Inspiring You With Henri Hebert



Welcome to the Inspiring You Show where we talk about tips and tools for healing, share transformational stories and offer Energy Healing Meditations!


  • EP 20: Aquarius Full Moon Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    23/07/2021 Duración: 58min

    #20 | July 22, 2021 Aquarius Full Moon Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation  Just a reminder that powerful portal is opening for the three or so days around the July 23rd Full Moon.   Many cultures consider this to be one of the most auspicious Full Moons of the year for recommitting to the path of awakening, and the journey of enlightenment.  Doors are opening for you...Take advantage of them! The key is to clear your mind, become still, and enter within! Reconnect with your inner guidance, and brilliant inner light.  To support, here is an Aquarius Full Moon Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation Dive in to experience the magic for yourself here.  I want you to come here to Inspiring You and have the freedom to express where you are at, what you are in need of, hope for and open to learn about new tools and try some well-tested ones. Even in the most uncomfortable situations, there is a divine opportunity for personal growth for it is all happening for you and through you,

  • EP 19: Releasing from Toxic Positivity & Raising Vibration

    22/07/2021 Duración: 59min

    We all have a vibration or life force energy that runs through our entire body. It is this vibration that determines our overall energy, aura and the type of experiences, people and events that we attract into our lives. Our vibration is always changing depending on our mood and the overall quality of life that we are experiencing. These daily fluctuations are normal and are unlikely to have an impact unless our vibration drops for an extended period of time. You probably already know that the key to whole health is raising your vibrations, but did you know that different emotions have different vibrational frequencies? When you embody a higher emotion, your vibrations will rise: if it is a lower emotion, and they will fall. Which emotions you embody have a significant effect on your life. Today we are going to talk about toxic positivity and how it can be a roadblock to raising your vibration. What is Toxic Positivity? We define toxic positivity as the excessive and ineffective overgeneralization of a h

  • EP 18: Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation with Mudras

    13/07/2021 Duración: 34min

    #18 | July 12, 2021 This is a Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation utilizing different Mudras.   A Mindfulness and Reiki Energy Healing meditation practice can support the intention of awakening self-awareness and allowing the embodiment of your Light in physical form to allow the authentic self to be integrated into the human experience more fully for highest good.   We like to layer tools to support the most efficient clearing, healing and to elevate consciousness with ease and grace for highest good. So, this meditation includes using mudras!   According to Ayurvedic medicine (Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems developed more than 3,000 years ago in India), practicing mudras can balance the body’s subtle energy centers, creating access to higher states of meditation and overall well-being.   So, mudras are powerful tools. Mudra, which means “seal” in Sanskrit, is a gesture practiced with your hands and fingers. Through pressing, to

  • EP 17: Sirius Portal 7/7 energy update from the Universe

    08/07/2021 Duración: 27min

    #17 | July 07, 2021  The Sirius Gateway (7/7 Gateway) opens every year from July 3rd-7th. During this time, we are able to tap into and open to the higher frequencies from the Sirius star with greater ease. In modern astrology, Sirius also holds the vibration of freedom. Its energy can help us to release limitations and feel free to express our true selves. This energy of freedom can also act as inspiration, helping us to release, trust and allow our intentions and dreams to be co-created and to support us receiving them manifested into physical reality with effortless ease, grace, abundance and flow, for highest good.  The 7/7 brings forth an awakening of the third eye center, all-seeing, all-knowing beyond what's known to the human mind and a knowing through being and feeling to the resonance that all is opening beyond what has always been known.  Breathe into the magic of this energy today, for your Highest Good.  Here are some ways you can do that:  1.) Meditation  Meditating

  • EP 16: July Energy Update: “Allow for a Pause/One Step Back for Two Steps Forward”

    08/07/2021 Duración: 46min

    #16 | July 07, 2021 July Energy Update: “Allow for a Pause/Take One Step Back for Two Steps Forward” With the Solstice Energy and entering July, there are energies of enthusiasm and inspiration coming in. How exciting! Let's face it, we are all interested in getting things going and moving yet it can look differently for each of us. As we move into the next phase of post pandemic life, make sure to take some time to check in to see where you are in your processing of the past year.  I have been hearing from a lot of my clients who are antsy and ready for things to get going yet at the same time the prospect of having fun can feel a little scary, overwhelming, anxiety-inducing. While others are having repressed thoughts and feelings like anger, grief, stress, sadness surface about the pandemic and the overall past 15 months. Some are feeling like summer is here and woohoo let's get going! While others, have a feeling of cautious sense of normalcy and a slower approach as restrictions are lifting, restaurants o

