Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 113:26:25
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Cristy CodeRed Nickel, author of The Code Red Revolution, is a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete.In this podcast, I am going to share everything I've learned over the past 25 years in the health and fitness industry. I'm going to leverage my experiences as a professional boxer, NPC Figure competitor, MTV MADE Coach and celebrity trainer to share only the best and most effective tactics to ensure you achieve all your health and lifestyle goals in record time.Be sure to check the website to learn more about how you can join the Code Red


  • Addressing your frustrations about Code Red

    22/03/2023 Duración: 37min

    Real food, water, and sleep. How can you refute that?? Beats me, but some people look for reasons to try. And in these days of "outrage culture," people are so easily offended that they’ll walk away from something that’s working because of ONE little thing they don't agree with or that sets them off. That's why, in this episode of the Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle podcast, I'm addressing the most common frustrations people have about Code Red. I'll name each one, address each one, and tackle them head on. Check it out to hear if I address something you've been frustrated with. (If I mention something your friends, family, or co-workers are frustrated with when it comes to Code Red, share this episode with them!) ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click Below to join the chall

  • Sitting in the CONVENIENCE

    15/03/2023 Duración: 32min

    A kind of "silent killer" was revealed to me that quietly stalks our relationships and interactions. You can sit beside it, or even "on its lap," and NEVER even realize it is there, consuming your peace and controlling your life. I recognized this monster after a loved one who’d been in an abusive relationship said to me, “I was sitting in the convenience.” Not only that, this person was STAYING in the convenience. “But how can you stay or sit in convenience?” I wondered. THEN I realized what it meant. Sitting or staying in convenience is staying somewhere longer than you should, or putting up with more than you should... Not because it's the best thing for you, but because leaving or changing seems scarier and harder than staying (or staying the same). I can totally testify to that. I was in a domestic violence situation in my late teens. Though I got out of it pretty quickly compared to some, what kept me from telling anyone or getting out sooner was this: I was EMBARRASSED at what people would say. Plus, I


    08/03/2023 Duración: 32min

    One of my Rebels shared that when she travels and spends the night someplace, she has a lot of extra stuff to carry with her, like a travel food scale, a travel bathroom scale, water bottles, pre-measured food, Code Red supplements, Redmond Real Salt, HydraCharge…and many other “extras” most people don’t pack. And that doesn’t include her skin care products, or the headphones she uses to listen to Code Red podcasts or VIP Connection messages. Women, especially, have a really hard time with being seen as "extra," because they're worried about putting other people out to take care of their own needs. Some are terrified to even speak up about what they want because they're afraid they'll leave a bad impression and get criticized (to their face, behind their back, or both). Cari and I have both seen Rebels sabotage their weight loss because they're SO terrified to be, have, or ask for anything "extra." That’s why, in this week’s podcast, we’re breaking down why it's okay to be extra, especially when it helps you

  • What Makes You So Special?

    01/03/2023 Duración: 33min

    After one of my VIP clients wrote to me recently and said “I didn’t do this” and “I didn’t do that,” with “this and that” being all the Code Red rules I have in place for a reason, I remember thinking this: “What makes YOU so special that you think you’re outside the rules?” Look, we've ALL thought we were outside the rules at some point. Maybe it’s because of your work schedule. Or that you have kids. Or that you're taking care of an elderly parent. The thing is, the rules to consistent weight loss are the rules to consistent weight loss, and they don't bend for any of the reasons you think you "can't" follow them... Because ain't nobody getting out of the rules. Not me. Not Cari. Not our dad, Larry, or our mom, Carole. Not even Oprah, Barack Obama, or Donald Trump get out of the rules, because it doesn't matter who you are. When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, it's 100% of the rules 100% of the time if you want 100% of the results. So yeah, you can continue to think you're outside the rules...


