The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 410:09:17
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Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.


  • Kailash Kokopelli - Indigenous Music Healing and Ecological Consciousness

    13/02/2014 Duración: 59min

    Kailash is a sound therapist, artist and inner world musician - bridge maker to indigenous peoples.He is also a photographer and teacher of Kailash Chi Movements and Songdances.As a multi instrumentalist, composer, songwriter and producer he is an internationally requested studio- and guest musician playing a great variety of (wind) instruments ranging from Didgeridoo to (Native American) Flutes, as well as reed instruments, percussive soundscapes, drums, crystal singing bowls, string instruments and vocals.Within the last 20 years Kailash Kokopelli has shared his INNER WORLD MUSIC on every continent touching many thousand people all over the globe.Kailash performes in schools, universities, therapeutical institutions, conferences, festivals, private and in concert halls all over the world, guiding his audience on musical journeys to the inner source.He has been recognized as a tribal brother and bridgemaker by indigenous people as well as a pioneer soundtherapist by medical practitioners and international do

  • Tania Nevill and Wellness Coach and Lifestyle Mentor Susan Somerville

    06/02/2014 Duración: 01h01s

    John Coombs interviews Patient Advocate and busy mother Tania Nevill and Wellness Coach and Lifestyle Mentor Susan Somerville on the practical benefits of well managed Holistic Health programs for people from all walks of life with many helpful hints and suggestions.Tania Nevill founder of iconic corporate menswear company Working Style has a new working focus in life: helping optimise the wellness of the local community with obvious spin offs for her family.Tania shares with you the process she went through to resolve long term fatigue from trying to balance family and a busy working life, as well as the long term benefits she and her family experienced from Holistic Health.Having achieved her initial goal of more vitality Tania then focused on optimising her health which meant she can contribute more effectively to patient advocacy to benefit the whole community.Susan Somerville has a science and psychology background which lead her to a diverse working career in accelerated learning, HR and environmental p

  • Lisa Er and Tim Lynch, summing up some of the 10 years of GreenplanetFM program

    11/12/2013 Duración: 01h01s

    Though environment health and consciousness runs through the program, we discuss the basic life needs of air, water and earth - soil & food.Starting with air and the particulates of matter in cities such as Auckland and that due to the smallness of both the NZ population and the country, the wind is our default air conditioner in this country. That we are indeed very fortunate in this situation (some would say lazy).However, we cannot avoid, deny or run away from what is perculating (some would say belching) out of Fukushima in Japan, and that is air born and water carried radiation from the defunct nuclear reactors that main stream media have been told to keep out of the headlines and out of the news.The fact that Japan and the nuclear industry are joined at the nucleated hip and that the countries that surround the Pacific ocean are complicit in not taking the Japanese to the World Court is a travesty.We move on to cover MSM (main stream media) and how it spins information and that our drinking water is

  • Holistic Health - Vivienne Berry with Multiple Brain Therapies

    04/12/2013 Duración: 59min

    A discussion between John Coombs and Vivienne Berry on Holistic Health and the new work Vivienne is doing on multiple brain therapies.They discuss simple and practical solutions to help people through life, to manage relationships well and to have more effective input into the community and workspace.If we are to grow healthy communities and guardian the environment well we need a body of healthy people, with awareness of health and wellbeing both for individuals and society.Achieving this is the work and life goal of John and Vivienne. *****GLOBAL HEALTH CLINICS:Practical programs for a healthy body, mind and emotions.Managing healthy lifestyle systems for individuals and groups.For appointments please go to Anzac St Takapuna 0622   North Shore City - Aucklandl. 09 4880208 f. 09 4880215 c. 02102462021e.   globalhealthclinics

  • Theresa Grantham and Business with a Clear Conscience - Interviewed by Lisa Er

    27/11/2013 Duración: 59min

    In today's globalized economy, most of the everyday products we buy, wear, and eat are produced with labour from the developing world.But do we ever think of the story behind the products that we buy? Who planted the seed for our cotton clothing and sheets? Where did the seed come from? Was it a genetically engineered seed? What fertilisers, herbicides, and pesticides were used on the cotton? How did those affect the health of the farmer workers. How old were the workers? Who removed the seeds from the cotton boll and who processed them, wove them and made them into garments? Were they paid adequately for their labours? This is the story of the cotton trail.Theresa Grantham a haute-couture, or high fashion consultant and business woman in New Zealand, knew at a certain level there was a better way to service the fashion industry with a clear conscience.  After a profound visit to India, she set out to change the karma of clothing and ended up launching a fashion brand that acts as a laboratory for social inno

