Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

EP 19: Releasing from Toxic Positivity & Raising Vibration



We all have a vibration or life force energy that runs through our entire body. It is this vibration that determines our overall energy, aura and the type of experiences, people and events that we attract into our lives. Our vibration is always changing depending on our mood and the overall quality of life that we are experiencing. These daily fluctuations are normal and are unlikely to have an impact unless our vibration drops for an extended period of time. You probably already know that the key to whole health is raising your vibrations, but did you know that different emotions have different vibrational frequencies? When you embody a higher emotion, your vibrations will rise: if it is a lower emotion, and they will fall. Which emotions you embody have a significant effect on your life. Today we are going to talk about toxic positivity and how it can be a roadblock to raising your vibration. What is Toxic Positivity? We define toxic positivity as the excessive and ineffective overgeneralization of a h