    22/02/2023 Duración: 38min

    What are cravings and why do we get them? Are they ALL in your head, or is there science behind them? And probably the most important question of all when it comes to cravings... When you're at the grocery store reaching for Keebler Elf Cookies or Double Stuffed Oreos because you "crave" them, what can you do about it? When you know the real reasons your cravings happen, you can stop beating yourself up for having them, and instead handle them in an empowering way. We all get upset at our bodies for reminding us of old habits we're trying to shake. Instead of hating your body for craving or remembering, check out this week’s podcast to hear why your brain resorts to cravings; and get tips and tricks to help you deal with them. ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click Below to joi


    15/02/2023 Duración: 28min

    A while back, my sister, Cari, posted something slightly political on her Facebook news feed, mainly because it was a play on words to do with her husband's name, and she thought it was funny. Someone read it, got upset and messaged me to say, “Cristy, I’m done with Code Red!” Cari's post had nothing to do with Code Red, or even weight loss. Yet because she happens to be my sister, they decided to have a mad fit over it, unfollow ME, and abandon their Code Red journey. This person's behavior reminded me how, as a society, we've gotten SO touchy. Heaven forbid you tell the truth about something uncomfortable, like the FACT that obesity is NOT healthy. What has the world come to when doctors can't even warn you about the health risks associated with obesity because someone's gonna get offended? What's next? They can't talk to you about diabetes, cancer, or fibromyalgia, because someone who can't handle the truth decides it's "prejudiced" somehow to talk about diseases? Cancel culture is out of control. And the


    08/02/2023 Duración: 41min

    The old wives tale that says “a moment on the lips, forever on the hips” is more than a tale for people who cheat JUST ONCE on Code Red. When cheating is on your mind, your brain thinks, “This ain’t no big deal. It’s just a little bit.” The consequences may not even cross your mind... At least, until you find yourself struggling to reverse them. Years ago, when Code Red was REALLY new, I used to let my clients have one cheat a week. But I got so frustrated seeing them regain all the weight they lost that I removed cheats from weight loss mode. One cheat sets you back a week, and ain't nobody got time (or willpower) for that. To find out exactly why and how one cheat sets you back a week (including some numbers that really bring it home), tune into this week's new podcast episode. If you're thinking of cheating, or already ARE cheating, this podcast may be exactly what you need to get (or stay) on track. Listen to this week's new episode in the Code Red network, in your favorite podcast app, or on YouTube! ---


    01/02/2023 Duración: 32min

    In summer of 2022 I decided to make a comeback into competitive bodybuilding. It's been 20 years since I last competed. So WHY, at age 46, would I choose this for myself? Because I like doing what society says I can’t do "at my age." I also felt like I needed to prove to myself that I COULD do it. See, I wasn't happy with myself. I wasn't doing the best I could. I wasn't living up to my potential, and I knew it. A friend got me in touch with a trainer who specializes in getting people competition ready, and I got to work. (I even decided to create a documentary from my journey, and it's set to come out later this year on Netflix!) Losing more weight HAS to be a part of getting competition ready, and I've lost 20 pounds since I started. And to my surprise, I discovered five "non-scale victories" I wasn't expecting to experience. To hear what they are, tune into this week's podcast episode. See if you relate to any of them. Hear what you might get to experience when you get your weight under control. If you're


    25/01/2023 Duración: 36min

    The human brain is pretty fascinating. It's wired to both be wary of new things, and yet be excited by them. The human mind also loves to improve things in order to save us time and energy, and give us a survival advantage. The problem is that sometimes our desire for the dopamine hit we get from "new and exciting" causes us to lose touch with what's actually working... And in a lot of cases, overcomplicate the crap out of something that isn't complicated. I mean, how much simpler can it be than real food, water, and sleep? Here's an example of what I mean. A former Rebel who left the community posted pictures on social networks of what she was eating.There were many "foods" that we on Code Red call workarounds, like "keto bread," "keto cupcakes," and "keto snacks." After only three months, this lady gained back a lot of the weight she'd lost on Code Red. After another three months, she'd gained back all of it or more... Not because the program doesn't work, but because she stopped following it. She lost sigh


    18/01/2023 Duración: 36min

    This week marks episode 200 of the Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle podcast. To celebrate, Cari and I are sharing the top 10 things we've learned from doing these podcasts...including what we've learned about YOU, our audience. This will be a fun one! Some hints about what's waiting for you in this episode: Why people LOVE it when we share how much we struggle Cari's counterintuitive lesson about the role makeup and wardrobe play in podcasting Why the Code Red Lifestyle™ itself is so easy to tune into Why even Code Red haters are listening to this podcast Plus MORE Tune in for this light-hearted episode and see if you agree with our lessons and takeaways from doing 200 episodes of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle. Listen to this week's new episode in the Code Red network, in your favorite podcast app, or on YouTube! ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, nex