  • Glen Atkinson ~ Biodynamic Specialist in Agriculture, Astrologer, Gardener, Homeopath & Philosopher

    20/11/2013 Duración: 58min

    Ranging over a wide variety of topics, that include complimentary and alternative health, the problems with chlorinated and fluoridated water. Biological agriculture as against chemical agriculture. Corporate control of chemicals and drugs, plus the galloping increase of corporate farming.Our unhealthy common salt intake, lack of iodine is translating to global thyroid problems.That five US corporations have virtually taken control of the world food chain, and use the WTO and the TPPA as mechanisms to tighten their grip.He concludes with an overview of the USA and UK's astrological challenges that he says will become very evident over the next 18 months and how the US military appears only to go on the offensive when certain astrological configurations occur.I asked Glen at the start of this interview to hit a number of balls out of the park and possibly he went one further and hit one, possibly two into near earth orbit ... ***Glen's premise:Using bio-dyamics and agricultural impulses first introduced by Rud

  • Tom Brown takes us down The Thorny Path of Truth - Interviewed by Lisa Er

    13/11/2013 Duración: 01h00s

    Independent researcher in spiritual science and metaphysics Tom Brown questions our world view and looks at how it is sometimes based on historically inaccurate science.Have we created our society from a faulty model? Have Newton, Darwin, and others, made incorrect assumptions that science is still based on today?How do our belief systems play into this, and why do we need a paradigm shift to correct this? Is our collective unconscious actually creating the reality that we experience? Is life as the quantum physicists describe to us, or have they got it wrong as well?Referring often to Rudolf Steiner’s Etheric Sciences, Tom talks about man’s descent into matter, and how people are living in an illusion. Just to challenge us he asserts that not only is the earth going around the sun, the sun is going around the earth.This interview will not only provoke you, but will stimulate you to question everything you thought you ever knew. Before coming to New Zealand Tom worked as director & chief editor at Borderl

  • Pauline Samways on Godwits, their habitat and migration

    06/11/2013 Duración: 59min

    This extraordinary New Zealand migratory bird flies each autumn just before the cold and dark of winter all the way from NZ in the Southern hemisphere up via China and Korea to the Alaskan warmth and light of spring and the coming summer in the Northern hemisphere.However, after laying their eggs and bringing up their young, the godwits then fly nonstop back around the curve of our planet - to NZ … a distance of 11,500 kilometers – without stopping, and for the ‘new born’s’ this is an astonishingly long distance voyage … and to an unknown destination too.Now …. Imagine you are up in Alaska and autumn foreshadows the coming cold and darkness of winter and the godwits along the shorelines prepare for their epic journey south as they sense the prevailing winds and conditions and ready themselves for take off.Finally lifting off to fly continuously hour after hour, the sun overhead will appear to track from east to west and after 12 or so hours the sun will set and darkness sets in - yet flying all night, up to a

  • Fluoride - Dr Paul Connett PhD. In NZ again 2014 Click 4 details

    03/11/2013 Duración: 59min

    Dr. Paul Connett, PhD, Emeritus Professor from St. Lawrence University USA.  He is an, executive director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and its parent organization, the American Environmental Health Studies Project.For years health experts have been unable to agree on whether fluoride in the drinking water may be toxic to the developing human brain. Extremely high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies, but little is known about the substance’s impact on children’s neurodevelopment.In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children.Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted.Yet New Zeala

  • MP,Steffan Browning ~ An Exposé on GE, Organics, Bio Security, ESPECIALLY Security Intelligence!

    24/10/2013 Duración: 59min

    Steffan Browning, Green Party Member of Parliament. Spokesperson on: Organics, GE and GMO's, Fisheries,  Agriculture, Bio-security and Forestry.  PLUS, The Grand Daddy of them All: Security and Intelligence.Steffan has been at the forefront of the New Zealand organics movement for more than twenty years. His aim is to have genuinely sustainable organics in New Zealand's food, fibre, forestry and fishing industries - which he states, needs to be integrated from a holistic perspective and 'also makes good business sense'.Listen as Steffan divulges the challenges that organics face, on the front lines of GE untruths, agribusiness and the unknowingness of government of both holistic systems and sustainability.Hear the most powerful and potent statement in NZ's Parliament for decades as Steffan covers the descent on Wellington of multiple layers of the global security apparatus that coincided with the 1st Reading of the GCSB Bill, it's knock-on effect and connecting the dots as to how NZ is cavorting with loss of

  • Dr Jim Salinger Global Warming Yet, hot days / cool nights over last summer. A revealing interview!


