Ace Weekly



Are you ready to become the ACE in your life? The current landscape of sales, entrepreneurship, and achievement is changing radically. The Ace Weekly podcast will teach you the skills, habits and the mentality that is needed to succeed today. Learn how to dominate your field, and find fulfillment in the process.


  • Building A $100M Company From Home: Entrepreneurship, Trading, Risk and More, with Founder Jeff Bishop - ACEWEEKLY068

    02/11/2020 Duración: 49min

    Have you ever thought about diving into the stock market but you don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re looking to add another stream of income? This week Andrew is joined by founder Jeff Bishop. Jeff is the founder of the fastest growing financial education platform in the world. He specializes in trading options with high upside potential.      Jeff Bishop shows you how he scaled his business to what will be the 9-figure mark all while working from home. Jeff covers what it was like to work from home before it was cool, practical keys on what it takes to scale your business, and the impact that the Trump vs Biden election will have on the market. You won’t want to miss this!     Connect with us: @andrewevansofficial @aceweeklypodcast     00:19- Intro 02:55- Introducing Jeff Bishop 06:00- How Jeff got into trading 08:30- Working from home before it was cool 15:00- The scalability of online business 17:50- How to take your business past the idea stage  20:00- Living debt-fre

  • WHO Changes EVERYTHING: Mastering Your Physiology and Persona, with Charles Schwartz - ACEWEEKLY067

    27/10/2020 Duración: 01h04s

    WHO changes everything...  As entrepreneurs & leaders, we are told lies about how, what, and why... WHO is really all that matters. Who you are when you’re negotiating a million dollar deal is very different than who you are on Sunday night with your family. Learning how to master your own physiology can change the game for how you operate in any situation.   Wealth hacking consultant, Wall Street Journal best selling author, and master of psychology & physiology Charles Schwartz joins the show this week. Charles talks about lessons he learned working in a hospice for wealthy people at a young age, and insights on common lies we are told in the success space.    Charles operates against the grain of the traditional “hustle culture” that dominates the success space today. He values freedom over status and uses insightful energy hacks to influence people’s psychology & physiology.   Tune in this week to understand a different perspective on leadership & entrepreneurship, along with some useful

  • Do You Know What It Means To Be Free? 5 Keys To Increasing Your Personal Freedom - ACEWEEKLY066

    14/10/2020 Duración: 52min

    Do you know what it means to be FREE? We live in a time of uncertainty... AND during this time, our FREEDOM has never been more at stake. All the time, people ask me how I have so much motivation, drive, and energy to get up and hustle day-in and day-out. The reality is that I am not motivated. I’m inspired knowing that I have the freedom to be able to put in that work. I might not be excited to work out every morning or take 50 back-to-back calls on some days, but I’m inspired to do it. I’m tapped in and connected to a bigger vision.  As long as you're living in FEAR you are not FREE. America is filled with slaves. We are slaves to our thoughts, desires, cell phones, social media, finances and quite frankly anything else we don't have control over in our lives. If you're not directing it... it's directing you. But what does it truly mean to be free? And what are the implications that this has on your own life? The answers to these questions and five things you can do right now to increase your personal fr

  • RELENTLESS Entrepreneurship with Sharon Vinderine - ACEWEEKLY064

    08/09/2020 Duración: 46min

    Some millennials DO NOT have what it takes to endure the roller coaster of entrepreneurship. Most people rotate from job to job never fully committing or applying themselves. Longevity is a trait of the past and a big inhibitor on the success of young people today.    Sharon Vinderine, founder of Parent Tested Parent Approved, joins the podcast this week to share some wisdom for young entrepreneurs. She EMBODIES the relentless nature to be able to endure the emotional highs and lows (mostly lows) of business. If you aren’t willing to put yourself through the ringer, the relentless world of entrepreneurship may not be for you.    Sharon shows what it takes to build a business from scratch, and push through the realm of instant gratification that holds society back today. Her story will both inspire you and make you grateful for how much easier it is to get a business going now vs  10-15 years ago.   If you have any aspirations for leadership, business, or entrepreneurship, you CANNOT AFFORD to miss this week’s

  • Money Moves During The Pandemic with Robert Gonzalez - ACEWEEKLY063

    24/08/2020 Duración: 59min

    Most young businesses & entrepreneurs have NO CLUE how their finances really work.   How do young entrepreneurs take their business to the next level financially? Money within a business grows exponentially rather than linearly. This means that the principles of finance & cash flow change depending on the stage of your life or business!   Robert Gonzalez has been growing people professionally, personally, and especially financially for over 15 years. As he was introduced into the sales world and running a small business, he quickly became responsible for for the PROFITABILITY of the business outside of the day to day operations. Too many entrepreneurs wait way too long to figure out both their personal & business finances. Robert began taking what he learned and applied it to what lead to a financial consulting career. He has 10Xed million dollar startups in as little as 2 years with the financial principles he teaches.    This interview is PACKED with practical knowledge whether you’re a student

