Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

EP 17: Sirius Portal 7/7 energy update from the Universe



#17 | July 07, 2021  The Sirius Gateway (7/7 Gateway) opens every year from July 3rd-7th. During this time, we are able to tap into and open to the higher frequencies from the Sirius star with greater ease. In modern astrology, Sirius also holds the vibration of freedom. Its energy can help us to release limitations and feel free to express our true selves. This energy of freedom can also act as inspiration, helping us to release, trust and allow our intentions and dreams to be co-created and to support us receiving them manifested into physical reality with effortless ease, grace, abundance and flow, for highest good.  The 7/7 brings forth an awakening of the third eye center, all-seeing, all-knowing beyond what's known to the human mind and a knowing through being and feeling to the resonance that all is opening beyond what has always been known.  Breathe into the magic of this energy today, for your Highest Good.  Here are some ways you can do that:  1.) Meditation  Meditating