Get Fit With Jodelle

Dr SCOTT SHERR- Dosing Methylene Blue, & Hyperbaric Oxygen



If you have tried everything as a bio-hacker and mitochondriac and are still dealing with health issues perhaps this next episode will elevate your thinking to try a couple more solutions for issues that are long standing issues specifically when we are talking about an oxygen deficiency.... ....many of us nowadays are oxygen deficient for a variety of reasons and since we rely on oxygen vastly at the cellular level it’s imperative that we focus on the most effective ways to enhance our oxygen levels and so today’s guest will definitely breathe life into how we can do this. Dr Scott Sure is joining me to talk methylene blue and something called hyperbaric oxygen therapy and stay tuned you guys because even if you don’t have this sort of therapy to go to like myself, I don’t live in an area where there is this sort of therapy available, we are going to be talking about ways to even replicate hyperbaric oxygen yourself at home! Dr Scott Sherr is the director of Integrative Hyperbaric Medicine and Heath Opti