Get Fit With Jodelle

How to Fix Mitochondria w/ The Mito Man Randy Lee



Are you run down, tired, listless, do you poop out a parties? Okay done with the Lucy quotes but seriously I’m seeing more and more in my practice people chronically low on energy, fatigued out like crazy, and in general it seems like everyone’s health is really struggling. So think of it from a cellular health standpoint. If we are made of trillions of cells, and each one of those cells has a little engine it that may or may not be working, then it would stand to reason that we really need to tune up the engines in our cells so to speak. Enter Mitochondria, the little engines inside virtually every cell of your body. And to learn more about mitochondria, enhance our energy, and resist metabolic diseases that are plaguing many today, I’ve brought on someone who I consider a leading expert in mitochondria enhancing. After reading his new book, which has not even hit the market, but you are definitely going to want to have it on your shelf as a constant reference, I had to have Randy Lee Code, AKA The m