instagram is a wonderful place. (Most of the time ;) We get the opportunity to art direct messages that are coming through with imagery. We get to stroke that aesthetic desire to create something beautiful. We get to market, sell and give away our soul’s work. And…. We get to interact with the QUESTION BOX! So, here we are. Every 10th episode, I’m going to honour you, your journey, where you’re at and what your curiosities are by bringing you a Q&A session! Round #1 is ready for your ears, now. Tune in as I answer the following questions: How do you get in touch with your spirituality and what does that look like? What are your favourite books on the Divine Feminine? How can I step up to be a leader, when all my life I’ve been a follower? How can I get comfortable with receiving more than ‘enough?’ (Truthbombs, here). How can I drown out the noise of my parent’s disapproval? How do you stay positive in spreading the light when people are mean / unsupportive? How did you heal yourself emotional