  • WHO ARE YOU? (And How To Find Out) - ACEWEEKLY062

    27/07/2020 Duración: 44min

    WHO ARE YOU? Who are you really? What does it take to really figure out who you are? Connecting with your soul, the true essence of you, requires willingly undergoing adversity. It takes pushing yourself to the point of wanting to quit, but burning the boats and finding a way to power through.    Many people have experienced or will experience what it means to truly PUSH themselves while they're going after a massive goal that they have set out for themselves. But it’s not about hitting the goal. It’s about connecting with who you really are, becoming someone that is extraordinary, and making a habit of breaking past the physical and mental barriers that hold us back. Most people never actually go 100%. It’s impossible to go 100% all the time. Pushes are designed to be short bursts of going past what you thought was your version of going 100%.   This week, Andrew and Luke discuss how you can use “push periods” to break through in any area of your life, and how you can start the journey of really figuring out

  • Focus on WHAT YOU WANT with Jeremy Neves - ACEWEEKLY061

    20/07/2020 Duración: 01h03min

    FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT! Most people are so focused on what they don’t want. It clouds their actions and appreciation for the process.   This week’s guest on ACE WEEKLY is proven in the realm of sales, business, and philanthropy. Jeremy Neves is a founder, investor, & consultant who is known for taking entrepreneurs to the next level in their lives & business. Not only is he highly successful in the business arena at the young age of 33, but he also is a part of an undercover team responsible for saving the victims of human trafficking.   Get ready to take notes! This interview is filled with value for young people getting started in sales or entrepreneurship, lessons on scaling businesses to hundreds of employees, and inspiration for those looking to make a difference in the world. Jeremy’s track record as an entrepreneur, father, man of faith, and humanitarian speaks for itself.    This is an episode you DO NOT want to miss! This episode is filled with inspiring lessons, hilarious Lamborghini stories

  • The TRUTH About Self-Made Success with Andrew Evans - ACEWEEKLY060

    06/07/2020 Duración: 19min

    What does it mean to be a “self-made” success? And why does this matter? Great leaders ask great questions of themselves. To be successful, you need the humility to get the help that you need. All successful leaders take advantage of the moments that matter and they attract the help they need to get where they want to go. Who do you need to become in order to take advantage of these moments?   This week, Andrew lays out some great questions that every leader needs to ask themselves. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself. Tune in this week for a gut-check on becoming the leader you need to be to achieve success.   Follow us on social @andrewevansofficial @aceweeklypodcast   00:19- Intro 05:00- Don’t listen to the guy with the Lamborghini  10:00- There’s no suck thing as “self-made” 14:00- The value of leadership & influence  16:00- Questions to ask yourself 

  • Start From Zero: Build Your Own Business and Experience True Freedom, with Dane Maxwell - ACEWEEKLY059

    29/06/2020 Duración: 58min

    What does it mean to operate from the standpoint of unconditional joy? Everyone is consumed by their own concept of identity, and it weighs everybody down. Dane Maxwell believes the next frontier of human cognition comes from operating with unconditional joy. He talks about the importance of your identity as a leader & entrepreneur.    It would be easy to list Dane Maxwell’s accolades as a serial entrepreneur, but this episode exposes him as someone who just does what makes him happy. For him, that stems from scaling businesses that help people. Dane discusses his book, Start From Zero which lays the groundwork for any profitable business. He’s taken multiple companies from zero to seven figures within a couple years. Andrew & Dane have a profound discussion on the common personality traits of successful entrepreneurs, as well as the ability to change ones personality & identity to achieve long-term success.     Connect with us on social @andrewevansofficial   Dane Maxwell  

  • Behind The Content CEO: Turning Your Passion Into A Business, With Roger Rojas - ACEWEEKLY058

    22/06/2020 Duración: 01h04min

    30 UNDER 30: How do you turn your passion into a business that helps others? Roger Rojas is known as the content CEO. He’s the influencer behind the influencers who has worked with the likes of Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes, Grant Cardone, and countless startups, celebrities, and CEOs. Over the past 4 years, he has turned his content creation business into an empire that helps others capture moments that last a lifetime.    Roger’s commitment to helping others is inspiring. The passion that goes into his work serves as an example for young entrepreneurs in any field. This week Andrew interviews Roger about the principles of success that helped him get where he is today. He serves as a great illustration on how regardless of your circumstances, hard work and resourcefulness go along way.    Follow us on social @andrewevansofficial @rogermrojas     00:19- Intro 03:00- Introducing Roger Rojas 05:00- Getting started with content creation 13:00- Proactively finding your path 16:00- Finding your passion 21:00- Und