  • EP 15: Working with Pain – Mindfulness Strategies

    16/06/2021 Duración: 16min

    #15 | June 15, 2021 Mindfulness Meditation to support releasing pain and discomfort Working with Pain – Summary of Mindfulness Strategies: “At one time or another, we will all want to learn how to use our meditation practice to work with pain. There is no literal, paint-by-numbers prescription for relating to pain; however, there are several important teachings and skillful awareness practices to consider when working with pain and unpleasant sensations.” Tara Brach Pain may happen; suffering is optional. • Anything we bring awareness to deepens our presence and freedom. Because pain may happen and be a frequent visitor, yet the intention to let this be a gateway to awakening can powerfully energize your path. • Relating to pain with curiosity and kindness directly transforms your experience into a pathway of freedom. • When we resist pain – by physical tensing, emotional reactivity, mental judgement or behavioral avoidance – our identity, becomes linked with it. We are the victim of pain. Pain

  • EP 14: 7 Steps to identify, question and release Limiting Beliefs

    15/06/2021 Duración: 27min

    #14 | June 15, 2021 7 Steps to identify, question and release Limiting Beliefs "We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience." –Louise L. Hay We all have deep-rooted, deeply limiting beliefs about ourselves that just aren't true. We are all made up of stories. In fact, life is a long narrative story with you as a main character. And your main character (You) is trying to write the most beneficial chapters before "The End."  When we see the story from a limited belief lens, we can dig a deep hole for ourselves. We can misconstrue our own story. There's some limiting, deep-seated belief you have about yourself, an old story you keep telling yourself and it is holding you back. The story isn't the objective account of your day-to-day life. It is your own life story. You are the editor and creator of your own life story. So, what if we

  • EP 13: Short Mindfulness Breath and Body Meditation

    14/05/2021 Duración: 12min

    Short Mindfulness Breath and Body Meditation.

  • EP 12: How am I with Change? + Mindfulness Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    13/05/2021 Duración: 58min

    How am I with Change: For the last couple of weeks, the energies from the collective may have been feeling intense. The energy of change is quite literally knocking at our doors. Important then to ask yourself at this point, "How am I with change?" Do you allow it gracefully? Are you carrying on regardless, same old, same old, while the energies shift from underneath you? Do you limit how change operates in your life, holding on to some idea of control? One of the elements of allowing change is working with higher dimensional energies that simply dissolve old structures and help give birth to the new. And that's what we're going to be doing, in this meditation to allow you to uplift to a higher energy frequency and be more in the flow of change with ease and grace.  Centering Intention: “I am surrendering and allowing myself to be in the flow of change with ease and grace for my highest good.”

  • EP 11: Are you blocking your Connection to the Universe?

    08/04/2021 Duración: 52min

    Are you blocking your Connection to the Universe?  Light travels in straight lines and shadows are caused by something blocking light from going straight. As the story investigator, become curious about what is blocking your light and connection to the Universe. Begin to be a Master of your Light, Groundedness, Alignment and Connection. Ask where am I in this experience? Am I conscious, aware or am I in an unconscious, unrealized state? Language shapes how a story is told and often how words are put together – they can cause a rippling effect of a trigger of inspiration and joy or of shear panic and fear. When it comes to manifesting and healing, if someone is “blocking” their connection to the Universe this can cause all systems to go into shutdown mode. Are there Energetic Blocks of Resistance keeping you from your Good? Often times, when things aren’t working well in our lives, we maybe blocking our connection to the Universe. The truth is that there may be energetic blocks of resistance kee

  • EP 10: Election Day Reiki Energy Healing Meditation for Grounding, Peace and Calmness

    04/11/2020 Duración: 18min

    EP 10: Election Day Reiki Energy Healing Meditation for Grounding, Peace and Calmness

  • Episode 9: September Intention Setting, Full Moon and Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    02/09/2020 Duración: 39min

    Let's Welcome in September! Today, we will be doing a September Intention Setting, Full Moon and Reiki Energy Healing Meditation! Pisces is a water sign known for being dreamy, illusive, and emotional, so having the full moon's energy filtered through its lens will heighten our intuitive senses — but that brings up the emotional intensity and the sense of chaos and confusion that we are already collectively experiencing. Issues that first manifested when the New Moon in Pisces took place, on February 23, 2020, may emerge again: we can now gain clarity and reach a deeper understanding. The full moon in Pisces brings great sensitivity and perception, can benefit from its creativity and spirituality. This aspect invites us to believe in our inherent worth and in our ability to form healthy and supportive relationships. This Full Moon will be a beacon, lighting our way, and preparing you for the closing of this ultra-transformative year. Like all transformations, it takes a breaking down and d

