Cee Bee’s Podcast



Poetic, Life Experience and Love. I will be giving you my two cents. Life often gives us some ups and some downs. The key is to always believe in yourself and never give up.


  • Season 3 Episode 36, “First grade and climbing doorways”

    02/03/2022 Duración: 05min

    In this episode, CeeBee is talking about the time Tommy Lee and him would climb the door way and attending First Grade.  Thank you for listening. Peace Family! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ceebee710/message

  • Season 3 Episode 35, “Tommy Lee Brown”

    01/03/2022 Duración: 05min

    I’m this episode, CeeBee will celebrate his brother, Tommy Lee Brown birthday month. He will share the good, bad, crazy and funny stories of his childhood with his brother. Tommy Lee was a big impact in his life and continuing to be. Tommy Lee was taken from us at a young age. His journey continues in a different realm and universe. He will always be missed and love.  Cee Bee a poem from his book Green Times Volume I.  Star Today a start was born I enter the atmosphere Burning and screaming like a new born baby Coming from deep across the galaxy Green tree’s and blue skies This must be heaven before my eyes Today a star was born I fell from the stars above Down to the green valleys of funk of love. Tommy Lee Brown will be forever 49 years old. Black Gangsta Discipline 63. All day, every day. Black Love... Thank you for listening. Peace Family! Green Times Volume I. by: Stanford Green... aka CeeBee. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/14375202-green-times-vol-1?from_search=true&from_srp=tru

  • Season 3 Episode 34, “law of nonresistance “.

    28/02/2022 Duración: 05min

    In this episode, CeeBee is reading from the book, "The Game of Life and How to Play It" by Florence Shinn which was written in the 1920s. This book gives you insight on the power that is inside of you. Unlock the door and step up your game in life. He starts reading from Chapter four, 'The law of nonresistance'.  “Resist not evil. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Nothing on earth can resist an absolutely nonresistant person. The Chinese say that water is the most powerful element, because it is perfectly nonresistant. It can wear away a rock, and sweep all before it. Jesus Christ said, “Resist not evil,” for He knew in reality, there is no evil, therefore nothing to resist. Evil has come of man’s “vain imagination,” or a belief in two powers, good and evil. There is an old legend, that Adam and Eve ate of “Maya the Tree of Illusion,” and saw two powers instead of one power, God. Therefore, evil is a false law man has made for himself, through psychoma or soul sleep. Soul sleep mean

  • Season 3 Episode 33, “Friends and Connections”.

    27/02/2022 Duración: 04min

    In this episode, CeeBee is talking about his navy life and his friend Ali. He met Ali while onboard his second ship USS Independence CV-62. They played rugby together and continues to stay in contact. Ali mentioned to CeeBee that the cool aid was actually called 'bug juice'. Good times and good friends.  He switched conversations to talk about his cuz'n Mario... CeeBee connected him and his other cuz'n Randall together. Hopefully, they will further there business together and make millions. CeeBee said it first, make sure they give him 5% founders fee. Much love and continue to do position things.  Thank you for listening. Peace Family! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ceebee710/message

  • Season 3 Episode 32, “Navy Life”

    26/02/2022 Duración: 59min

    In this episode, CeeBee talks about his Navy Life. He joined the US Navy in September 1990 and resigned Honorable on the 1st of October 2003. He is a two-time Iraq War Veteran. He served onboard four Navy Warships. He talks about the good, bad and ugly life of the Navy. Mostly good, You Know, CeeBee is always grateful and proud of the time served in the US Navy.  Thank you for listening. Peace Family.  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ceebee710/message

  • Season 3 Episode 31, “Introduction to the book Overthrowing the Old Gods”.

