The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Glen Atkinson ~ Biodynamic Specialist in Agriculture, Astrologer, Gardener, Homeopath & Philosopher



Ranging over a wide variety of topics, that include complimentary and alternative health, the problems with chlorinated and fluoridated water. Biological agriculture as against chemical agriculture. Corporate control of chemicals and drugs, plus the galloping increase of corporate farming.Our unhealthy common salt intake, lack of iodine is translating to global thyroid problems.That five US corporations have virtually taken control of the world food chain, and use the WTO and the TPPA as mechanisms to tighten their grip.He concludes with an overview of the USA and UK's astrological challenges that he says will become very evident over the next 18 months and how the US military appears only to go on the offensive when certain astrological configurations occur.I asked Glen at the start of this interview to hit a number of balls out of the park and possibly he went one further and hit one, possibly two into near earth orbit ... ***Glen's premise:Using bio-dyamics and agricultural impulses first introduced by Rud