The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law

Circumcision: Traditional Wisdom or Genital Mutilation? Healthy or a Violation of Human Rights? | Brendon Marotta #099



A must listen for every human! Especially if you are going to birth a son in the near future.Circumcision is the most popular medical surgery in USA today. But somehow it got to the point of it being performed for health reasons more that religious reasons. However, the claimed “health benefits” are based on flawed science, and in contrast, circumcision has alarming health and traumatic dangers.But is there valuable ancient wisdom based in this rite of passage that religious and indigenous cultures have been performing for centuries?Or has the essence of these rite of passages been misunderstood?Is circumcision a violation of human rights? or are parents confidently making responsible and informed decisions?Our guest, filmmaker, public speaker and very passionate and active man, Brendon Marotta, made an award winning film: American circumcision, which presents science and opinions from both sides of the decision - to circumcise or not.  The film presents religious leaders, doctors, lawyers and human rights sp