    11/01/2023 Duración: 30min

    Over the past 28 years of being in this industry, I’ve heard people say pretty stupid things to people on a weight loss journey.   It's frustrating for me, my Rebels, and my Coaches to both hear people say this stuff to you, and to see it bother you as much as it does. Something that REALLY helps is to just expect that someone, at some point, will say some, most, or even ALL of these 10 things. Even people who care about you and support you may still say them! In this week's new podcast episode, I'm gonna break down these 10 stupid things people say, so you can be prepared for them, instead of caught off guard and second-guessing your decision to get the weight off for good. You’re not alone in facing these stupid comments and questions, so don’t face them alone.  Instead, tune into this week’s podcast episode to hear all 10 things, count how many of them you've heard over the years, and learn why people say this stuff to you. Listen to this week's new episode in the Code Red network, in your favorite podcast


    04/01/2023 Duración: 27min

    If you've ever wondered how to find a health care provider who will support your Code Red Lifestyle™, this is the podcast for you. My sister, Cari, has a master’s degree in nursing education and has taught at nursing school. She's also worked as a nurse for decades. All that means she's been around a lot of primary care providers. Some she liked working with, and some she didn't, because some acted like dictators instead of doctors. Look, your doctor isn't your dictator. Your doctor is a partner in your health journey. If they're not acting like it, that's a red flag. Plus, though I’m a big believer in the medical establishment for many reasons, weight loss is not one of them!  The majority of health care providers today are overweight and metabolically sick. When an overweight, sick physician tells YOU how to lose weight, while also questioning and criticizing your lifestyle of real food, water, and sleep, again, it's probably time for a different primary care provider. Tune into this week’s podcast to hear

  • How to Stay on Track While You're Sick

    28/12/2022 Duración: 31min

    A question I get a lot is how to stay on track with Code Red while you're sick. People who live the Code Red Lifestyle™ get sick a LOT less, because we eat and live in a way that manages inflammation. More inflammation = more illness in general. Still, getting sick can happen even as a Rebel, and it's important to know how to manage being sick without going off the rails. The mainstream "remedies" people turn to when they're sick feed inflammation, which, like I said, makes sickness worse. In this week's new podcast episode, Cari and I are deep diving into how you can handle being sick on Code Red without making your cold or flu last even longer, or derailing your weight loss and gaining 10+ pounds that you'll have to turn around and lose again. We'll also talk about what you can do to avoid getting sick in the first place. Tune in and get all our tips and tricks on preventing colds and flus, and getting over them more quickly (without derailing your weight loss) if you do catch one. Listen to this week's new

  • The Battle Doesn't End

    21/12/2022 Duración: 30min

    Everyone who's losing weight wonders, at some point, what life after weight loss is like. Maybe you expect it to be easy. (Or hope it will be.) Maybe you're terrified of it because it's alien territory. Maybe you're hoping not to struggle. In this week's podcast, Cari and I are shining a light on the mystery of life after weight loss as it relates to whether or not you'll struggle. Because the truth is, at some point, you probably will. And we don't want you to feel like there's something wrong with you when you do. The problem with presenting a "perfect" face about this kind of thing is that people end up feeling inferior and broken because they assume it's "easy for everyone but me." That is 100% NOT true. Everyone struggles at some point. Tune into this week’s podcast to learn how your expectation that it will get “easy later” might sabotage your journey; and to hear how you can use your mind to keep winning the battle for a healthy body. Listen to this week's new episode in the Code Red network, in your f

  • Our Personal Survival Holiday Tips

    14/12/2022 Duración: 33min

    Christmas is my favorite time of year. I put up Christmas decorations earlier than almost anyone I know. I love the presents, the trees, the snow, the music, the lights, and the birth of Jesus. Why I don't love is how much attention FOOD gets. No, I'm not against having food during holiday celebrations. But look at the state of our country's health, and it's clear that we emphasize food way more than is good for us. Instead of thriving during the holidays, we're often just trying to survive them. And that can feel even more true when you're on a weight loss journey. What do you do if people drop sweets off at the office to thank you for all the great work you do? How do you respond without feeling rude? Or how about if you get invited to a friend’s Christmas party, and there's an entire table full of off-plan food? What then? In this week's new podcast, Cari and I are gonna help you with these situations and more, by sharing what we personally do to survive the holidays. See, even though we’ve been in mainten


