Cee Bee’s Podcast

Season 3 Episode 28, “Buddhist I Ching ‘2’, 2.22.22”.



In this episode, CeeBee connects the number 2 with the Buddhist book ‘I Ching’. The number two is a powerful number in Numerology and in I Ching. He read from the book, 'The Buddhist I Ching' Chih-hsu Ou-i translated by Thomas Cleary.  Earth earth below, earth above The creative is successful. It is beneficial to be correct like a mare. People with developmental potential have a goal; if they go ahead before this, they will get lost. If they follow, they get the benefit of the director. Companionship is found in the southwest; companionship is lost in the northeast. Stability and correctness bode well. All six lines of this hexagram are yin, so it is called Earth. Earth means re- ceptivity, docility. In the sky, it is shade; on the ground, it is softness. In people, it is humaneness. In the essential nature of consciousness, it is tran-quillity. In cultivation, it is the practice of stopping the mind. In the material world, it is support. In the physical body, it is the abdomen and the organs it contain