The Tao Of Skwealthacademy Podcast



A podcast that covers a wide range of topics about how to attain comprehensive happiness in life, including important conversations about how society defines education, success and happiness and whether or not we should embrace these definitions if we want to be happy (answer: we should not). We also discuss a wide variety of topics that affect the constructs of education, success and happiness including cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, critical thinking, sound money, academic obedience conditioning, the widespread adoption of anti-social media applications, and the importance of exercise and meditation.


  • Introduction to The Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast - The Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast


    Allow me to introduce the essence of The Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast. My podcast is focused on breaking out of the artificially engineered constructs of society designed to dumb us down, such as institutional academics, strict career paths, and chasing after fame and fortune. Please take a listen to this under 5-minute introduction and subscribe if you find it mysterious, curiosity-inducing and intriguing!

  • Why the Royal House of Saud and The New BRICS Alliance Will Be Gold Bullish in 2018: SKWA Podcast_004 - The Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast


    Today, in the Tao of SkWealthAcademy Podcast_004, I connect the dots among a mountain of seemingly disconnected events: the boycotts of the Beijing OBOR (One Belt One Road) conference last May, the current price suppression of gold and silver, the current price mania in Bitcoin, the purging of the Royal House of Saud in Saudi Arabia, the shifting BRICS alliance where Saudi Arabia may become the new "S" and Iran may become the new "I", the introduction of petroyuan and petroruble futures, and tentative new economic alliances between historical enemies like Saudi Arabia and Iran and its consequent impact upon current Middle Eastern wars in Syria and Yemen. Finally, I tie everything together regarding why these events are setting up gold and silver for a very bullish 2018 and a simultaneous fall in US stock markets, despite a current precious metals correction that has likely not yet seen its bottom and a current rise in US stock markets that has lasted all of 2017.