    25/02/2022 Duración: 05min

    In this episode, CeeBee talks about the book "Overthrowing the Old Gods" written by Aleister Crowley and rewritten by Don Webb. Two Paths Out of the Confusion of the World The world is a confusing place. Various ideologies and commodities, religions, and fads compete for your attention. They want your soul, they want your flesh, and worse still they want your money. As the pace of human material progress quickens, each little demon and angel shouts for you to join its parade. This has been true for hundreds of years, maybe even thousands of years. These days the shouts are louder, and the myth that you can go down all the paths at the same time is stronger than ever. The good thing about this mishmash is that many paradigms old and new—well traveled or seldom traversed, ancient or modern, intellectual or simple—are available to the seeker. Many of the paths in the West have their roots in the work of Aleister Crowley. From Scientology to Wicca, from the Rosicrucian Order to the Temple of Set, the First Beast

  • Season 3 Episode 30, “Continuing of Earth in the book I Ching”.

    24/02/2022 Duración: 06min

    In this episode, CeeBee continues to read in the chapter of number two Earth. First it is necessary to use Heaven knowledge to open up round understanding; then use this Earth practice to develop and complete this understanding. If you practice concentration exercises without first having understanding, you will surely become an obscurantist. Just follow knowledge and then apply it; then you will find the "director" and get the advantage of direction. This is like the eyes and the feet working together to convey you easily into a cool pond, or like skill and strength working together to hit the target at a hundred paces. If you go southwest, you will only get yin companions; this is like trying to complement water with water—it does not work. If you go northeast, you lose those yin companions and get in tune with knowledge; only then arc you stable in correctness of balance of concentration and insight, and have a good outlook. THE OVERALL JUDGMENT: Consummate is the creative basis of earth; all beings live

  • Season 3 Episode 29, “Making Brownies with Kate”

    23/02/2022 Duración: 05min

    In this episode, CeeBee is making brownies with lil Kate. He is talking about making brownies with lil Kate. It is a funny and hilarious day. The theme is having two expectations. CeeBee wanted to make brownies the easy way of using the brownies Cake mix, while lil Kate wanted to make brownies from scratch by using ingredients.  It was a fun and wonderful day.  Thank you for listening. Peace Family.  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ceebee710/message

  • Season 3 Episode 28, “Buddhist I Ching ‘2’, 2.22.22”.

    22/02/2022 Duración: 03min

    In this episode, CeeBee connects the number 2 with the Buddhist book ‘I Ching’. The number two is a powerful number in Numerology and in I Ching. He read from the book, 'The Buddhist I Ching' Chih-hsu Ou-i translated by Thomas Cleary.  Earth earth below, earth above The creative is successful. It is beneficial to be correct like a mare. People with developmental potential have a goal; if they go ahead before this, they will get lost. If they follow, they get the benefit of the director. Companionship is found in the southwest; companionship is lost in the northeast. Stability and correctness bode well. All six lines of this hexagram are yin, so it is called Earth. Earth means re- ceptivity, docility. In the sky, it is shade; on the ground, it is softness. In people, it is humaneness. In the essential nature of consciousness, it is tran-quillity. In cultivation, it is the practice of stopping the mind. In the material world, it is support. In the physical body, it is the abdomen and the organs it contain

  • Season 3 Episode 27, “84,600 seconds!”

    21/02/2022 Duración: 08min

    In this episode, CeeBee is bringing you that smoke about the daily life / daily grind. He was giving his daughter,  'little Kate' som motivation but she was heated and could not let go... This episode is to give others inspiration and motivation to believe in yourself and to let go of the negative vibes. Have confidence and faith in yourself and from that only positive vibes will be in your life.  Transcripts from Harlem Elvis Interview 2011.  Harlem Elvis words, I think if we had a lot more leadership —out in the hood and the Ghetto for the kids — It’d be a lot easier to go into something positive then go into something negative. You get 84,600 seconds a day. Imagine if you wake up everyday with $84,600 dollars in your bank account. And everyday At the end the night it’s gone. Whether you wasted it or not And then the next day you get another $84,600 dollars. You would do everything in your Power to spend it. Because the next day you know you’re getting another $84,600 dollars. You don’t want

  • Season 3, Episode 26, “Know who you are!”