  • Episode 8: Transmuting Pandemic Panic into Peace with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, Interview with Amrit Singh Khalsa, a Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer and the CEO of Kundalini Research Institute

    25/08/2020 Duración: 01h04min

    Episode 8: Transmuting Pandemic Panic into Peace with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, Interview with Amrit Singh Khalsa, a Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer and the CEO of Kundalini Research Institute We are talking all things Kundalini! The COVID-19 pandemic has left many with a great deal of uncertainty. In the midst of this, we may naturally look for something firm to hold onto. At Inspiring You, we have been reaching for the tool of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation again and again to help us find our grounding, peace, balance and so much more. This episode, Henri interviews Amrit Singh Khalsa, a Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer and the CEO of Kundalini Research Institute about Kundalini and living your Sat Nam in this unprecedented time! We cover the basics about what Kundalini is, meditation, breathing, energy flow, chanting, poses, benefits and so much more. We finish with a 5-minute breathing meditation that can support you and your family during this time. Follow us at For

  • Lions Gate Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    09/08/2020 Duración: 52min

    Every year around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called the Lion's Gate. It happens when the Sun is in Leo and when the Sun, Earth, and the star Sirius are aligned, beaming a surge of light. With this peak of energy, there is an immense potential for accelerated awakening. At its essence, the Lions Gate energy influx is all about empowering you to claim your Highest Truth and power as a being of Love, Freedom and Abundance. And yes, this is the powerful potential and opportunity right here and now. The Lions Gate Energy is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. It's called the Lions Gate, or Lions Gateway because it occurs in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. The Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of h

  • The Energy of July and a Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    02/07/2020 Duración: 01h25min

    This episode includes an energy forecast of the Energy of July plus a Reiki Energy Healing Meditation. July will serve as a time of integration, helping to create the space for all of us to breathe, recalibrate, and come back to our center. This time of integration will help us re-energize as we prepare for all the changes yet to come. This month of integration will also help create a space of support for many newly awakened hearts and minds. During times of integration, it’s important to align with practices that can help us connect with our authentic inner state of peace. Reiki Energy Healing Meditations are a practice that can facilitate wonders during these ever-changing times to support clearing and align into the energy of peace. 

  • New Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    25/03/2020 Duración: 33min

    New Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

  • New Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    24/01/2020 Duración: 01h25min

    New Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

  • Full Moon and Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    13/11/2019 Duración: 52min

    Full Moon and Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

  • Episode 2: Renew You: Eliminate your work day pain

    23/02/2019 Duración: 36min

    Renew yourself in 5 minutes with Mindfulness Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing and Mindful Exercises. Christine Kwok of Balanced Strength (, is a fitness professional with more than 20 years of experience working with elite­ level to weekend­ only warriors and Henri Hebert of Inspiring You ( is an energy healer, mindfulness meditation, life, career and spiritual coach. For two years, they have been partnering to bring a retreat of health and healing called Renew You that leads people back into the flow of their #WholeHealth by layering Mindfulness Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing and Mindful Exercising! In this episode, theydiscuss the secrets of their retreat and offer a few tips that you can do at home or at work. This mini-retreat supports in healing pain and releasing stress while re-energizing, re-vitalizing and re-motivating.

  • #1: Raising your Love Vibration

    15/02/2019 Duración: 33min

    #1: Raising your Love Vibration   Welcome to the Inspiring You Show where we talk about tips and tools for healing, share transformational stories and offer Energy Healing Meditations!  We thought it was appropriate to start this new show today because it is Valentine’s Day!  Which means we are celebrating the highest energy vibration --- LOVE!! ?? Give love a chance and it can transmute and transform your life. Everything is really possible with love. The energy of Love is a beautiful combination of acceptance and connection. I know it is easy to write this and talk about this but how do you walk the walk in it? Well, in this episode, we will talking about that! Also, we will be doing a Holy Fire Reiki Energy Love Healing Experience! Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy and is an energetic healing method. Universal life force within the Human body is vibrational energy. It is commonly understood that during stress and illness, energy that usually flows through the bo

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