    07/12/2022 Duración: 34min

    In the Bible is a story about three men who were told to bow to the king of Babylon, or face certain death. This king, Nebuchadnezzar, was so desperate to be worshipped that he not only made people bow to him and his image, but anyone who refused was thrown, ALIVE, into a fiery furnace.  Even knowing what would happen, three men named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, refused to bow to Nebuchadnezzar. (What's more, they were the ONLY people who wouldn't. Everyone else caved in.) When asked why they refused to bow, these three guys said they didn’t have to because their God would deliver them from anything. (Which, if you've read the story, you know God did.) They took a LEAP of FAITH. They stuck to their guns because they knew they were making the right choice, even though everyone around them probably thought they were crazy. Do you sometimes feel like you’re being tested? Maybe you wonder if you should just throw in the towel and bow down to the diet industry, to a pill for every ill, and to sacrificing good

  • Code Red vs. Keto

    30/11/2022 Duración: 30min

    A LOT of people ask me about the difference between Code Red and keto. "It sounds like keto without cheese and peanut butter!" is a remark I get sometimes. Code Red and keto have some similarities - both are a high-fat, low-carb way of eating, for example - but the differences go beyond cheese and peanut butter. To hear these differences for yourself - and understand how to explain them to Code Red skeptics in your life who dismiss Code Red and keto as the same thing - check out this week's new podcast episode. You'll not only discover the differences between Code Red and keto, you'll also hear why Code Red Rebels succeed where keto fails, and why you can trust Code Red over keto. Catch this week's episode in the Code Red network; in your favorite podcast app; or watch it on YouTube! ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills,


    23/11/2022 Duración: 26min

    On the Code Red Lifestyle™, we follow 10 non-negotiable rules to help us consistently lose weight. People who aren't ready to be successful try and argue with me about these rules, as if I randomly pulled them out of my makeup bag, or made them up just for kicks. They're in place because, after being in the health and fitness industry for over 28 years, and coaching people in Code Red weight loss for over 10 years, I've seen what works and what doesn't. These rules come from my personal experience coaching tens of thousands of people on how to lose weight. The Code Red rules to consistent weight loss are what they are for ONE reason... To get your weight off as quickly AND safely as possible. (Same with the Code Red foods list, which I talked about in a previous podcast episode.) Ain't nobody wanna lose weight forever, and odds are that if you're reading this, you've spent decades trying to lose weight and keep it off. Tune into this week's new episode of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle to hear about the 10


    16/11/2022 Duración: 44min

    One reason hundreds of thousands of people have lost weight on Code Red is because they've followed the rules. The Code Red Rules are in place to protect you from the bull crap we're taught about what we should eat, and how often we should eat. We do NOT eat all day long on Code Red, and there are scientific reasons for why that is - reasons Cari and I are breaking down for you in this week's new podcast episode. It's the latest installment in our Back to Basics series. If you've been told that you should eat every two hours, or have three meals and two snacks a day to "keep up your metabolism," don't miss this week's podcast, because yes, how often you eat matters... But if you're new to Code Red, it's probably not in the way you think. We're also talking about WHAT we eat on Code Red, because that matters just as much as how often you eat! You can watch or listen to to this week's new episode in the Code Red network; in your favorite podcast app; or on YouTube!   Code Red Olive Oil - http://www.coderedolive

  • What Will Your Legacy Be

    09/11/2022 Duración: 24min

    After my sister, Cari, saw someone die in the ER recently, she said to me, “It’s shocking that something SO devastating can happen, and yet the world just keeps on turning.” And she's right. People die every day, yet the world keeps going. Hearing Cari talk about this got me thinking about what my legacy will be. Will it be a headline that says, “Cristy 'Code Red' Nickel killed in car crash on Highway 55," and then that's it? Will it be something to do with my bestselling book, The Code Red Revolution, and how it's helped hundreds of thousands of people take their lives back? Something to do with my boxing career? And how about you? Have you thought about what YOUR legacy will be? If your family has a history of poor health, could the example YOU set by living the Code Red Lifestyle™ be passed on and affect the health and hopes of future generations? Or maybe you'll be the member of your family who breaks the generational cycle of poverty, or even abuse, and leaves your family (including future generations) b

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