    20/02/2022 Duración: 03min

    In this episode, CeeBee is dropping some daily nuggets about knowing who you are. Do not pretend. Be you. Dream. Dream. Dream. Make a plan, write down your plan. Then set goals, have a to do list or write steps on ways that you can accomplish your goals. Executive and re write your goals so they are achievable. Thank you for listening to my podcast. Peace Family. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ceebee710/message

  • Season 3 Episode 25, “Keep your Sunshine”

    19/02/2022 Duración: 02min

    In this podcast, CeeBee is dropping nuggets about keeping your sunshine. Stay focused on your dreams, make goals and do not lose sight on your plan. Thank you for listening to my podcast. Peace Family.  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ceebee710/message

  • Season 3 Episode 24, “Chapter 2 Review Highlights 6-11.”

    18/02/2022 Duración: 06min

    In this episode, CeeBee is continuing his reading from the book, “the power of your subconscious mind chapter 2 highlights 6-11.” This book is written by Dr. Joseph Murphy. 6. Watch what you say. You have to account for every idle word. Never say, “I will fail; I will lose my job; I can’t pay the rent.” Your subconscious cannot take a joke. It brings all these things to pass 7. Your mind is not evil. No force of nature is evil. It depends how you use the powers of nature. Use your mind to bless, heal, and inspire all people everywhere. 8. Never say, “I can not.” Overcome that fear by substituting the following, “I can do all things through the power of my own subconscious mind.” 9. Begin to think from the standpoint of the eternal truths and principles of life and not from the standpoint of fear, ignorance, and superstition. Do not let others do your thinking for you. Choose your own thoughts and make your own decisions. 10. You are the captain of your soul (subconscious mind) and the master of your fate. Rem

  • Season 3 Episode 23, “Chapter 2 twelve highlights”

    16/02/2022 Duración: 05min

    In this episode, CeeBee was reading 1-5 highlights of chapter 2, “how your own mind works “. 1. Think good, and good follows. Think evil, and evil follows. You are what you think all day long.  2. Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your conscious mind decrees. If you say, "I can't afford it," it may be true, but do not say it. Select a better thought, decree, "I'll buy it. I accept it in my mind." 3. You have the power to choose. Choose health and happiness. You can choose to be friendly, or you can choose to be unfriendly. Choose to be co-operative, joyous, friendly, lovable, and the whole world will respond. This is the best way to develop a wonderful personality. 4. Your conscious mind is the "watchman at the gate." Its chief function is to protect your subconscious mind from false impressions. Choose to believe that something good can happen and is happening now. Your greatest power is your capacity to choose. Choose happiness and abundance. 5. The suggestions and stateme

  • Season 3 Episode 22, “How your own mind works”

    15/02/2022 Duración: 05min

    In this episode, CeeBee discusses thinking and how the subconscious mind works. He read from The Power of Your Mind chapter 2, "How your own mind works". You have a mind., and you should learn how to use it. There are two levels of your mind the conscious or rational  level, and the subconscious or irrational level. You think with your conscious mind, and whatever you habitually think sinks down into your subconscious mind, which creates according to the nature of your thought. Your subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions and is tne creative mind. If you think good, good will follow; if you think evil, evil will follow. This is the way your mind works. The main point to remember is once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. It is an interesting and subtle truth that the law of the subconscious mind works for good and bad ideas alike. This law, when applied in a negative way, is the cause of failure, frustration, and unhappiness. However, when your habitual thinking is ha

  • Season 3 Episode 21, “Melanin used in semiconductors & NASA”

    15/02/2022 Duración: 07min

    In this episode, CeeBee talks about the current use of technology. MELANIN being used on semiconductors to increase the speed and size of computer conductors. Governments and technology companies begun using Melanin to increase the speed, capacity and storage of semiconductors dating back to 2012.  This is an abstract from IOPscience, "Melanin is a biological organic polymer and has semiconductor properties. The structure of organic semiconductors, including melanin, determines the mechanism of their conductivity, electrical, and catalytic properties. Research the properties of melanin, which are synthesized on the basis of innovative technologies developed by Sunoil-Agro, confirms the innovating prospects for using melanin with goal to modify electrodes of Li-ion batteries. 2020." Also to sum it up, all scientists working on this are Russians, which has very little if anything, no Melanin. So in the tech world, they have already shifted from semiconductors to batteries.  I mentioned NASA. In the Ho

