Restoring Human

29 - Austin Teel | Motivation, Fitness, and Chick-Fil-A



This week we interview one of the owners of 1031 Fitness in Bettendorf, Iowa, Austin Teel. Austin is a long time fitness enthusiast who now spends most of his days offering personal training in a one on one format, helping people define and realize their fitness goals. We talk about his story, how he has helped people find the motivation to accomplish their goals, and an experiment he is currently taking part in. I think you'll really enjoy this. If you're interested in the "Team Trimdown" we discussed at the end you can sign up at the link below or email Austin at Or slip into his DM. @ayyteel The Restoring Human Podcast is brought to you by Great River Family Chiropractic. Visit to receive a FREE chiropractic consultation.