    Dr Jim Salinger: Global Warming, his new book, 'Living in a Warmer World' covering NZ Rainfall, Sea Levels, Glaciers, Fisheries, Soils and Crops etcEx head of NIWA NZ's National Institute of Water and Atmosphere as well as a member of, IPCC, and UN Climate Recipient for the Nobel Peace Prize 2007.This interview also stretches the boundaries of Government action and inaction, Media and denial, having a holistic view point, including questions of geo engineering and chemtrails.NOTE: Expression of predisposition. I do believe that our planet is warming, and in fever, as per the auditory Gaian introduction to this particular program. (Tim).This interview is a critical overview of most of the challenges coming to face the 7 billion plus of humanity including the mega trillions of biota in our biosphere.Our planet Gaia's, fever at present is such that she is shivering and icing up again at the North and South Poles, but towards both the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn our planet is increasingly suffering from heat w

  • Phil Stevens on Complimentary Currencies & Alternative Economies in NZ

    10/10/2013 Duración: 01h00s

    Why are alternative and complimentary currencies on this GreenplanetFM program being constantly emphasized?  The reason is very clear, the global economic system is out of control, with bankers out of New York and London calling the shots (assisted by acquiescing politicians), and are printing money at will, leveraging bonds, hedge funds, derivatives, promissory notes and every sneaky, cunning ploy of chicanery being fostered on the unknowing public.These snake oil banksters and hucksters are out to CON everyone who is unknowing, implying that everything is REALLY OK, that it is all under control, nothing to worry about - just keep buying.  It's called keeping the status quo alive in an unsustainable consumptive and dishonest economy.And you will never hear a squeak out of the Government, or any Government. Mums the word!  (Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2, Act 1, Scene 2:' Seal up your lips and give no words but mum.'?However, if things do slide and quickly and funds become scarce and money is in short supply,

  • Phil Stevens on Selling Our Soul to Fracking - a shattering NZ growth industry

    03/10/2013 Duración: 01h00s

    With Mother Earth under increasing assault from Corporate-Machine-Mind-Man, we are witnessing 'business as usual' being increasingly ramped up to the doorway of the Beehive as unconscious miners, drillers, extractors and takers - beat their way to the welcoming mat of the Prime Ministers Office.Aotearoa is up from grabs at present as hide bound macho-male-men prod, poke and plunder the deep recesses of natures secrets. Nothing now is sacred, other than the god of money and the power that it wields … REALLY?What happened to ex PM, Helen Clarks emphasis on Sustainability and NZ being a leader in this field?  It was lobotomised by internal memo to all Govt Departments within days of the Clark administration leaving office!Well, fracking has now come to town in our fair country, as a quick fix for PEAK OIL, and for a few short years, we in NZ will join the Western frenzy of 'keeping collapse at bay' by skimming, sucking and raking off 'minor gains' in fossil fuels, as a breather from what we are leaving our fast

  • Sharif Abdullah on Authentic Leadership

    26/09/2013 Duración: 59min

    With Lisa Er, Standing in for Tim Lynch in Mobilising ConsciousnessIT IS TIME for us to do more than just talk about problems or propose band-aid solutions.IT IS TIME for us to stop addressing the symptoms that impede healthy, dynamic, sustainable, equitable, loving connections.It is time for us to get serious about the transformation of our systems and cultures.If we do not do this, our impeding patterns will keep us all locked in place.Increasingly, people, communities, organisations and even political systems are becoming aware of the need to build connection to each other and to the greater whole to address the issues and crises we are facing today.Paradoxically, while many are becoming more aware, they are also stuck in systems and structures that are dysfunctional, toxic and stressful creating mistrust, alienation and frustration. These negative patterns develop and spread, making it very difficult to affect positive change.Sharif Abdullah visited New Zealand on his last stop of a global journey to exam

  • Peter Daley, Australian Whistleblower on the Fukushima Radiation Crises & Survival

    19/09/2013 Duración: 59min

    See previous interview when in April 2012 I interviewed Peter Daley and obtained 24,000 hits on this site alone. shima-Radiation-Cloud-over-Australia--NZ.html#00000193                                                                                                                                                                                     With mainstream media still blacking out information it's only the deteriorating situation in the last month, with steam vents escaping being evidence of criticality's in the underground coriums (a lava-like molten mixture of portions of nuclear reactor core), as iodine 131 and xenon detections have now been revealed in cities around Japan as well as in the air in South Korea.The rising of ground water levels at the nuclear site, show that this water is now highly contaminated equaling billions and trillions of bacquerrells of activity, this due to the Japanese buildi