  • Season 3, Episode 20, “King Piankhi”

    13/02/2022 Duración: 05min

    In this episode, CeeBee is discussing the great Nubian King Piankhi. The Nubian king Piankhi (reigned ca. 741-ca. 712 B.C.) began the conquest of Lower Egypt which resulted in the establishment of the Twenty-fifth, or "Ethiopian, " Dynasty of pharaohs. This was one of the few times in African history when a state from the interior of the continent played a role in the politics of the Mediterranean. Piankhi was the hereditary ruler of the kingdom of Cush on the Upper Nile in what is now the northern Sudan. About 741 B.C. he succeeded his father, Kashta, who seems to have founded this Nubian Kingdom. By this time Lower Egypt had been in full decline for almost half a millennium. The Egyptian state was torn by internal power struggles among petty rulers, so the situation was ripe for a strong invader to take over. Piankhi moved steadily down the Nile, conquering towns one by one. By 721 B.C. he was in possession of Heracleopolis, and finally he captured Heliopolis in the Delta. At this point Piankhi regarded th

  • Season 3 Episode 19, “Africa in Early World History “

    13/02/2022 Duración: 11min

    It his episode Ceebee is reading an article written by John Henri Clarke. THE distinguished Afro-American poet Countee Cullen began his I famous poem "Heritage" with the question: "What is Africa to me?" In order to understand Africa and its place in world history, we must extend the question by asking, "What is Africa to the Africans and what is Africa to the world?" There is a need to locate Africa and its people on the map of human geography. Our own great historian W.E.B. DuBois tells us: "Always Africa is giving m something new. . . . On its Black bosom arose one of the earliest, if not the earliest, of self-protecting civilizations, and grew so mighty that it still furnishes superlatives to thinking and speaking men. Out of its darker and more remote forest fastnesses came, if we may credit many recent scientists, the first welding of iron, and we know that agriculture and trade flourished there when Europe was a wilder- ness." Dr. DuBois tells us further that "Nearly every human empire that has arisen

  • Season 3 Episode 18, “the kemetic tree of life”

    12/02/2022 Duración: 06min

    In this episode, CeeBee reads from the book, The Kemetic Tree of Life by.  . Preface: The ancient Egyptian origin and mystery of the spiritual tree.  The concept and iconography of the tree as a spiritual symbol and or metaphor has been used from time immemorial throughout human history. Most people, in modern times, have become familiar with the concept of the "Tree of Life" through a system of spirituality called Kabbalah. However, the idea of having direct access to God through special knowledge, in Kabbalist, was already evident in the teachings of the Ancient Egyptians, the Christian Mystics (Gnostics), the Hindus and the Buddhists who all came long before the Kabbalists. In Ancient Egypt, however, the teaching of the Tree of Life took on a special meaning. In its earliest form, originated in Ancient Egypt, it was related to theurgical religious system developed in the Ancient Egyptian city of Anu and the tree was seen as the source of life, and it was the Goddess, as the divinity being worship

  • Season 3 Episode 17, “Blackness“

    11/02/2022 Duración: 05min

    In this episode, CeeBee goes hard on being black. Be proud, love yourself, continue to do the right things in life. He mentioned that a black girl had just graduated university with your doctoral degree at the age of seventeen. BLACK GIRL MAGIC!!!  It is truly a wonderful thing. Continue to keep moving forward in life.  Talk about being a whiz kid! We first heard about Thessalonika Azru-Embry when she graduated from college at just 14. Now, the scholar, who has already earned her masters degree, is super close to completed her doctorate. Did we mention that Thessalonika is just 17? Amazing. According to Black Doctor, Thessalonika was home-schooled and started her post-secondary education career when she was 11, and started her Ph.D program in aviation psychology in 2016. Thank you for listening to my podcast. Peace Family.  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ceebee710/message

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