Think Bigger Real Estate

Instagram Reels for Real Estate Agents | Steve Penate



Instagram Reels for Real Estate Agents. That was the topic that I asked Steve Penate, a social media darling who sells over 50 homes a year through simple Instagram marketing, to talk about. What I learned a few minutes into the show blew me away! What he’s overcome to be who he is today will not only inspire you, but it will make you want to throw out every one of your excuses. It is seriously, so inspiring!The topics that we discussed included: How Steve has overcome, and continues every day to work to overcome, a severe stuttering problem as he has put himself not only in a public facing profession, but also by putting himself all over the Internet. The power of facing our fears and overcoming our excuses Why Reels is such an important, and timely, opportunity NOW  The three E’s of social media success, which include: Educate Entertain Execute Steve went on to share what he does to continue to be a Big Thinker and expand his possibilities. You’re going to love this episode and you’re going to love Steve