The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Phil Stevens on Selling Our Soul to Fracking - a shattering NZ growth industry



With Mother Earth under increasing assault from Corporate-Machine-Mind-Man, we are witnessing 'business as usual' being increasingly ramped up to the doorway of the Beehive as unconscious miners, drillers, extractors and takers - beat their way to the welcoming mat of the Prime Ministers Office.Aotearoa is up from grabs at present as hide bound macho-male-men prod, poke and plunder the deep recesses of natures secrets. Nothing now is sacred, other than the god of money and the power that it wields … REALLY?What happened to ex PM, Helen Clarks emphasis on Sustainability and NZ being a leader in this field?  It was lobotomised by internal memo to all Govt Departments within days of the Clark administration leaving office!Well, fracking has now come to town in our fair country, as a quick fix for PEAK OIL, and for a few short years, we in NZ will join the Western frenzy of 'keeping collapse at bay' by skimming, sucking and raking off 'minor gains' in fossil fuels, as a breather from what we are leaving our fast