  • The Secret to Hiring Top Talent with David Lee Jensen - ACEWEEKLY057

    15/06/2020 Duración: 56min

    89% of full-time workers spend more time at work than at home, and WHO you are surrounded by is arguably the most influential aspect of your life. Whether you are the one hiring or you’re the one getting hired, the process of finding the right people is critical for leaders and entrepreneurs. This has only become even more important as the world is ravaged by coronavirus & chaos. We are entering a time where more entrepreneurs will cross the millionaire threshold than ever, and partnering with the right people is paramount.   Hiring expert & entrepreneur David Lee Jensen joins the podcast this week. David is a 2-time best selling offer, fortune 50 speaker, and CEO committed to impacting the world through entrepreneurship. Whether you are a recent college graduate trying to get hired out of college, or a business owner looking to hire the right person to your team, David provides the blueprint for surrounding yourself with the right people for your business & your life. The people you choose change

  • Virtual Work, Viral News, & Vast Hysteria - ACEWEEKLY056

    08/06/2020 Duración: 45min

    It seems like everything in the world right now is uncertain. Will the virus come again? Will the protesting stop? The world isn’t going back to 'normal' and time soon and many are stuck figuring out what is here to stay and what is only a "phase."  Companies and individuals are starting to feel the pros and cons of working from home, and regardless of what people think it is inevitably in line to become the norm. Just like any other innovation, working from home used to be considered an anomaly, but it’s becoming more and more of a viable option for most employees & entrepreneurs.    What systems need to be in place to stay productive in a work-from-home environment? What will it take to get ahead of the game in this new innovative work environment? Carlos joins Luke and Andrew this week to discuss what you need to do to adapt to the new normal. The rules of success haven’t changed. The game is still the same, but they’re being utilized differently. Tune in this week to learn how to thrive in the new mod

  • UNDER 30: $20M E-Commerce Startup Before The Age of 24, with Kevin Zhang - ACEWEEKLY055

    25/05/2020 Duración: 01h03min

    Kevin Zhang is a serial Ecommerce entrepreneur, CEO of Kreator eCommerce, and the youngest member of the Forbes business council. At 23 years old, Kevin generated $20 Million in sales as a first-year entrepreneur. He dove into the entrepreneurial world after rejecting highly acclaimed “stable” positions at places like McKinsey & Company against his parents wishes.   Kevin is an expert on what it takes to achieve success. He’s someone who took the road less traveled, willingly enduring risk against the advice of those around him, and it paid off big time.    On this week’s episode, Kevin shares his story on what molded him into the entrepreneur he is today, turning uncertainty into confidence, how to evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities, and what to look out for as new entrepreneurs dive into the space.   Learn how to start using platforms like Shopify, Aliexpress, and Facebook to start building your brand and a business that can operate both virtually and passively.   Connect with us on social!   @andre

  • The New Normal - ACEWEEKLY054

    18/05/2020 Duración: 56min

    THE NEW NORMAL: Are you waiting for things to go back to normal? So many people are waiting to fix their routines, waiting to get in shape, or waiting to make the big move in their business when things “go back to normal." But the way things are lining up, it looks like things won’t really be going back to ‘normal.' The new normal is that there is no normal anymore. Our society is changing at an exponential rate.    It’s easy to look at Covid-19 and recognize that it is the craziest thing to happen in our lifetimes. But if you’re waiting for things to go back to normal, you’ll be waiting forever. With the impact of growing technology, media propaganda, and society at a halt, any sense of normalcy is in the past. The next 5-10 year window will likely shape human history. Andrew & Luke discuss leadership principles, corona, microchips, bill gates, and much more on this week's episode.   @andrewevansofficial @aceweeklypodcast @lukemiseyko   00:19- Intro 04:00- Survival vs Self-actualization 10:00- Mainstre