  • NZ's Innovative 'Cool Schools' & Student Peer Mediation - Facilitating Conflict Resolution

    12/09/2013 Duración: 59min

    Christina Barruel, New Zealand Cool Schools National Manager & Trainer, Donna Hourigan-Johnston  of Mt Roskill Grammar (a peer mediation coordinator) and Del McFarlane-Scott of Ranui Primary (Cool School peer mediation program co ordinator).In the early 1990s, Yvonne Duncan in association with the NZ Peace Foundation embarked on a innovative World First, to introduce to every school in NZ a skills based method to teach children how to resolve conflict and reconcile differing points of view, be it in the class room, or playground.With this unique system been introduced to over 2,000 schools throughout the country since its inception, this could be a global game changer, albeit over a number of generations. Building upon relationships towards a Win Win World.Could New Zealand become a 'world leader' in conflict resolution… and have hundreds if not thousands of trained emissaries skilled in the art of peaceful resolution of conflicts?  These professional peacemakers would get invited to live alongside other

  • Ross Scholes: Who and what are Peasants?

    05/09/2013 Duración: 59min

    Today, about 2 fifths of the global population are classified as peasants and Ross feels moved to help label the collective aspirations of global peasantry, back into a relationship with each other, the land and ecology - where the world really works. This being in so many ways an antidote to the methodical ways of todays corporate machine - the so called 'NeoLiberal Agenda.''NeoLiberalism' isolates the poor and it invisiblizes them and so they drop of the bottom and they then turn into a problem for society to deal with, and instead of being an integral part of a cohesive and supportive community they become the rejects of society.And they are growing in number …This intriguing and provoking interview covers a very broad subject range:People = peasants, producing food, on the land for the betterment of their community. Healthy food, from healthy land, produces healthy 'aware' peasants. Ross sees the relationship of food, land and society and how we relate to each other as community, as the 3 main 'interdepen

  • Claire Bleakely - President of GE Free New Zealand on her China Conference

    29/08/2013 Duración: 58min

    Corporate control of our global food system is not in the interests of people or the environment. Fewer and fewer corporations control more and more of our food chain.Their interests are in making money, not feeding people good nourishing food. We need to establish a strong food democracy to halt the steady march of corporate agriculture.This interview includes Claire Bleakely, president of GE Free New Zealand and speaks about her trip to China where she heard world class scientists at the International Conference on Ethnic Food Cultures and Food Safety, (held in Kunming, China,) present on a broad range of topics from ethnic and cultural values of food, to the evidence of harm caused by genetically engineered (GE) foods.Claire went as a delegate from New Zealand along with Organics NZ Brendan Hoare, and Professor Jack Heinemann.Professor Jack Heinemann from Canterbury presented a 50-year comparison of agricultural methods in the US and Europe that shows the introduction of GE plants has impacted negatively o

  • Keith Locke: Ex NZ Member of Parliament, on Security Intelligence, Independence and Sovereignty

    22/08/2013 Duración: 59min

    NZ as one of the worlds pioneering democracies has a long record of engaging in peaceful protest and dialog to bring about inspirational and social change.Recent revelations made available from Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden have brought the realization that globally and especially to those of us in the West that we are totally immersed in a matrix-like security and intelligence apparatus that has been ticking silently and secretly in the background and over our shoulder. All under the guise of Big Brother - watching us.Other than the French saboteurs and the Israeli passport spies, we in NZ have fortunately had no terrorist incursions. Thus the premise is put forward that with no external threat to Nuclear Free NZ, that the NZ intelligence community can, and is being used to spy on NZ radicals by the SIS. The Security Intelligence Services.What is a NZ radical, and what threat if any are they to the State apparatus? Keith Locke who recently was able to view a copy of his NZ security files was spied on by

  • Tara Okan & Lisa Er on DEMO 4 DEMOcracy

    15/08/2013 Duración: 01h01s

    Nearly every sector in NZ is under intense pressure from either Government inaction or its overt and covert collusion with corporate entities, especially its dismissive attitude to a society requiring authentic leadership and statesmanship as well as a level of genuine care and concern.Our Government is shrewdly laying siege to the NZ environment and people, under the increasingly shrill mantra of, 'we have to make more money' by exploiting and extracting anything and everything. The earth our great sustainer as you know is under relentless assault, even as we intuitively realize we are at multiple tipping points within the magnificence of the straining biosphere.With the state sell off of public assets, insidious security and intelligence breaches, super secret trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, corporate encroachments and lobbying, secret military accords & harmonization of Laws with the USA, we the citizens of NZ are on the back foot.Low wages for workers, corporate infiltration

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