Ace Weekly

UNDER 30: $20M E-Commerce Startup Before The Age of 24, with Kevin Zhang - ACEWEEKLY055



Kevin Zhang is a serial Ecommerce entrepreneur, CEO of Kreator eCommerce, and the youngest member of the Forbes business council. At 23 years old, Kevin generated $20 Million in sales as a first-year entrepreneur. He dove into the entrepreneurial world after rejecting highly acclaimed “stable” positions at places like McKinsey & Company against his parents wishes.   Kevin is an expert on what it takes to achieve success. He’s someone who took the road less traveled, willingly enduring risk against the advice of those around him, and it paid off big time.    On this week’s episode, Kevin shares his story on what molded him into the entrepreneur he is today, turning uncertainty into confidence, how to evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities, and what to look out for as new entrepreneurs dive into the space.   Learn how to start using platforms like Shopify, Aliexpress, and Facebook to start building your brand and a business that can operate both virtually and passively.   Connect with us on social!   @andre