  • Chaos Control: Leadership Challenged By Coronavirus - ACEWEEKLY053

    20/04/2020 Duración: 48min

    CHAOS CONTROL Coronavirus and its quarantining has spun the world into chaos. The economy, entire industries, and even people's family lives are being forced through major shifts. Chaos brings out everybody’s true colors, and the way leaders respond during these times produces a ripple effect throughout society.   This week we are joined by special guest Carlos Cordero, as we take a less structured approach to the podcast & have an open discussion about how leaders respond during these chaotic times. We discuss how industries are changing and how this unorthodox version of society is amplifying people’s true selves. There’s never been a time where discipline, intelligence, and habits have been more important to get ahead.    Most people are hibernating... will you come out watching those that put in the work? Or will you be proud of the work you’ve done and come out stronger on the other side?   Connect with us on social! Andrew C. Evans - @andrewevansofficial Luke Miseyko - @lukemiseyko Carlos Cordero -

  • Changing Lives Podcast feat. Andrew C. Evans - ACEWEEKLY052

    13/04/2020 Duración: 56min

    CHANGING LIVES: What skill does someone in business need now more than ever with the coming of COVID-19? The ability to adapt will be what separates the businesses that come out strongest after the coronavirus pandemic.    This week on ACE Weekly, we are featuring Andrew’s interview on the Changing Lives Selling Knives podcast. The roles are reversed and Andrew is interviewed by Dan Casetta about his upbringing in his sales, the lessons he learned along the way, and the role long-term vision amidst uncertainty. Then Andrew dives into the critical importance of the adaptation & innovation game that gets businesses and leaders ahead in these times.    Follow us on social! Andrew C. Evans: @andrewevansofficial Ace Weekly Podcast: @aceweeklypodcast   03:00- Andrews upbringing in sales & lessons learned along the way   19:00- Traits & characteristics that lead to success   23:00- The role of long-term vison   29:00- Adaptability & the innovation game   42:00- Skillset, capital, and relationships 

  • The Silent War - ACEWEEKLY051

    06/04/2020 Duración: 56min

    We are currently living in the most chaotic period of our lifetime. Generations to come will read about this in their history books. People can’t leave their home, the economy has screeched to a half, and millions of Americans have lost their jobs. What is really causing all of the chaos though and where do we all fall into this?   Coronavirus didn’t empty the shelves. Coronavirus didn’t halt the economy. Why are things the way that they are? The media has been promoting chaos for months now. The public perception of the pandemic is driving the country insane. This week, Andrew & Luke discuss our current state of affairs with the virus, the lies told by the media, and the fallout from fear & pandemonium.   Follow us on social: Andrew C Evans - @andrewevansofficial Luke Miseyko - @lukemiseyko Ace Weekly - @aceweeklypodcast   00:19- Intro 03:30- Luke is back 06:30- Bill Gates microchip foundation 08:00- The future of humans & artificial intelligence 13:30- Talking success in a dark world 18:00- How

  • The Transparency Wave: Finances, Coronavirus, Leadership and More, with Paul Pagnato - ACEWEEKLY050

    23/03/2020 Duración: 51min

    TRANSPARENCY CHANGES EVERYTHING: In the current climate of fear and uncertainty with the Coronavirus pandemic taking the world by storm, transparency is more important than ever. People are sick & tired with the lack of transparency & trust in our society. This week, Paul Pagnato joins the show to talk about the new “Wave of Transparency” rolling over our culture today.    Paul Pagnato is the CEO of PagnatoKarp, a wealth management firm with almost $5 Billion in assets. He’s been ranked as a top financial advisor by Forbes, Barrons, and other top authorities in the financial industry. He’s had extensive experience working for Merrill Lynch, and has even worked with NASA as a microbiologist searching for extra-terrestrial life. He’s an author & speaker who has worked with top universities & corporations sharing his expertise and impacting as many lives as possible.    Paul talks about the role of transparency in our society, the value of mentorship, and the differentiator of high performers. He

  • Mind Money Health & Honey, with The REAL Brad Lea - ACEWEEKLY049

    16/03/2020 Duración: 57min

    The REAL Brad Lea: "Success is not complicated. You really just have to be real with yourself. Once you have that self-awareness, everything comes down to skillset, mindset, and habits." Brad Lea joins ACE Weekly to talk about the simplicity of success, and the lessons he’s learned the hard way through decades of experience.    Brad Lea is the founder & CEO of LightSpeed VT, as well as one of the leading influencers in the sales & entrepreneurship space. He is the leading authority on sales development & web-based training with his interactive platform that’s used by leading sales professionals worldwide, such as Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, and Zig Ziglar.    Brad is authentic, funny, and real with his approach on the world. Tune in this week to hear from one of the heavy hitters in the sales & entrepreneurship arena!   Pre-order Brad Lea’s new book: Lessons I Learned The Hard Way So You Don’t Have To   Connect with us on social! Andrew Evans: @

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