Ace Weekly

Virtual Work, Viral News, & Vast Hysteria - ACEWEEKLY056



It seems like everything in the world right now is uncertain. Will the virus come again? Will the protesting stop? The world isn’t going back to 'normal' and time soon and many are stuck figuring out what is here to stay and what is only a "phase."  Companies and individuals are starting to feel the pros and cons of working from home, and regardless of what people think it is inevitably in line to become the norm. Just like any other innovation, working from home used to be considered an anomaly, but it’s becoming more and more of a viable option for most employees & entrepreneurs.    What systems need to be in place to stay productive in a work-from-home environment? What will it take to get ahead of the game in this new innovative work environment? Carlos joins Luke and Andrew this week to discuss what you need to do to adapt to the new normal. The rules of success haven’t changed. The game is still the same, but they’re being utilized differently. Tune in this week to learn how to thrive in the new mod